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Possible DLC Feautre?

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I asked about this before on another forum and the answer I got was "saved for DLC?"


Probably not, but this picture was featured in a review of GTA 4 after the game was released so wtf is going on with this sh*t? It has to be the most bizarre official screenshot I have seen thus far. The most the most the most bizzare screenshot I have seen thus far.

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I'll tell you one feature that's guaranteed to NOT be in the DLC:


Sixaxis control!




That one goes out to the PS3 owners.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Everyone I know that has a PS3 hates the sixaxs so I have a great idea. Give all the ps3 fans the lost and damned but force them to use the sixaxis feature. So I can laugh at them while I play my 360.

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I'll tell you one feature that's guaranteed to NOT be in the DLC:


Sixaxis control!




That one goes out to the PS3 owners. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I am not on any side when it comes to consoles (I have a 360 though). But I wouldn't be surprised if your controller got f*cked up somehow in the near future.

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My controller did actually get f*cked up once. Somehow both the plug from the play and charge kit and the connector on the controller itself got messed up. To be honest I think I stepped on the cord and mangled it then the controller got messed up when I tried to force the messed-up plug in.


In any case I still had the packages and I just returned them to the store and exchanged them.


But yeah, I bet 360 controllers probably don't last as long as PS3 controllers because 360 owners have a lot of great games to play. That exposes the controller to a lot of wear-and-tear.


I'm sure the PS3 controllers beat in the "collecting dust" department though. PS3 FTW!

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I'm pretty sure that screenshot is just a normal screenshot from in-game, with no extra feature. I've been also wondering about it, untill i was smart enough to think about how free the game actually was. I pissed of a ho and she wanted to fight back, so she followed me to my safehouse, and i killed her on my bed, went to save, and then my screen looked something like that screenshot. So, sorry, but i'm pretty sure there will be nothing like that in the DLC. tounge.gif

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