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The grenade launcher

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I came up with an idea that many have already suggested before...... Before u flame at me, read this plz.

So, many of u already know about cleo mods. If you know about them, you probably already know about Ryosuke.

( http://gtasamod.web.fc2.com/ )

Ryosuke has made lots of very fun cleo mods that u can use. And, weapon accessory is one of them.

( http://gtasamod.web.fc2.com/cleomod/custom/index.html )

This cleo mod allows u to add a flashlight, silencer, and as a bonus, 3 secondary weapons on your gun.

The secondary weapons are : A teargas launcher, an HE grenade launcher, Shotgun, and a flare launcher. Yes, as many noobs has already dreamed of (including me), You CAN put a grenade launcher on an m4. But, when i tried out the mod i noticed problems.


1: The grenades that launch go THROUGH the walls and the ground. It ends up exploding below the map.

2: The flashlight and the silencer works, but when u put on the silencer and shoot a person who's aiming at you, it sometimes doesn't damage the person.


See, my idea is that you guys could modify this mod to make a grenade launcher. One that looks like this : http://www.crewchiefpb.com/mega_gallery/al...mal_work041.jpg


Also, since you can't REPLACE a gun with this, you can make it as a cheat. Like how Ryosuke made the portal gun and the Gravity gun. You type up the cheat, something like GLAUNCH and you'll have the nade launcher. The only problem with my idea is the number 1 and the fact that i don't know how to mod at all. So this is a request. Please, if any of you know how to make cleo mods, consider this.


(Sorry for my bad english. this is my 3rd language. =_= )

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  • 1 year later...
I think i saw a mod that launches grenades and missiles. .. Plus that picture you posted, that launcher looks like a weapon in STALKER weapon pack. . . I think you can find a way to have some fun. . . colgate.gif

The topic is over a year old. Can't you open your eyes and look at the last post date?

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