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How can I make the Glock Automatic!?

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Hey there fellow modders. I'm modding my weapons to fit my needs (more hollywood-esque, but not totally unrealistic) and I'm having problems with the Glock. I want to edit the firing rate so that it acts more like a Glock 18c Automatic and less like a standard semi-automatic. Here is a screen of what I changed:


user posted image



I have done everything short of changing the Pistol's slot to the SMG slot. Help would be very much appreciated biggrin.gif

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I got the Glock to fire in Full Auto while Standing/Crouching/Aiming/Driving.. But when it comes to Blind Fire, it still shoots like your standard semi-auto glock. Does anyone know what affects fire rates while in Blind Fire Mode?




- <weapon type="PISTOL">

- <data slot="HANDGUN" firetype="INSTANT_HIT" damagetype="BULLET" group="SMG" targetrange="45.0" weaponrange="50.0" clipsize="24" ammomax="1500" timebetweenshots="45">

<damage base="25" networkplayermod="3.0" networkpedmod="1.0" />

<physics force="50.0" />

<reload time="2000" fasttime="2000" crouchtime="2000" />

- <aiming accuracy="0.5">

<offset x="0.15" y="1.0" z="0.55" />

<crouchedoffset x="0.2" y="1.0" z="0.05" />

<reticule standing="0.65" ducked="0.55" scale="0.3" />


<pickup regentime="120000" ammoonstreet="30" />

- <controller>

<rumble duration="110" intensity="0.02" />


- <flags>








- <assets model="w_glock">

<anim group="gun@uzi" meleegroup1="firearm_core" />

- <effects>

<muzzle fx="muz_pistol_small" />

<shell fx="weap_ejected_pistol" />



try adding the line which i posted above, that should do the trick.


youll still be limited in the ROF though, youd need to use the gun@mp5k anim for the rates firerate="1.8" to work, unless you can find a way around it and increase the rof on the uzi or pistol anims which i havent managed to do

try adding the line which i posted above, that should do the trick.


youll still be limited in the ROF though, youd need to use the gun@mp5k anim for the rates firerate="1.8" to work, unless you can find a way around it and increase the rof on the uzi or pistol anims which i havent managed to do

Where would I place "<rates firerate="1.8" blindfirerate="1.8"/>" in there?



- <weapon type="PISTOL">

- <data slot="HANDGUN" firetype="INSTANT_HIT" damagetype="BULLET" group="SMG" targetrange="45.0" weaponrange="50.0" clipsize="24" ammomax="1500" timebetweenshots="45"> <rates firerate="1.8" blindfirerate="1.8"/>  <<<-- This is where I added the line.

  <damage base="25" networkplayermod="3.0" networkpedmod="1.0" />

  <physics force="50.0" />

  <reload time="2000" fasttime="2000" crouchtime="2000" />

- <aiming accuracy="0.5">

  <offset x="0.15" y="1.0" z="0.55" />

  <crouchedoffset x="0.2" y="1.0" z="0.05" />

  <reticule standing="0.65" ducked="0.55" scale="0.3" />


  <pickup regentime="120000" ammoonstreet="30" />

- <controller>

  <rumble duration="110" intensity="0.02" />


- <flags>








- <assets model="w_glock">

<anim group="gun@uzi" meleegroup1="firearm_core" />

- <effects>

  <muzzle fx="muz_pistol_small" />

  <shell fx="weap_ejected_pistol" />






I added your line just past the "timebetweenshots" line. It did not work with the standard SMG animations and I'm not in the mood to use awkward MP5 animations with a pistol. I will deal for now until someone figures out how to modify fire rates while in blind fire.

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