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Ultimate Graphics Tweak

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Tried it, loved it, many thanks. Hated the regular fuzzy blur but this works perfect, very Crysis-y! smile.gif


My only gripe was that some walls/objects vanished when I was in an interior mission rescuing Roman but when I pressed 'P' they returned, slightly sad not on a beautiful tweak but Im still sticking with it especially on the road.

Edited by RSANtilles


Really ? Its interesting, im using the 3500 farclp (maximum view distance) tweak and i think it wasnt modified by this blur / shadows tweak.



im using farclip on 1000..


look on the screens >>


FarClip 1000 & original blur

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FarClip 1000 & tweaked blur

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Hello (excuse my question) what must I do to change the farclip to 1000?


(I´m using this tweak by the way, is just great, maybe I´m wrong but sometimes it looks like using SSAO)


for timecyc.dat / farclip tweak look here >> http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=391989


..theres all you need to know about


if you want your farclip exactly on 1000..just PM and i will send you my version of timecyc.dat, but you can try another setups



Object based motion blur is a DirectX 10 based tech IIRC, so the purely DX9 Rage engine couldn't use it. You can't use it in DX9 Crysis.


But in GTA IV when you stand on the street everything is sharp but moving cars are blurred a little bit...I'm confused now...maybe that's because I still use dx9 and had no chance to see how things look in dx10. BTW thanks for the info

Assuming my understanding of the tech is correct, the subtle blurring your seeing isn't true Object Base motion blurring.


From what I recall reading (in particular to Crysis since it was the first big DX10 game) that the Object Base motion blurring is only possible in DX10

Object based motion blur is a DirectX 10 based tech IIRC, so the purely DX9 Rage engine couldn't use it. You can't use it in DX9 Crysis.


But in GTA IV when you stand on the street everything is sharp but moving cars are blurred a little bit...I'm confused now...maybe that's because I still use dx9 and had no chance to see how things look in dx10. BTW thanks for the info

Assuming my understanding of the tech is correct, the subtle blurring your seeing isn't true Object Base motion blurring.


From what I recall reading (in particular to Crysis since it was the first big DX10 game) that the Object Base motion blurring is only possible in DX10

I heard that object motion blur is also possible in dx9 but its quality is worse than in dx10. Anyway, GTA IV uses dx9 and casual full scene motion blur and lets stay in this point


Are you using the tweak Thales? Mind posting some before and after pics? I'd love to see some of your pics because you run at the best settings.

Here they are, running fast the Turismo , first screenshot blur is disabled of course, on the second im using the default blur and the three others using the tweaked blur effect (look at the edges on the car, sharper as bartekxyz posted) - click on the pics to enlarge 1680 x 1050. colgate.gif


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Edited by thales100
Object based motion blur is a DirectX 10 based tech IIRC, so the purely DX9 Rage engine couldn't use it. You can't use it in DX9 Crysis.


But in GTA IV when you stand on the street everything is sharp but moving cars are blurred a little bit...I'm confused now...maybe that's because I still use dx9 and had no chance to see how things look in dx10. BTW thanks for the info

Assuming my understanding of the tech is correct, the subtle blurring your seeing isn't true Object Base motion blurring.


From what I recall reading (in particular to Crysis since it was the first big DX10 game) that the Object Base motion blurring is only possible in DX10

No, Object Blur CAN be done in Dx9 but with lower quality, you can see them running on Lost Planet game.

Crysis DX9 can be tweaked to have Object motion blur and there isn't a change in 'quality' as such, it's just that deferred lighting in DX10 can eliminate parts of the blur inconsistent with the scene. This can be observed in Company of Heroes DX10 as the deferred effect is added to the shadows to make them softer and mist effects are given realistic volume. Normally when a mist sprite touches geometry or another object, you can see the straight-line seam where it's clipping but DX10 allows allows the full sprite to still be seen, whilst changing the colour of parts of it to blend in with their background.


Motion blur in DX10 basically has a transparency added to the blur, selectively. Nearly every DX10 game uses this in some way, but it's very resource hungry. I've yet to see a developer use DX10 solely for the purpose of improving performance rather than adding barely noticeable effects, so we still don't know if it actually does improve performance.


Team Fortress 2 has Scene motion blur whilst Left 4 Dead has Object motion blur as an example of good direct compairsons. They are barely noticeable unless things are moving fast though.


Not sure if this is caused by your mod (or another I have installed) but this is interesting none the less



it only happens at certain times of day and in certain places.




After a couple of hours playing with this tweak I realized that the grainy sh*t is still there, it's only blurred to make it smoother. But that's good enough since the shadows can't be fully disabled. smile.gif

Yeah, if this guy, using a tweak, could make the GTA 4 shadows look like the ones from STALKER Clear Sky, he should change his nickname to GOD. colgate.gif


Its possible disable bloom and use only motion blur?


open visualsetting.dat , find there theese 3 lines and set there theese zero parameters

and tradaa the bloom is off. snad ti to pomoze


misc.BloomIntensityClamp.HD	0  misc.BloomIntensityClamp.SD	0.00  misc.BloomIntensityClamp.SD.ps3	0.00


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