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Ultimate Graphics Tweak

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GREAT ! ive been waiting for this. finaly tweak that turns off the damn vaseline blur


- to the visualsettings.dat

-its also possible to turn off the bloom (not well implemented effect imo, its better without it)

-and turn on the depth of field effect (it blurs objects in the distance but the near ones stay crispy sharp)


so the [P] filter is finaly GREAT !!!


smooth motion blur (+)

DOF (+)

smooth shadows (+)

sharp details (+)


cons (-) ? NONE !


THANK U GUYS icon14.gif

Edited by bukkit

Grade A stuff! This kind of work should've been done by R* or maybe in a new patch!


They may kiss there both hands that they have such a great community built around this game!



Congratz on the good job! Hope all the good responds will keep you going! Shifty41s_beerhatsmilie2.gifShifty41s_beerhatsmilie2.gifShifty41s_beerhatsmilie2.gif


Great tweak probably the most needed for smoothing help.


I loved the motion blur and "slight" blurring and now its a reality, thanks allot great work icon14.gif


But ....


Can it be tweaked so that in 1st person view (or without mod the bonet cam) so that its not driving like your drunk? Its like that particular view the blur is far too intense to the point of unplayable just by going fairly slow ... can that part be worked on at all?

Great tweak probably the most needed for smoothing help.


I loved the motion blur and "slight" blurring and now its a reality, thanks allot great work icon14.gif


But ....


Can it be tweaked so that in 1st person view (or without mod the bonet cam) so that its not driving like your drunk? Its like that particular view the blur is far too intense to the point of unplayable just by going fairly slow ... can that part be worked on at all?

Ok, I will fix it tommorow. Goodnight:)


Crysis-like motion blur




Just no, Crysis has object motion blur which means any objects moving fast will be blurred, this mod doesn't have that:


user posted image


Look at that godamn chicken.


You will be that chicken for lying to me.

STFU and GTFO man. I will not tolerate your attitude...just grow up

you're joking right?

No, i'm not. I don't like anybody threating me,even in jokes. What is more that guy lie because GTA also have object motion blur...but there are no chickens he could throw so he don't know that


Object based motion blur is a DirectX 10 based tech IIRC, so the purely DX9 Rage engine couldn't use it. You can't use it in DX9 Crysis.



Anyway, love the first version of the mod but the download link won't work for me


better said this blur tweak override effect of lowered FarClip in modified tymecyc.dat

Really ? Its interesting, im using the 3500 farclp (maximum view distance) tweak and i think it wasnt modified by this blur / shadows tweak.

Edited by thales100

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