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Ultimate Graphics Tweak

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This is what the blur is intended for. Then game looks jerky no matter how many FPS you get because it is moving an entire city every step you take. The "blur" makes this seem less apparent resulting in a slightly Slower frame rate yet a much smoother looking output. Yep, most of your FPS are slower now, but it doesn't seem that way, which is what matters the most! Wait till you see all the difference it makes in all the different things you can do in this game wink.gif

motion blur sux hairy elephant ballz

Totally agree, it looks awful. Glad for me the game runs totally smooth as it is smile.gif

Are you stupid or what? You don't understand a thing. Even in real life things are blurred. Wave your own hand and look how it works. Motion blur is the little something which makes 24fps movie more fluid and smooth than 60fps videogame. Nowadays almost every game uses this technique. You think that you are smart because your game runs smooth even without motion blur? I have fast rig too and on medium-high settings game never(almost) drops below 30 fps. But rather than suffering from fluctuating framerate from 30 to 60 fps I fix framerate at constant ~30 fps and turn on motion blur which cause animation to be fluid, smooth without chopping and unnatural fps changes. So please stop talking bullsh*t


It's like if you have a video of a game (even without motion blur) @ 120fps and you convert it to 24fps, I'm pretty certain it would look a lot smoother than if it was originally captured at 24 fps.

That's entirely true, infact I do this myself, even on GTA IV.


I've rendered videos at 5% speed in the replay editor, then sped it up in Sony Vegas to full speed (which strangely is 11 times slow, which is like 9%) and make it 24fps.


The compression of 330fps to 24fps makes it look smooth, you know why?




The process adds it, it compensates the missing frames into motion blur, just like with a real camera in real life, from one frame to the next, if there is motion, it'd be blurred.

It's like if you have a video of a game (even without motion blur) @ 120fps and you convert it to 24fps, I'm pretty certain it would look a lot smoother than if it was originally captured at 24 fps.

That's entirely true, infact I do this myself, even on GTA IV.


I've rendered videos at 5% speed in the replay editor, then sped it up in Sony Vegas to full speed (which strangely is 11 times slow, which is like 9%) and make it 24fps.


The compression of 330fps to 24fps makes it look smooth, you know why?




The process adds it, it compensates the missing frames into motion blur, just like with a real camera in real life, from one frame to the next, if there is motion, it'd be blurred.

The only problem is that sh*t static blur fake AA that is around all screen. It doesnt help to have such sh*t blurred image just only for motion blur.

it does help a lot for me....

i have a horrible graphic on my NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS 256MB GDDR3 Overclocked. Not possible to buy anything better currently...

after this trick at least I'm able to see everything around me in a better and clearer way.

thanks a lot

Hi bartekxyz,


It seems you've got quite some sense to adding realism using motion blur. However, it would be useful to us if you post the parameters you've changed in the config file, so anyone can adjust it themselves to their need.


I am for one curious to know which parameters you've change because I agree that R* motionblur while driving, kicks in a little too late. Also when stationary, passing cars and objects should have motionblur applied to them too.


Please post the parameters you've adjusted in the config files.

Hi bartekxyz,


It seems you've got quite some sense to adding realism using motion blur. However, it would be useful to us if you post the parameters you've changed in the config file, so anyone can adjust it themselves to their need.


I am for one curious to know which parameters you've change because I agree that R* motionblur while driving, kicks in a little too late. Also when stationary, passing cars and objects should have motionblur applied to them too.


Please post the parameters you've adjusted in the config files.

I don't have acces to my computer right now so you must wait until monday

The truth is that I made this tweak with trial and error method. It took me 20-30 times to run the game with different values in visualsettings.dat to figure out what make what:)


# cam.followvehicle.blur.zoom 0 0.10 0.00 0.025

cam.followvehicle.blur.zoom.x 0

cam.followvehicle.blur.zoom.y 5

cam.followvehicle.blur.zoom.z 0.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.zoom.w 25

# cam.followvehicle.blur.speed 0 0 0 0

cam.followvehicle.blur.speed.x 0

cam.followvehicle.blur.speed.y 300

cam.followvehicle.blur.speed.z 0.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.speed.w 0.5

# cam.followvehicle.blur.damage 50 100.00 0.00 0.03

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.x 50

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.y 100.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.z 0.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.w 0.03

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.time 500


I took piece of file to show u how it works. So here are values for motion blur in car while zooming camera, riding and taking damage. Every action has its own values. For example moving on foot is controlled with different values than taking damage in car or aiming.



# cam.followvehicle.blur.damage 50 100.00 0.00 0.03

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.x 50

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.y 100.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.z 0.00

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.w 0.03

cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.time 500


First value after "# cam.followvehicle.blur.damage" shows initial amount of blur second value is ending amount of blur third value is speed in which mb become active and last digit is speed in which mb is at top value so in this piece (blur applied when you crash something with your car) blur starts with amount of 50 and ends with 100 while it become active at zero speed and reaches top in speed of 0.03. Next lines controlls values on each axis so x is amount of blur when you move camera up and down, y when you move left and right and z when you move back and forth. I dont know what "cam.followvehicle.blur.damage.w" means. Last line controlls how long mb lasts. I hope you understand all:) If u have any ideas share it with me, maybe we could make something. Cheers


;;;Hope you don't mind me sharing Bartekxyz.


When I press P the mod works the motion blur looks great but it still needs alot of work since when pressing P eveything in the game is less sharp and more blurry. Is there a way to turn of the blurriness?? The motion blur is cool like that almost looks like crysis exept its not vector based... But I get slightly blurred textures and everything else.

When I press P the mod works the motion blur looks great but it still needs alot of work since when pressing P eveything in the game is less sharp and more blurry. Is there a way to turn of the blurriness?? The motion blur is cool like that almost looks like crysis exept its not vector based... But I get slightly blurred textures and everything else.

There is no way to eliminate blur on nearby objects. All post process effects are coded somewhere in the engine or in shaders and are unreachable

thx for the tweak, one question.


Do i have to remove my modified files before i validate in magicIV or is there a way around it?

i really want to keep my current mods if possible.

If you have magicIV already active just overwrite old settings with new one

that link: Database connection failed! If this problem persists or you need further assistance, contact support.

There was an error connecting to a relevant database. Please try your request again in a few moments. i hate mediafire im outta here

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