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.cli to .avi or something?

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Hey all! Because i get lag when i record with Xfire/fraps, and i hate the GTA IV Video editior, i had a question. How can i convert the .cli files in mydocuments/rockstargames/gtaiv/videos to .avi/.mp4/whaterver. Well i know its not a videofile at all, but is there a way to save it on my computer without uploading it to that sh*tty social club website? cuz i cant find it, or im just a noob. Because i cant find it on g00gle. Thanks in advance mates! icon14.gif

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This method uses the editor but in a limited way, simply open your clip in the editor, edit the first marker to be Custom cam/Target/Player... position from behind (like a chase camera) and render it as is.


You won't have to mess with the editor too much and you'll have a wmv (easily convertable afterwards to avi or anything else you want) of your clip.


Hope this helps!

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