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Completing Portland

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For Gta San Andreas:


Would it be possible to complete the Hidden Interior snowy portland (add a restaurant, a safe house, make it solid, add pedestrians, cars and seal off the roads elsewhere and add a marker to leave portland taking you to Las venturas Airport)


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I have always had this idea, but I know that I could never do it alone. I think there should be shops and restaurant and a safe house near joeys garage, not right beside it, but like in chinatown or something since CJ worked for Joey for 5 years.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Antonio Cipriani

Back in the day, on SAMP servers that had ingame map editors, I used to put ground under the non-solid parts so people could walk on 'em. Most of the far away Portland was LOD though... Also, in SAMP there was normal sky in LC, and you could see cars normally, they weren't invisible as they are in the singleplayer interiors.


Oh yeah, a good thing about that Liberty City is that the jetpack and the air vehicles are worthless, so if you put some barriers it'll be impossible to pass 'em.

Edited by Antonio Cipriani
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dude, many people have had this idea... infact its prolly been done on some russian forum somewhere...


the way to do it would be simply make it a new map part but cut it up into pieces for the col then add paths n such BUT its a big job and hasn't got enough interest, just play SA in LC or United and pretend its snowing.

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Back in the day, on SAMP servers that had ingame map editors, I used to put ground under the non-solid parts so people could walk on 'em. Most of the far away Portland was LOD though... Also, in SAMP there was normal sky in LC, and you could see cars normally, they weren't invisible as they are in the singleplayer interiors.


Oh yeah, a good thing about that Liberty City is that the jetpack and the air vehicles are worthless, so if you put some barriers it'll be impossible to pass 'em.

True. I downloaded the SA all in one mod and RC helicopter and RC plane can fly. In the United mod there was unlimited height limit. But LC may not have aircraft because in GTA3 and LCS helicopters are not supposed to be accessed and LC has a normal sky anyway but the time dose not change but cars can be seen in LC.


Water in LC is invisible and if we raze the water the normal SA will be flooded so there will be no water in SA and the screen will be black unless it can be made so the water will go up when entering LC and back to normal when you go to back to SA.


And for what you are looking for I found a mod on GTAgarage that made a marker to LC and makes it solid. This is the cloeist to what I can find that you are looking for.


Link: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1775

Edited by nkjellman
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Antonio Cipriani


I downloaded the SA all in one mod and RC helicopter and RC plane can fly.

They can fly because in that mission you get from Zero, (New model army) you have to fly the RC vehicles around an interior, which is in fact pretty close to the Liberty City interior. But anyway, if anyone made the mod, there wouldn't be any RC vehicles, so it would still be pretty impossible to pass barricades.

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