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Ok, since I'm new, and I have a rather "unique" question, I'll just ask it here. Since I suck balls at flying in SA, which stops me from going any further in the game, I wanted to know which GTA I should get out of 3, VC, LCS, and VCS. I'm already going to get 4, so I was wondering which one is the best out of these and which one I should get. Thanks

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No, PC. Or XBOX - that has better graphics.

Or you can buy the PC version of SA and use Save'n'Play.

Or get GTA III, which is just a classic.

Oh. I've got a PS3, so I was gonna get it for PS2. But, my PC is more than powerful enough to play a GTA game. Except maybe 4.

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Oh. I've got a PS3, so I was gonna get it for PS2


Actually, the PS3's are not compatible with PS2 games-I have an 80GB model, and none of my PS2 discs are recognized on it-it comes up "unsupported disc format". So unless you have a earlier model of he PS3(when they first came out, bought back in November/early December of 2006?), it will not work.


On-topic- I would say go for either VC or GTA 3(they are the easiest to beat)-the PC versions are easier than the PS2/x-box versions are,btw. Then, after playing VC and GTA3, go for LCS and VCS on PS2, they are good sequals to VC and GTA3. I don't know if you will like GTA 4 though, because when I first played it on the PS3, I didn't really understand the storyline until I got half way though it. Hope this helps.

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Ok, since I'm new, and I have a rather "unique" question, I'll just ask it here. Since I suck balls at flying in SA, which stops me from going any further in the game, I wanted to know which GTA I should get out of 3, VC, LCS, and VCS. I'm already going to get 4, so I was wondering which one is the best out of these and which one I should get. Thanks

Do you own a psp?

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SA is the only GTA with somewhat realistic flying, - all the others (which have airplanes) use simplified physics and controls.

So even if you find flying hard in SA it doesn't mean you'll have a hard time flying in other GTA's


III: Only flying vehicle is the clipped wing Dodo, flying it is fun and challenging but not required for anything.

VC: Helicopters and Seaplane (+ RC aircraft), flying both types is required by story and for 100%

LCS: No flying, (except you can jack a helicopter, - doing/flying that is optional)

VCS: Helicopters, Seaplane and Biplane. Only helicopter flying is required by story, all types needed for 100% (PS2)

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