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true 3D Screenies!

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That´s a horrible graphics bug, shame on You R*! I hope they fix this in next "patch".






tounge2.gif Nice pics. Can You upload the glasses for us. Hohohohoho....I think I´ll pick Roman to bar. pretty similar effect wink.gif

Edited by Graven
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I have ED 3d stereo glasses, just a shame that Nvidia decided not to support them anymore and only 3d galsses for certain 3d monitors ... I used to love stereo 3d with shutter glasses, cheap and true full color 3d, no more now though confused.gif


GTA in 3d .... mmmmm, nice.

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it's a neat idea.


does it work?


what was the logic behind how u create these images so they represent true affect of what is far and what is near?


(beware, i know the answer myself. no BSing smile.gif )

well you see... we have 2 eyes, and we percieve depth by looking at one thing from 2 slightly different angles. Our brains take both 2D images and combine them into 1 3D image... get it?


So with that in mind, I took 2 screenshots of the same thing from a slightly different angle, then in photoshop, I washed one image out in pure blue, and the other in pure red and combined the two images into one. The 3D glasses seperate the combined images so each eye only sees one image....


I don't know if that makes sense, but it works.. trust me.

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Is there any way to play the game in stereo 3D?

There's some options for it in nVidia's control panel but I never really messed with it... that would be a good excuse to try and dig out that old pair of glasses I got somewhere... cool.gif

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Is there any way to play the game in stereo 3D?

There's some options for it in nVidia's control panel but I never really messed with it... that would be a good excuse to try and dig out that old pair of glasses I got somewhere... cool.gif

I did see an option to force stereo shuttering, but I don't see how to apply it to GTA.. though I will try and find out because that would be sick!

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