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help with buying new gpu

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hello to all from Israel(sorry for my English).



I have:


q6600 2.4 ghz




9800gt 512 MB


win xp sp3


I am getting 25-32 real fps on 1280-1024 (75 hz)


all settings on max (except distance=20)


now, I would like to play on fullhd res with a new GPU that I will buy in the next month or two.


I will buy it from the us for 250$-350$


my bourd does`nt support SLi.


should i get the 4870x2 or 4870 or 9800gx2 or something else ???


please help, I want to play on the same fps on higher res for less money.

Edited by ron123
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The ATI 4850 is very cheap compared to the 4870x2 and 4870. I play on 1680x1050 on medium/low settings with good fps.

With that rig you playing on medium/low ?


I play it on the same resolution with both high settings and I get the same fps you do and the game looks so much better, looks lifelike.


I have E6600 and 8800GTS 640mb.

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