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Next game on Sunday 21st December @ 9pm GMT (UK) time

See rules,

and Message me.


Our rules for: Cat 'n' Mouse (aka Manhunt)


Map: Liberty City (whole map)

Blips: on

Gamertag: on

Police: off

Pedestrians: High

Traffic: High



* Mouse(Hunted) cannot use Helicopters or Boats to runaway/escape from Cats(Hunters)

* Mouse (Hunted) can fire and kill Cats(Hunters) whenever necessary either for defense or fun.


* Cats(Hunters) can kill each other to get to the mouse (Hunted), But not as an act of Cold Murder or to start a Deathmatch, or get even with someone.


* Cats(Hunters) can use helicopters or boats, for transportation only,but not to be used as weapons.


* When Mouse(Hunted) is killed, the Cat(Hunter) who killed him becomes the Mouse(Hunted).


*If in the event of the Mouse(Hunted) dieing without any contact from Cats(Hunters), the Cat(Hunter) who was closest to the Mouse(Hunted) becomes the Mouse(Hunted).


** Failure to adhere to the rules will result in being kicked, or even a bad reputation **





How to play;


1.When invited to the game, go directly to the Happiness Island by either Helicopter, boat or Swimming.

2.When arrived all proceed to Entrance, or Reception area of the Statue.

3.When all players have arrived a Mouse(Hunted) will be appointed.

4.When all ready, the Cats(Hunters) will gather together, and the mouse will run then swim across to the city.

5.Cats(Hunters) will follow 60 secs later, Cats(Hunters) can only swim across.

6.As soon across the water then any transportation for the Cats(Hunters) can be used.



This is the game that me and some of my friends have started to play, if ya wanna join add me as GT:EnormousSole then we will try you out with it, use it with your friends and see how it goes.


I have thought about changing it a bit, by taking blips off, and using a small part of the city(map)

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