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I wish there was seatbelts in the game. Im sick of flying through my windsheild when i hit an object that hasn't rendered yet.


And the helmet. Why is it linked to the motorbike like that? Can you buy a helmet from a clothes shop like in SanAn? And why does the helmet dissapear when i get into a car!?!?

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But if you have a passenger in your car, and smash into a tree, only Niko goes flying through the windshield.

Happened to me a few times with Roman... I went flying through the window and rolling down the street, while Roman sat in the Banshee enjoying the radio!


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And the helmet. Why is it linked to the motorbike like that?


And why does the helmet dissapear when i get into a car!?!?

Unless you're racing - on a track - people don't wear helmets when driving their cars. Cars are enclosed, a helmet isn't necessary. On a bike, the helmet keeps your brains from becoming a ground decoration when you wipe out.

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