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Probably before like how GTA Advance was set before GTA III.

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I... Think it was. Maybe. If it wasn't, then Roman would continue to manage it.


Ahh yes I remember, there was an insurance thingy that Roman got money from when it burned down. So yes, it was destroyed.

Hahaha!!! Sarcastic as hell!!!


Maybe he hasn't got that far yet QwertyAAA

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Its a totally different gta game

Do you mean from GTA IV? Because it's based in the same universe as GTA IV.. I seem pretty sure it is since there's the same places (Algonquin, Dukes) and there's also the same gangs, as well as the same characters from GTA IV. (What I mean by that is if you search the main character of Chinatown wars on the police computer, then... you'll know what I mean.)


.. And it would be kind of interesting to see the characters from GTA IV in the game anyways.

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