johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 (edited) Peds & Drivers in Cars have 30 feet draw distance! & all grayed out at 50meters! Dear Rockstar Tech Support, If you are reading this on behalf of the rest of the GTAIV for PC fans I would like to present to you the "Pedestrians and Drivers in Vehicles have approximately 30 feet draw distance" bug. After many back and forth posts, discussions and trial and errors from the community and myself it now seems this "bug" is negatively effecting virtually ALL GTAIV PC installations regardless of Operating System, machine setup and hardware, CPU/GPU/RAM/HDD, or personal settings such as screen resolution, draw distance, graphics options, etc.. Basically pedestrians and drivers in cars, trucks and other moving vehicles are not rendered in the game and do not "spawn" on screen inside their prospective vehicles until they are extremely close to the camera/player (Niko). In my video that I uploaded here : you can clearly see that the driver in the black van does not "materialize" until about 30 feet away from me the player when said driver begins to turn the corner. This bug and artifact is unacceptable to us especially because it seems to be hardware and setup independent. Even on the highest end machines with 1GB of video ram and all updated drivers this problems still persists.. Every single person who has posted in this thread agrees that they too have noticed the same exact issue.. In a game such as the nature of GTA, I'm sure you can understand the implications of not being able to see drivers in vehicles until they are literally a couple of arms distance away from you. (for example: this would totally ruin the dynamic of having fun snipering from rooftops, taking headshots of cops as they speed towards you in their police cars, etc) Additionally, since most of us remember the xbox 360 and ps3 console version had no such hardcoded limitations and restrictions, we kindly ask that you present this information to the proper department to get a patch or method for us to get this fixed as soon as possible. Thank you P.S. forum user "Spaceman Spliff" says it better than I could : "Just wanted to add that I attempted to do some sniping and I can confirm that you cannot hit the invisible drivers. The unfortunate thing about this is that it makes the sniper rifle (and any gun, really) useless for this type of gameplay. It's a pretty glaring oversight in a game that is otherwise so committed to the details." - so there you go R*, FIX IT PLZ Update #2 Another video example : In addition, I noticed the outdoor peds on the streets (while not in car) almost look like they are covered in a layer of thick gray paint! At first I thought this was just my game/settings/system or a graphics drivers/card incompatibility, but seems like others are experiencing this as well. Looks like peds 50 meters or more away (outside of car) are "grayed" out and you can still see them move, run, etc and you can still shoot them but they have NO COLOR! I don't remember this being so obvious on the 360 version... ==================================================================================== Seriously people this post is not to rant, but to disclose a curious situation I observed.... Just to make it clear, my system is in no way inferior to my xbox360, and I have played and test this on BOTH the 360 and my PC. My PC can get higher "framerates" than my xbox360 and have it on higher graphic settings than compared to my 360 when playing GTAIV, so that is NOT a problem, HOWEVER it in unique and critical interesting area it seems somehow my PC does way WORSE than the xbox360 and I am thinking it is a SOFTWARE and not a HARDWARE limiation/issue... I am posting this to see if anyone who has BOTH the 360 and a DECENT PC can duplicate the "problem" that I have... Okay on the streets use a sniper rifle and zoom in, you see that if u look farther than say 50 meters the cars are all still there but there is no pedestrians in the cars driving them! It sees to save memory or whatever only peds in cars are rendered when it is EXTREMELY close like 20 meters away! In fact I don't even need a sniper to see this, when I am racing down the streets I can see cars approaching with no one driving them and the peds/drivers "materialized" only when I am about to hit the car!!!! On my 360 I can climb a medium height bridge or building and sniper people IN CARS... and cops would come and I can SNIPER THE COPS IN THE COPS CARS... However on my PC even if I climb up a LOW building and bridge when I look down with my scope I can still SEE all the cars but NONE of them have drivers in them! The ped in car drawing distance is somehow set to REDICIIOUSLY low level! But I have my DRAW DISTANCE SET TO HIGH and I don't have a issue with car or ped drawing distanace ONLY with ped in car (driver in car) drawing distance!!!! MY PC outperformances the 360 in EACH area that I have tested with the gTAIV except for the aboved mentioned so far, it doesn't make sense and I'd like to know why and who else ahve noticed this? WHY? SEE VIDEO EXAMPLE HERE: -> =========UPDATE BELOW========== I changed both to higher values and tested at 20,25,30,35,40,50 etc but seems to have NO EFFECT whatsoever (guys I have previously modded my guns and got rid of the cops and made Romans car fly so I am not doing this incorrectly...) I was on the street and a black van a mere 40 feet away had an "invisible" driver that did not materialize until about 20ft away. I am uploading a video of this right now and will update later. This is AFTER I have already changed the "pedincar.lod.distance.high" values to much higher than the default "7". Anyone else confirm my findings? Edited December 22, 2008 by johnlee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GTAMonkey2012 Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 (edited) Okay on the streets use a sniper rifle and zoom in, you see that if u look farther than say 50 meters the cars are all still there but there is no pedestrians in the cars driving them! Same, even when the car was only down the road say 60 meters, the car was turning with no one in it. draw distance & details for me is "31". I actually forgot until you posted this, so "yes i have the same issue and it does look like a bug". Might be worth moderators moving this or linking into tech support for R* Toronto to see. Edited December 18, 2008 by GTAMonkey2012 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pimpinpenguin? Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 I have the same issue and i'm very disappointed. The only time i can see a ped in a car at distance is if they are in a convertible. I was really annoyed cause i really wanted to do so sniping from the Subway. I really hope someone can mod the game to fix this. It breaks immersion when you see a car driving by itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fathat Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 It's the same on max settings. Are you sure the x360 version draw them at a greater distance? Can anyone confirm this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pimpinpenguin? Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 It's the same on max settings. Are you sure the x360 version draw them at a greater distance? Can anyone confirm this? Dunno about the 360 version, but i know the PS3 does. I tried my friends version and i went to the same spot i was on my PC and i could see peds in the car. From what i could tell the PS3 renders peds in cars from the max distance the sniper rifle scopes can view. There was odd occasions where i could catch a glimpse of a car without a ped, but it's better than the PC version where there aren't any no matter the settings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 It's the same on max settings. Are you sure the x360 version draw them at a greater distance? Can anyone confirm this? Yes I have tried on ALL SETTINGS RANGES, no use. THis is why I think it is a software bug and not a hardware limiation of my system... In fact I have no problems with PED drawining distance or car drawining distnace, they are both very nice... I can see them from far far away in a sniper... BUT when it comes to peds/drivers INSIDE cars that is a whole another story.... I have tested on my xbox360 I can see peds IN cars probably 10X times or more further away than compared to my PC system... Snipering and having fun is next to IMPOSSIBLE. Even when I shoot at the location where the peds are "supposed to be" nothing happens because they don't exists the car just keeps moving away... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicetopia Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 # Lod distances for peds ped.lod.distance.high 15.00 pedincar.lod.distance.high 7.00 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 # Lod distances for peds ped.lod.distance.high 15.00 pedincar.lod.distance.high 7.00 thanks what file and locaiton is this in? I will edit and do a test Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fathat Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 # Lod distances for pedsÿ ÿ ped.lod.distance.high 15.00ÿ pedincar.lod.distance.high 7.00 Meh, what the hell were they thinking? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaceman Spliff Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 yup, drivers don't appear until about 50ft away from the player. Noticed this a couple days ago and thought it was a bit odd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rekalty Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 common/data/visualSettings.dat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iamnotyou Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 Actually I ran into this same problem when I had a friend over playing this last night. I only played the X360 version for about 15 mins, so I never go to do it in the console version... but when my friend who used to have it was trying to snipe, he said that some of the same building he used to snipe from, he couldn't even see cars to hit (only those low res, far distance "cars"). So this is definitely a problem. I am going to mess with those ped settings also and see what I can get. If this is their version of "optimization"... bullocks on that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rekalty Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 The file also includes LOD for cars, "low" and high rez. # Lod distances for vehicles car.lod.distance.high 20.00 - Change this and cars spawn further away I guess? car.lod.distance.low 80.00 - Ugly far-away cars that vanish when you get close, im guessing this is the range they start showing up, no reason to mess with this. # Lod distances for peds ped.lod.distance.high 15.00 - Normal Peds pedincar.lod.distance.high 7.00 - Car Peds, set this to same as car.lod.distance.high and you should always see drivers of cars. Could increase workload of computer, but better than having ghost cars everywhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SlingShotUK Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 Very interesting. I haven't seen this yet - I'll keep my eye open. So does changing: pedincar.lod.distance.high ..fix the problem? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 Very interesting. I haven't seen this yet - I'll keep my eye open. So does changing: pedincar.lod.distance.high ..fix the problem? NO! Sadly it does not. I changed both to higher values and tested at 20,25,30,35,40,50 etc but seems to have NO EFFECT whatsoever (guys I have previously modded by guns and got rid of the cops and made Romans car fly so I am not doing this incorrectly...) I was on the street and a black van a mere 40 feet away had an "invisible" driver that did not materialize until about 20ft away. I am uploading a video of this right now and will update later. This is AFTER I have already changed the "pedincar.lod.distance.high" values to much higher than the default "7". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SlingShotUK Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 Ah balls.. Maybe it's just ignoring that param then.. Hope it's not hardcoded.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 (edited) Ah balls.. Maybe it's just ignoring that param then.. Hope it's not hardcoded.. It seems like it is, changing the visualsettings.dat has ZERO EFFECT, and even setting the draw distance to MAX on my powerful PC doesn't change it a bit! I uploaded a video of it here: As you can see the driver in the car doesn't appear until close to 20FEET AWAY!!!!!! I'm standing still, on street level, not even using a weapon much less a sniper! Edited December 18, 2008 by johnlee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 (edited) [/b] If this is their version of "optimization"... bullocks on that. So far it seems this is hardcoded! You know what really makes me mad, if this is hardcoded then even down the road with much more powerful systems than today we will not be able to sniper! it pisses me off they call this "FUTURE PROOFING!!!" SO this is what they spend all that time doing optimizations on? By hardcoding the ped in car draw distance to 20ft and forcing capable computers of suffering the fate of lesser machines? more like BACK TO THE FUTURE where cars only show peds 20ft away even if you are running on a quantum computer , but your ancient xbox360 could do better! WTF?? Edited December 18, 2008 by johnlee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pimpinpenguin? Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 I changed the Value and now the game won't start Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rekalty Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 Im sure you didnt do the work-around then... Anyways, tried modding it myself, and yeah, doesnt do anything what so ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicetopia Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 So does changing: pedincar.lod.distance.high ..fix the problem? Probably not. LoD is level of detail, it might change when their graphics go hi-res (pop in). I tried changing Car LoD distance and it had no effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnlee Posted December 18, 2008 Author Share Posted December 18, 2008 So does changing: pedincar.lod.distance.high ..fix the problem? Probably not. LoD is level of detail, it might change when their graphics go hi-res (pop in). I tried changing Car LoD distance and it had no effect. So there is no way to change it? It is a bug then? Someone let R know so they can patch it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ah0i.bRAuSe Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 lol wtf.. i never experienced that issue with the missiing peds in cars. i can says for sure that i can snipe away peds in cars that are on the horizon and definitly much farther away that in your vid @ thread starter. hm.. so it must be a bug or you have your view distance and detail distance both set to 10 or less.. my view distance is at 25 and my detail distance is (for testing purposes now) on 37 (else its on 100) but that "bug" is really annoying hope this will get fixed (and if something here was already mentioned sorry but i didn't read all of the posts in this thread cause its quite late here and i'm going to sleep soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lutra78 Posted December 18, 2008 Share Posted December 18, 2008 I noticed that too as I wanted to sniper the cops inside their cars. R* should really fix this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard155 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 lol wtf.. i never experienced that issue with the missiing peds in cars. i can says for sure that i can snipe away peds in cars that are on the horizon and definitly much farther away that in your vid @ thread starter. hm.. so it must be a bug or you have your view distance and detail distance both set to 10 or less.. my view distance is at 25 and my detail distance is (for testing purposes now) on 37 (else its on 100) but that "bug" is really annoying hope this will get fixed (and if something here was already mentioned sorry but i didn't read all of the posts in this thread cause its quite late here and i'm going to sleep soon) Wtf you don't have that? Pc version? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard155 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 Lol I just tried setting pedincar.lod.distance.high to 15.00 and now the game doesn't even start They so messed up at Rockstar with this game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
creat3d22 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 Lol I just tried setting pedincar.lod.distance.high to 15.00 and now the game doesn't even start They so messed up at Rockstar with this game No, you messed up. Do a search for magic mod batch, you should find a nifty little batch file that allows you to edit all the game's files without it crashing. And yeah, I just noticed that the cars are empty until they're about half a block from Niko Would be nice if someone found the correct entry to alter... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard155 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 Really, common, is this like a joke from Rockstar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard155 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 Lol I just tried setting pedincar.lod.distance.high to 15.00 and now the game doesn't even start They so messed up at Rockstar with this game No, you messed up. Do a search for magic mod batch, you should find a nifty little batch file that allows you to edit all the game's files without it crashing. And yeah, I just noticed that the cars are empty until they're about half a block from Niko Would be nice if someone found the correct entry to alter... Ok.. my point is that since we don't get paid for beta testing, we shouldn't have to fix this Thx for the magic mod batch but I don't find anything like that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alucard155 Posted December 19, 2008 Share Posted December 19, 2008 Just checked out san andreas and there you can see the peds from way further in their cars Sorry but.. hahaha this is ridiculous On the back of the box it says clearly that it's supposed to be way better then the console versions, better gfx etc.. but uhm, when are we gonna notice this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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