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Multiplayer - Live Chat

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IRC Multiplayer Chat

#mpc (irc:\\irc.gtanet.com\mpc)



Need a place to talk about multiplayer and chat with the other gangs? Try #mpc, a channel (or chatroom) on GTANet IRC. The channel is run by the multiplayer area moderators, contact them if you have any questions.



Umm.. why do we need this?

This channel is an attempt at boosting inter-gang relationships and also to provide a platform for event organizers to announce or organize their events in live chat. You can also use it to talk about multiplayer in general and also for a little chit-chat. Only time will tell if this channel has done any good, but doesn't hurt to try, does it?



The Rules

Please keep the following in mind when you chat on #mpc:

• All GTAForums rules apply on GTANet IRC as well.

• Remember, your IRC nick can be traced back to any account you have here.

• You will be auto-kicked for colours.

• You will also be kicked for any general idiocy.

• Repeated misbehaviour will earn you a ban.



Getting Connected

A lot of you here must be well acquainted with IRC. If you're new to IRC, and you'd like to use just this channel, use the Mibbit AJAX Client. It runs from your browser, and can get you connected without any hassle.

Here's a list of clients:

If you have any questions regarding a client, please take a look at its website.




If you have any complaints or suggestions, please contact Lochie or GTArv.

Edited by GTArv
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm don't know if the PS3 browser can handle IRC. Please try the Mibbit Client.


I'm not really sure as to why you feel discriminated - the PS3's primary use is gaming. IRC can be comfortably used on a PC, and was designed for it. If you have a PC, you can instantly join the chat using the above link.

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I'm confused why you'd be accessing IRC from your PS3 in the first place, its a chat room. If you want to fix the problem, stand up, walk over to your PC, turn it on, log onto GTAF, download ChatZilla or Pidgin, install it then join #mpc.


Problem solved.

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