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GFX Tutorial Archive

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I like you to welcome back the GFX Tutorial Archive, since the original poster of the first topic (jarjar) was banned a few years ago, tuts have been posted in and havent been stored, so they are being forgot about and that is why I'm bring the topic back.

It is exactly like the other topic, as they say if it's not broke don't fix it.

In-order for me to add your tutorial to the list please insure that when posting new tutorials you use the prefix [TUT] at the start of the topics title, this helps for your tutorial to be added a lot faster.

Tutorials will not be added if they are not your tutorial, ie. taking a tutorial from another site that someone else has written. This is not only braking copyright but also braking the rules here at GTAForums and is a bannable offense.

Also, some tutorials have not been added because of these reasons, and because some are missing. Also, if you have questions about a particular tutorial please do not post in the tutorial topic unless they are new, bumping topics that are months old is against the rules also.

©Jarjar - GFX Tutorial Archive

If you see that you tut hasn't been added. please fill in the form

Name: [i]Name of tutorial[/i]Program:[i]What program you use to make it with i.e. Photoshop[/i]Link: [i]Link to the Topic[/i]



Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To TopicGranite Interface TutorialThe Nefarious JesterPhotoshopHere40K Imperial Eagle TutorialThe Nefarious JesterPhotoshopHereQuick 'N' Easy Skulls TutorialThe Nefarious JesterPhotoshopHereGTA 'IV' TutorialThe Nefarious JesterPhotoshopHereSimple Emoticon (Smiley) TutorialThe Nefarious JesterPhotoshopHerePimping/Jazzing up a carpStreamerPhotoshopHereCar ModificationsMike TorenoPhotoshopHereClowns Pixel Building TutorialClown.PhotoshopHereScanlines and Grid-patternsyngvePhotoshopHereAbstract Signature CreationPCJ.PhotoshopHereAbstract Tutorialking surferPhotoshopHerePopart TutorialyngvePhotoshopHereManga TutorialDiVaioN/AHereGrunge Backgrounds Tutorial without BrushesClown.PhotoshopHereOcean Tropics On PSClown.PhotoshopHereBlending ImagesSlim TrashmanPhotoshopHere2 Strokes in PS 7.0Simon.PhotoshopHerePixel DustRaptomexPhotoshopHereAbstractHarlemPhotoshopHereColor Leave In PSMAcSandNinEsPhotoshopHereBasic BorderRaptomexPhotoshopHereSignature PhotomuipulationneitherinePhotoshopHereAbstract Grunge TutorialneitherinePhotoshop/Cinema 4DHerePiXel Stretch Sig TutorialgRiM-reapaPhotoshopHereew Grundge TutorialneitherinePhotoshopHereMaking photo/text in kind of 3D styletommiegunzPhotoshopHereMaking A Simple SphereLomanPhotoshopHereProducing 3d Animated Avatars In XARA3DM|chaelPhotoshop/Xara3D/Inkscape/Fireworks/GimpHereProducing Animated GIF Avatars from Youtube VideosM|chaelPhotoshop/VirtualDUBHereCreating Animated GIFS from VideosblazeGTASPhotoshop/Sony VegasHereMaking Images TransparentMichael.PhotoshopHereMaking Reflection/Fade/BlendNarcis_speed6Photoshop/GimpHereAnimated TextTommy-Vercetti19PhotoshopHereSoft glossy effectRokas.PhotoshopHereStereoscopic .gifsRokas.PhotoshopHereVice City Stories Inspired BackgroundsskaPhotoshopHereBasics of Sig Making with PS/GIMPblitzPhotoshop/GimpHereSpot Healing Brush TutorialgamesguruPhotoshopHereTextured Text Effect_FgF_PhotoshopHerePixel Blur Animation Tutorialkmlwin.1996PhotoshopHereRendering Random Maps Using FiltersblitzPhotoshopHere"Max Payne" Art StyleMethodPhotoshopHereError Level AnalysisK^2GimpHereGTA V styled LogoGravenPhotoshopHereSimple Turf Mapnic_23PhotoshopHereA stylistic PSD tutorialDystopiaPhotoshopHereSelective ColorizationsorvPhotoshop/GimpHereHow to make simple HeaderssorvPhotoshop/GimpHereMilitary Sig for PSGunWrathPhotoshop/GimpHereGTA IV styled logoAnDReJ98Photoshop/GimpHereGraffiti Tutorial For BeginnersMichael-Knight1PhotoshopHereBrightning effect using Elipse toolsorvPhotoshop/GimpHereCreating a Concept Radio Stationgrope_4_that_datePhotoshop/GimpHereCreating custom VC style weapon iconsGingerGrinPhotoshop/GimpHereWeapon Icon (SA stylish B/W)GravenPhotoshopHereNew Colored TextsorvForumHereBallad of Gay Tony Text StyleNarcis_speed6PhotoshopHereText Fade EffectsorvPhotoshopHereShiny/Reflective TextXTREME0235PhotoshopHereGTA V LogoNarcis_speed6PhotoshopHereWatch Dogs Styled LogojetjatinPhotoshopHereEngraved TextElMafiasPhotoshop/GimpHereStylized Headers with OverlayKilen9999PhotoshopHereRetro Event PosterWhiskeyPhotoshopHere3D image effectViiisionPhotoshopHereNeon Text TutorialovosaamPhotoshopHereMC Patch TutorialCristiano Ronaldo 7PhotoshopHere[/table]




Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To TopicAdvanced Rendering Concepts Pt.1Moto3DS MaxHere3DSM Abstract TutorialRufus3DS MaxHere[/table]


[table]Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To TopicCompiling an Animation with Adobe ImageReadySimon.ImageReadyHereBeginners Guide to ImagereadyRob.ImageReadyHereMovie In Sig TutorialSlim TrashmanImageReady/PhotoshopHereScrolling TextRob.ImageReady/PhotoshopHereAdding Boarders to AnimationsjarjarImageReadyHere[/table]


[table]Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To TopicMotion Blur TutorialEdmachinePhotoshopHereBrick Wall TutorialEdmachinePhotoshopHereSin City Lookalike Effects-/TNT\-PhotoshopHereSea/Ocean ReflectionEdmachinePhotoshopHere[/table]


[table]Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To TopicTable Formats New Forum UpdateXI anthrax IXForum CodingHere[/table]

Updated with new tables, thanks to SingingEwe954 for the post and code. Edited by Kirsty
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Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To Topic


Signature Making with PSRob.PhotoshopHere


Full Signature Tutorialmatt27689PhotoshopHere


Making UserbarsjarjarPhotoshopHere


Simple/Basic Sig TutorialPuttPhotoshopHere


Full Signature TutorialeyeswideshutPhotoshopHere[/table]





Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To Topic


Currently No Tutorials---[/table]





Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To Topic


Beginers Guide to PhotoshopneitherinePhotoshopHere


Installing Photoshop AccessoriesMERCYOVTHEDEVILPhotoshopHere[/table]





Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink


Brush Making TutorialneitherinePhotoshopHere


Brush MakingKrusty.PhotoshopHere


A Tutorial On BrushesFLCLjazzPhotoshopHere[/table]





Tutorial NameAuthorProgram UsedLink To Topic


Table Tutorial for BeginnersNaomiWeb BrowserHere[/table]





Tutorial NameAuthorProgramLink


Pixel Car TutorialWhoooManPhotoshopHere[/table]



Please also remember, these tutorials are copyright of that of there authors, if they are found on other websites please let the author or myself know. Please first insure that it's not the author who has posted it on that site. Ripping is not allowed, and is against the rules here at GTAForums!



©Jarjar - GFX Resource Index


This topic is copyright © to jarjar and gta_talk


(updated, thanks to SingingEwe954 for code)

Edited by Slave Boy
Updated tables
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I believe Jarjar used the stars to tell how well the tutorials were created, not to tell how hard they are. I might be wrong though, so correct me if I am. Also, shouldn't you copy the tutorial list from the last archive?

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I believe Jarjar used the stars to tell how well the tutorials were created, not to tell how hard they are. I might be wrong though, so correct me if I am. Also, shouldn't you copy the tutorial list from the last archive?


edit. jarjar just told me how they worked and i just fixed

Edited by gta_talk
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  • 1 year later...

there is nothing to install, these are help and tips to help you create signatures

and effects using your photoshop or gimp

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  • 2 months later...

What about Paint.NET? I mean, this archive don't have Paint.NET?!?! He's a free software, better then Photoshop and you don't pay $700 to buy it. I think Adobe want steal your money cuz of this. GIMP they say it's easy to use, but it's hard. I use Paint.NET to do almost everything, like my avatar.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have found a way to make animated avatars easily online! Go to this website called gifninja.com . Select "Convert Video to GIF" and make sure your video is 4 sec or below (use windows movie maker if you have windows). Once it is uploaded it will most likley be large size (both dimensions and file size).


To get rid of the file size and make it avatar size, go to www.online-image-editor.com. Once there upload the image (make sure to upload as gif). After thats done go to the menu. Under the "Edit Menu" go to "Resize/Crop" and select "Resize". Now un-check the "Aspect Ratio Box", and set the width and height to avatar size (64x64).


Once thats done, save the image to your hard drive and upload it to an image site. Done!


I made my current avatar on my own using this method!


Enjoy biggrin.gif.

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  • 1 month later...
Ctrl+F to enter the search function of your browser, btw there is no such tutorial.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe you'll find something here.

Just wanted to make sure anyone with GIMP sees this and This . Plenty of great GIMP lessons in there, which is good, considering GIMP is the most annoying graphics interface ever. I tried photoshop on a public library the other day, and wondered how editing could be so easy for a newbie. Took me weeks to get GIMP down to a science.

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Maybe you'll find something here.

Just wanted to make sure anyone with GIMP sees this and This . Plenty of great GIMP lessons in there, which is good, considering GIMP is the most annoying graphics interface ever. I tried photoshop on a public library the other day, and wondered how editing could be so easy for a newbie. Took me weeks to get GIMP down to a science.

Tell me about it, when i started GFX using Gimp so many years ago, it was so frustrating to use. lol.gif

GIMP to Photoshop was such a huge leap for me. Everything became so much easier. smile.gif

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  • 4 months later...
Maybe you'll find something here.

Just wanted to make sure anyone with GIMP sees this and This . Plenty of great GIMP lessons in there, which is good, considering GIMP is the most annoying graphics interface ever. I tried photoshop on a public library the other day, and wondered how editing could be so easy for a newbie. Took me weeks to get GIMP down to a science.

Tell me about it, when i started GFX using Gimp so many years ago, it was so frustrating to use. lol.gif

GIMP to Photoshop was such a huge leap for me. Everything became so much easier. smile.gif

GIMP is frustrating for me also. It's pretty gay that there's no Photoshop downloads on the internet I can find.

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GIMP is easy as pie once you learn the basics. I suggest doing a few tutorials that entail most of the tools in GIMP to start you off, then slowly becoming more efficient with each tool separately. The only way to get better is to practice!

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