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Bank of Liberty. (Video).

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A mysterious man steals computer data from an accountants office in the famed "Bank of Liberty". Can he make it out alive?

Runtime: 9:57.

user posted image


(Not in 720p but "High Quality" option available.)


This is my first GTA film. I hope you enjoy.


I suggest watch in a dark setting in full screen with high quality selected. It gets dark outside as the video progresses and makes it hard to see, especially with the white YouTube background. The next video will be in full 720p, fully edited, and be on the Social Club. Due to an error (bottom of post), this will only be posted on YouTube in its current form.


Edit: ENNOJ deserves an honorable mention as well. His name was not displayed in the video and I have conveyed my sincerest apologies. I'm trying to keep a better track of all who helped during this next film.




-Loud Ninja

-Ins1d3r LV


-xARx Outlaw


-SP Jester







Thanks to all of the following who were kind enough to help. Sorry if I missed any names. I had a lot of volunteers wanting to help. Any and all feedback appreciated. Feel free to link it around. I'd love to get more comments for feedback on YouTube so I can make sure that the next one will be 100x better.



The editor no longer opens my video (96+ clips). This is the reason the film may have some "odd" timing moments and/or camera angles. Since I cannot open the video in the editor, I am releasing the video AS IS and will no longer be edited further. I hope you will enjoy what did get saved. This is in WEB format, it would have been in 720p but as I mentioned, that is no longer possible as this is an old render of what was going to be the final video.

Edited by Coldkilla
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Oooooh I've been looking forward to that Coldkilla..


Wow! Now that's how it's done...


Awesome choice of music and fantastic camera work.


The only part I wasn't quite sure on is what the helicoptor was doing in the first segment - I initially thought they were working with the main dude, but then when he crashed I couldnt work out what they were doing.


All works brilliantly though..


Looking forward to seeing future productions.

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I wish I could get a hold of the smaller police chopper in MP, that would have made things more clear. I'm getting the filming process better streamlined at the moment as so the films can be a little more detailed to avoid confusion.

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I wish I could get a hold of the smaller police chopper in MP, that would have made things more clear. I'm getting the filming process better streamlined at the moment as so the films can be a little more detailed to avoid confusion.

Well considering that was your first full GTA 4 editor video (I know your a skilled video guy), that was brilliant.


Must have taken ages to record all of those clips, edit them and then sequence them all in an external video editor (what did you use btw). The result is a really stylish video. I really love the intro with the titleing and the well chosen angles following the main character.


The car chase was really well done as well. I've been playing with using the movement feature to create exciting pans during car chases and it can work really well, as it does here.


It's exciting to think what is possible with the editor and great to see someone really push what it's capable of.

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Really good job on this. The angles and shots were done very well. Was a good watch.


I'm sure if you didn't lose your final copy this could of become a masterpiece. But as you know, 'sh*t happens.'


Great job anyway, props to you. icon14.gif

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Your video is amazing, you should be proud. The camera work is great and really compliments the excellent execution of the scenes. I love how you don't hold the viewer's hand through the film by explaining every little thing, giving the viewer to take an active interest. I also love how goddamn awesome the ending scenes are, as in from the roof chopper battle onwards. Brilliant use of music, sound (the beeping noise of the chopper to the music was great), and slow motion.


I also smiled when the "do not walk" sign made a second appearance after he escapes. I love it when action movies have superficial symbolism like that. icon14.gif

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Thanks a bunch guys for all the comments so far. I appreciate that yall took the time to watch it (all the way though!), I know its a nearly 10 minute video and thats asking a lot - I'm glad it kept your interest until the end!



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Amazing, just amazing. It was like an action movie, a lot better than action movie actually. Next time, you could add speech and more background music in your movies.

Edited by System796
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Your video kicks some serious ass!  Really nice work!


- Rockstar Toronto

Thank you much.


-Walking was easily done using a gamepad (Xbox360 in this case.)


The next film will be much better. I'm trying to get as many organized actors as I can together with mics so things go more smoothly. Typing out directives is quite agitating :X


Btw: Story Ideas are appreciated. It's difficult coming up with something that isn't generic without voices. (I'd prefer not to use voices unless they are professional because, in my mind, they soil a potential hit). I feel that "showing" the viewer the story and having them figure it out as the film progresses is an interesting way to do these sort of things.

Edited by Coldkilla
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I'm not sure actually now - if I put the new video up on the social club as 2 parts - I could have at least two songs. A 10 minute video will go a long time without any sort of help with music. I'm not really a fan of 2-part videos though because the view count cliffs after the first part... confused.gif

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Im facing a music problem now myself.. My current work in progress is 3.5 minutes so far and I think the song is going to end very soon.. lol. Does the song loop do you know or does it just end?


I'm using the music and cutting it for certain shots to convey a certain element in my movie so it's quite important.. I may just have to find a point to cut the music completely and hope it works.. sad.gif


Either that or edit it down even more.


Shame it doesnt support multiple tracks..

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I'm going to be starting the next film very soon. The first "act" requires a lot of actors. If you would like to volunteer, take a walk on down to our little "actor forum" (requires no registration), ventrilo the only requirement. This way I can better keep track of who all of our actors are. My LIVE list is getting pretty big with names and although I'll add you (or you can add me) on the list - the forum helps us stay organized. Its also a place where you can see how the film is progressing and what scenes are upcoming.

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thats not bad, nice cinematic feel to it,

good atmosphere, really trys to capture the feel of the city thats sweet


I wanna see more car chases and stunts in the next one, get this dude to do the stunts in your next one,


That was sick all the same, i like your idea of making it a wee tad less confusing next time, with police choppers and that.


Kepp it up lets see more

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By adding "&fmt=18" onto the end of a Youtube URL...

Yea I was going to do that but then I thought about the lower end individuals who may not have the ability or the time to wait for the high resolution version.


However, in the next one, which will take a lot longer to film (because of reasons I will mention shortly), I probably will have it autoload in HD format by adding "&fmt=22".


So to answer WedgeAntilles's comment, the next video will be insanely packed with action. The only problem is that I'll need pretty much 4 constant actors throughout the entire thing. The previous film stuck with pretty much two actors and even that was hard to keep up due to the number of actors online at the moment.

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