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Possible Memory Leak Fix - Worked for me

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After a post on this forum, I was contacted by R* Torronto


I sent them a lot of info, such as DXdiag reports, screenshots, FPS benchmarks and detailed descriptions of how I was getting a RESC10 error

even when using the games Auto Detect settings.


I just wanted to let you guys know that the PM sent back to me has worked, from regular crashes sometimes every 15 minutes

others it could take an hour however Ive just played for a solid 4 hours (including Alt Tabbing out to take some screenies for another post)


Note : I dont use ANY other command line options


-memrestrict 629145600

(for high texture)


-memrestrict 314572800

(for medium) * This is the one im using and so far so good



-memrestrict 209715200

(for low)


Im now enjoying the game, Framerate could be alittle better but ive found my settings sweet spot



Medium Textures

High Rendering

Everything else at 60

Except Shadow Density (not working on sli so I set to 0)


FPS can drop to mid 20's but the game is still smooth


The difference I notice is how they have formatted the values compared to other posts.


Please dont flame if it doesnt work for you guys, but it sure as hell did for me ! No more RESC10 crashes, infact no more crashes unless I push the graphics settings too high

Ive yet to see any textures disapear either... as a test I run the game without any settings (same level of detail) It lasted 20 mins

I restarted with the above settings and all was fine !

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Anyone else confirm if this stops the memory leak?

Is it possible that this restricts memory from going over the amount you have?

I asked R* for an explanation as to how they arrived at the values, unfortunatly not heard back yet


I would presume it restricts the memory as you say but I cant be sure exactly what it does.

Im also not sure if the value is related to my Ram, GPU VRam etc


But it sure looks different to how others are formatting these kind of command's


One more thing I did, I loaded Fraps, waited for it to rain zzzZZZ and found a spot where my frame rate was at its lowest (or close enough)

then tweaked my graphics settings so the frame rate was around 25.. Now in other areas altough very inconsistant Im getting an overall smooth ride.

Edited by swsuk

Sh*t That actually worked.... sort of!! smile.gif I'm running it now on -memrestrict 209715200

(for low) and have been in the game now for the longest ever.


I'm still getting a slow down about every 10 seconds but not the full lock up I used to get. Its still not really playable but I can walk around and at least see the city for once. Its a start. (The game slows down to a couple of fps then goes back to normal for another 10 seconds and repeats).


Thanks to R* Toronto keep up the support keep it coming.

Edited by DVNT


I don't think you guys have memory leaks, I think you have bad memory...

Bad memory in terms of ? My 280GTX ram, my DDR3 ram or just my plain ol' brain lol ?


1. Theres nothing wrong with my Graphics Cards

2. Theres nothing wrong with my system ram

3. Theres nothing wrong with my drivers / system

4. So I guess it must be that overall i have a bad memory


I don't think you guys have memory leaks, I think you have bad memory...

Well I can run other games for hours no probs. COD4 for eg is as solid as a rock single and multiplay even if I've been using the computer all day with no reboot. Colin Mcrae Dirt, Crysis etc no probs


I've seen memory leak probs before with other games that were eventually fixed and its the same.

Edited by DVNT
When he says "bad memory" he's referring to your system's main memory.



Anyway no, it's not caused by bad memory.

He cant possible be saying everybody experiencing such memory leaks have bad memory lol... surely not


Besides that, if it was then why is GTA working fine now

WOW!!!!!!!!!THX U VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!this really work!!! after of posting about 30+++ fxxking post in this useless forum!!! finaly u are the one who saved me from this memory leak problem....now my game work super fine... get 20-30 FPS on med + very high..everything els is 40 - 50 - 100....i really own u!!!!

Hmm I think that helped a little bit, the game is less choppy now, but fps is still pretty crap (over 30 in benchmark, in game I don't know) tounge.gif

I suppose it should run fine on medium detail textures, view distance 30, detail distance 50, vehicle distance 50, shadow density 0 on my GF 9600GT, Core 2 duo 2.4, 3 gb ddr2 tounge.gif

Edited by Watinho

gr8 now im not sure if i have a memory leak or what.....it didn't work for me and nothing else concerning memory leaks worked except windowed mode....


and its weird but i get more fps when in fullscreen than in windowed(in windowed it's between 18-31 while in fullscreen its between 21-35) but whenever i play in fullscreen after like 10mins i get send-don't send error.....WTF!?!?!

Well Ive had many hours of playing... and I mean hours however !!!


I got a RESC10 error about 10 minutes ago, altough that was after doing a few missions, a few hefty police chases

oh and possible a good couple of hours, I lost track of time so it certainly wasnt 30 mins lol


Overall, its still not perfect, but its allowed me to get to 40% in the game whereas before it would crash during missions and really

wind me up to a point of not wanting to try again.



P.S Dont thank me... Thank R* if this works


I asked R* for an explanation as to how they arrived at the values, unfortunatly not heard back yet

Now, that's EXACTLY 200 MB, 300 MB and 600 MB smile.gif

Sorry guess I should have said in my post above :


I asked them how they arrived at that figure, meaning me limitting my memory to that value (300MB)


When I have 280GTX's (1gb)

DDR3 (4 gb )


Why 300Mb when I clearly have a lot more available (even if were talking just VRAM)


P.S Dont thank me... Thank R* if this works

Thank you.Thank you,that we can correct the game that you made.Thank you,that we can correct the game that you made two weeks after the actual release.Thank you that you actually cared what happens to all the Pc gamers.Even if this doesn't work completely.Thank you that you made a patch that made things worse for some people.You know...i simply can't thank them enough for their work...keep it up guys!!!!Some day you can even become professionals!!Maybe...

P.S  Dont thank me... Thank R* if this works

Thank you.Thank you,that we can correct the game that you made.Thank you,that we can correct the game that you made two weeks after the actual release.Thank you that you actually cared what happens to all the Pc gamers.Even if this doesn't work completely.Thank you that you made a patch that made things worse for some people.You know...i simply can't thank them enough for their work...keep it up guys!!!!Some day you can even become professionals!!Maybe...

Easy tiger.... We all feel the same in some respects but theres already a million and one of these posts, another isnt really needed


Besides, R* Torronto didnt have to PM me, he / she didnt have to send me a reply message with a possible fix. I didnt call them

I didnt email them, I just posted on this forum which isnt owned by R* it may sound like Im defending them, but im just happy the person who sent me that PM was able to offer a solution which worked for me and by the looks of it, some others too.

k....my rig is q6600 2.4gbz..xfx 8800 GTX and 2 gb hyperX ram.........my setting med and very high......after 1 hour or mabye 45 min......the game start lagging again ......b4 that....my game was fine...and get 20-3X fps.....after 45-1 hour.....the fps drop down to 10-20 something -.-

i guys..i bought this game 4 days ago...and seem to be having some problems..i hear you talking bout a memory leak but what is it?..my game plays ok for about 25 mins then bang! it starts to stutters..losing frames..ive tried it on every setting and res..still no joy..sorry to be a noob..my specs are..windows vista premium..2.4ghz quad core...9600gt gpu..2gb of ram..should it work with these specs?..many thanks fellas

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