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Mod - Car Deformation

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This is my first mod ever.


With this mod cars will get more deformed when you crash them:


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Sometimes the cars get pretty fu*?ed up that u can't drive.


How to install:


1. Download this patcher


2. Extract the "MagicIV.exe" into your GTA IV main folder.


3. Execute "MagicIV.exe" => click "Validate Files" => click "Aplly Patch"


4. Download car_damage_mod.7z


5. Extract common to your GTA IV main folder.


6. Start CRASHIN'?!?11!?


P.S. Sorry if my english sucks, I live in germany -_-

Edited by davedogg
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This mod sucks. Me want better mod that changes more settings. The cars already get deformed so I don't need this anyway.

1) Don't download it.

2) Make a better mod yourself!


I don't plan to use it as the default damage suits me just fine, but thanks for the effort Davedogg! icon14.gif

Not bad for a first mod.

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This mod sucks. Me want better mod that changes more settings. The cars already get deformed so I don't need this anyway.

1) Don't download it.

2) Make a better mod yourself!


I don't plan to use it as the default damage suits me just fine, but thanks for the effort Davedogg! icon14.gif

Not bad for a first mod.

1 No.

2 No.


I simply offer my constructive criticism. If he listen, he'll go back to drawing board to make a better mod.


Don't encourage him to make bad mods.

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Go away, I can tell you habitually settle for average.  You probably got it from your dad who was OK with your mental shortcomings. In other words, stop annoying me or I'll hurt your feelings more.

How about you stfu? mercie_blink.gif


People amaze me sometimes...


He made a mod. You obviously don't approve. SO DON'T DOWNLOAD IT. Simple.

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Go away, I can tell you habitually settle for average.  You probably got it from your dad who was OK with your mental shortcomings. In other words, stop annoying me or I'll hurt your feelings more.

How about you stfu? mercie_blink.gif


People amaze me sometimes...


He made a mod. You obviously don't approve. SO DON'T DOWNLOAD IT. Simple.

Wooo, I'm all atwitter.


But hey, you seem like a cool dude. Mind taking creat3dfag's cock out of your mouth?

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Words fail me... I can't quite express how hurt I feel after reading your insult.

If it makes you feel better, I am crying at this moment.


Within minutes I will probably succomb to the call of alcohol as a temporary band-aid over the immensely deep wound you have made on my heart.


I hope my english is good enough to make you understand how utterly empty and destroyed you have made me.


Please, no more!!

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Words fail me... I can't quite express how hurt I feel after reading your insult.

If it makes you feel better, I am crying at this moment.


Within minutes I will probably succomb to the call of alcohol as a temporary band-aid over the immensely deep wound you have made on my heart.


I hope my english is good enough to make you understand how utterly empty and destroyed you have made me.


Please, no more!!

If you couldn't tell I was being facetious, you truly are retarded.


Anyway, nice long post to let me know how much you don't care. LOL

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