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Nvidia Physx On or Off

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Ok, I know I should just switch on/off and Test this, to which Im going to..


I was just wondering however, does GTA IV make use of PhysX processing on the GPU

rather than the CPU, since the game is already CPU intensive and Im sure others have

already experimented with this.


If so, did you notice any real difference FPS increase etc


If PhysX isnt supported does having it switched on lock away some of the performance from a second gtx280

i.e permanently tell the system to skip using a GPU since it may be used for PhysX processing or is this a dynamic process

where its only enabled if it needs to be (as long as its on in the Cpanel)


I dont know a great deal on how the PhysX drivers work apart from getting the feeling that one of my GPU's becomes

an over-priced physx card ??







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No there is not any physx support sad.gif

So no DX10 support


No PhysX support (even though this would clearly help thousands of Nvidia Users)


Yet they claim it to be Next Generation unless of course, by this they mean by next year

they will include a DLC pack with new missions etc but also

which enables proper use of todays technology, let alone next years / future gen's


And yes, by support I mean just that... not exclusiveness.

It is possible for them to support DX9, DX10 No PhysX & PhysX processing they just needed to knuckle

down and make the PC version what they claimed it would be.. instead of taking a few months off

to spend their billions, then remember they promised a PC release so ported it quickly !

Edited by swsuk
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oh plzzzzzz do you really think they would enable such a mind blowing effect just for the pc!

its designed to be crippled on the pc in order to increase sales of future gen hardware.


Forinstance my HD4870 has 16 times the Floating point ALUs and 5X total floating point calculation power. 4 times the onboard video memory. plus 4 times the main system RAM.

Add to that 3.5X the pixel fill rate and around 4 X the gigatexels. shader model 4.1 DX10!

i mean if they implimented the pysics and A.I. even if it i sucked up 200GFLOPS (way more than a quad core intel) i would have more than 4 times the xbox's horse power left over!


Do you really think they are going to give you that much power! Especially how much pc games have been downlaoded on torrents for free over the last few years im not suprised. Maybe with internet 2, and we loose the freedom of the internet, we might also benefit from excellent coding of pc games with games developers knowing they can expect good sales.



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The game already uses euphoria, which is 100% cpu based.

They cant just go and use physx.

Ah yes, but if this was truly supposed to be a game made on the PC, for the PC as they claimed, They would have used CUDA for the physics solver, and CPU as a fallback technique.

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Are ATI cards getting CUDA Support? Last I heard was "NVIDIA is in talks with AMD over a possible technology-transfer agreement over PhysX"



They cant just go and use physx.


No but they could run Euphoria via CUDA on the GPU with *alot* of coding work, but then this would give them a reason to charge even more for the Euphoria D.M.S Engine.

Edited by UndeadDevil
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From what i've heard, AMD rejected that.


But if you havent noticed, in the new 8.12 catalyst AMD introduced ATI Stream.




It's pretty much like CUDA, and the newest techdemo shows some of the possible ways to use it in games.



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Its also much faster than CUDA according to this below pic

user posted image


Here's hoping someone writes a wrapper between them, I was hoping ATI would act responsible for once, instead they start a format war mad.gif

competition is good, maybe you will see NVIDIA improve CUDA efficiency. And for sure they will think about Floating point performance in their NEXT GPU.

ATI is 1.2TFLOP remember.

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Its also much faster than CUDA according to this below pic

user posted image


Here's hoping someone writes a wrapper between them, I was hoping ATI would act responsible for once, instead they start a format war mad.gif

And if you read the small print that was a comparison between, a QX9650 a 1Gb GTA280* and a HD4850 512*

Just imagine the 4870X2! imagine all GTAIV code optimized for STREAM and CUDA and executed entierly on the GPU. Throw away your intel chip its just a drop in the ocean.

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Considering Tesla cards will be coming out this all seems pointless, Tesla computing makes all this current technology COMPLETELY obsolete.


Even if they are 15,000 bucks each..... dontgetit.gif


It's like going from the pentium 2 upto the core i7 in a single bound.


EDIT: although all news of them seems to of vanished, not sure whats going on there, but if they DO continue developing them, their processing power is immense, and coupling them with a standard graphics chip would create a physics processing beast.


Only thing I can find is old news on them, not particularly relevent.


Not sure if it makes a difference having the physics on or off in the profile, but im fairly sue if it made a difference people would of posted that already, I think a few people even tried during the first few days and had zero improvement, could be to do with the fact the GPU isnt even being used fully, thus any loss from physics being enabled (if there is one) wouldn't even come into account.

Edited by bp2018
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Not sure if it makes a difference having the physics on or off in the profile, but im fairly sue if it made a difference people would of posted that already, I think a few people even tried during the first few days and had zero improvement, could be to do with the fact the GPU isnt even being used fully, thus any loss from physics being enabled (if there is one) wouldn't even come into account.

Ive yet to run GTA IV and test since ive been doing a lot of reading


I also found my old 8500GT card which Ive installed into my 3rd slot for using as the PhysX processor

Ok, I now know this is not used for GTA but anyway it should free up my GTX280's in SLi


I just thought perhaps having PhysX would be pretty much rendering my 2nd card as useless with GTA

altough this may not be the case, it must have some effect. Shame GTA doesnt utilise the current range

of graphics cards to their full ability.


Now off to test GTA see if I can get any improvement whatsoever

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Yeh GTA doesn't currently support SLI so you SHOULDN'T get any FPS improvement by running two cards.


Still some people HAVE reported some improvements with two cards, but nothing significant, when they add in SLI support though you should get a bit of a boost, but it seems to be a CPU limited game so I doubt you would get anything significant regardless.


However with SLI enabled you should be able to increase all detail sliders to maximum as none of them really hit the cpu a whole lot, detail seems to hit FPS but im not exactly sure why, the GPU isnt being fully used, and I cant see detail objects causing significant CPU use increases, especially when the objects are still there in memory, just not rendered when the slide is down.


Although when I put draw distance to 1 and messed with the detail slider for fun and to see what the FPS would hit, I did notice pedestrians dissapearing, so maybe the physics for them is also temporarily shut off causing the fps increase.


Still, what we really need is havok and cuda support.

Edited by bp2018
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