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[DOC] WeaponInfo.xml

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My Best ten Original Weapon With Spawner.



Copy Weaponinfo to Common/Data Folder

And Copy Weapon Spawner To Alice Folder

i become one Error message wenn i use your script? whats wrong

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ace- What is this "Alice" folder, I dont have a folder named "Alice" in my games directory.. Are you referring to the "Script" folder ?




The following is what I used for the AK47, ofcourse it still fires the same rapid-succession but w/ rockets and I used the HI_OCTANE for explosion type.


This is a snap of what the explosion loox like, since vid editor dont display such things.. I simply altered some values in explosionFx.dat




The line in explosionFx.dat


HI_OCTANE 500.0 400.0 2.0 1.0 20.0 100.0 -2.0 90.0 0.0080 0.0 0.0 exp_fireball exp_fireball_air 1.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 EXPLOSION 0 0.8 0.1 4.1 450.0 24.0 1.5 2






I highlight in red what I altered in Weaponinfo.xml



<weapon type="AK47">

<data slot="RIFLE" firetype="PROJECTILE" damagetype="EXPLOSIVE" group="ROCKET" targetrange="900.0" weaponrange="600.0" clipsize="750" ammomax="1600" timebetweenshots="133">

<damage base="30" networkplayermod="2.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/>

<physics force="75.0"/>

<reload time="1066" fasttime="1066" crouchtime="2066"/>


<aiming accuracy="0.5">

<offset x="0.16" y="1.0" z="0.55"/>

<crouchedoffset x="0.1" y="1.0" z="0.12"/>

<reticule standing="0.6" ducked="0.5" scale="0.3"/>



<pickup regentime="480000" ammoonstreet="80"/>



<rumble duration="90" intensity="0.1"/>













<typetocreate type="EPISODIC_2"/>

<offset x="180.54" y="0.0" z="0.055"/>

<rotoffset x="0.0" y="0.0" z="-1.571"/>




<assets model="w_ak47">

<anim group="gun@ak47">

<rates firerate="1.2" blindfirerate="1.2"/>




<muzzle fx="muz_machine"/>

<shell fx="weap_ejected_rifle"/>






Now for the "EPISODIC_2" part, I originally entered this at the end of the "Weaponinfo.xml" file doesnt matter where really so long as the format remains consistent that weapons begin and end <weapon type="name"> ..... </weapon> It may be more convenient to enter these near the weapon they belong to..



<weapon type="EPISODIC_2">

<data slot="THROWN" firetype="PROJECTILE" damagetype="EXPLOSIVE" group="ROCKET" targetrange="900.0" weaponrange="500.0" clipsize="750" stattype="RLAUNCHER">

<damage networkplayermod="1.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/>


<aiming accuracy="1.0">

<offset x="0.0" y="1.0" z="0.0"/>

<crouchedoffset x="0.0" y="1.0" z="0.0"/>

<reticule standing="0.65" ducked="0.55" scale="0.3"/>



<pickup regentime="360000" ammoonstreet="750"/>



<rumble duration="0" intensity="0.0"/>







<projectile type="ROCKET">

<explosion type="HI_OCTANE"/>

<physics force="300.0"/>




<assets model="cj_rpg_rocket">


<trail fx="weap_rocket_player"/>






Edited by Costar
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O ok, I had read something about "Alice" elsewhere but dint know what it was .. I'll have to check that out then ..


Yea, I edited the colors, Res had his "SHIP_DESTROY" have a green flash .. so I jus edited color a lil I've not playt much w/ them but its jus diff to look at. I dont understand why those colors dont show up in your video when you capture ... Thats why I did a pic it loox cooler having the color flashes..


Say, I wondered if you knew or anyone, is there a place we can access our vids on our pc ? I've only captured a few things but dont want to upload to SClub, others load to YT so I wondered how they did it ? If is a place on your pc where the vids are stored and you can extract/alter upload elsewhere stead of to SClub..



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O ok, I had read something about "Alice" elsewhere but dint know what it was .. I'll have to check that out then ..


Yea, I edited the colors, Res had his "SHIP_DESTROY" have a green flash .. so I jus edited color a lil I've not playt much w/ them but its jus diff to look at. I dont understand why those colors dont show up in your video when you capture ... Thats why I did a pic it loox cooler having the color flashes..


Say, I wondered if you knew or anyone, is there a place we can access our vids on our pc ? I've only captured a few things but dont want to upload to SClub, others load to YT so I wondered how they did it ? If is a place on your pc where the vids are stored and you can extract/alter upload elsewhere stead of to SClub..

You can find all your rendered videos under "My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\Videos\rendered". All movies rendered in the editor will show up there in .wmv format.

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Ty Res, I guess I dint "render" anything, tis empty.. but I do have them saved atleast, I thought thats all you needed to do but ...


ace- I read several pages of the "Alice" topic, its good it seems but I see even you had to get the patch!! I wanted to know, has it caused you any problems, when the patch came out ppl reported lotsa problems, potentially those us thats modded their game files .. I was hoping to NOT have to revert all files back to original and not be able to edit them anymore after the patch ?

If thats the case I'd proly soon do w/ out the patch, until I felt that the new scripting idea held enough reason for me to get it .. Invincibility is cool but heck gettin axed is sometimes cool footage..


I dont really have to worry about ppl shootin me cept in missions which I've never died much in missions, I dont have to worry about cops so .. I had some footage from that and I got really messt up las night, I was caught inside an "invisible box" at one of the cops barracades, a place where being able to "die" was necessary aside from reloading my game, so I wonder if Alex has or will institute a provision incase you play a mission, finish then get "stuck" and need to die or you lose all your previous progress from having to reload your game - in which he said the script dont load after reloading the game, only from start ..

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Welp, I do keep backups of all my files, I'm careful when making changes to keep the originals and then modded files apart from other changes if I'm not sure I can revert ..


I think for now I'll hold off on the patch..

I decided to revise my viddy of "neutralized" cops..



Edited by Costar
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hey guys


do u have any idea how to make all the bullets fired from fire arms into having tracers?


it seems like only about 30% of the bullets have tracers. i would like to make the tracers more common. the purpose to to have a better indication of where the bullets are flying. i like seeing a lot of whizzes and trails of bullets.


sometimes it seems like bullets have tracers, sometimes they leave a trail of smoke behind and sometimes nothing.

how can i control that?


any ideas?

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Hi topeira, I havent tried but as I recall seeing the "trail.." effects for the rocket, I was thinkin maybe it'd be possible to use it as an effect.. I havent lookt for "tracers" for bullets so I don know if there is a setting for adjusting these,

Edited by Costar
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I don't usually register to forums, Im more of a Lurker, but this thread caught my eye.

I want to make the deagle (Or any gun infact) Shoot some Rockets, Is this possible by just editing the WeaponsInfo.xml?

Yes, it is very simple. Here you go:



	<weapon type="PISTOL"> <data slot="HANDGUN" firetype="PROJECTILE" damagetype="EXPLOSIVE" group="ROCKET" targetrange="45.0" weaponrange="50.0" clipsize="17" ammomax="1500" timebetweenshots="333"> 	<damage base="25" networkplayermod="3.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/> 	<physics force="50.0"/> 	<reload time="2000" fasttime="2000" crouchtime="2000"/> 	<aiming accuracy="0.5">   <offset         x="0.15" y="1.0" z="0.55"/>   <crouchedoffset x="0.2"  y="1.0" z="0.05"/>   <reticule standing="0.65" ducked="0.55" scale="0.3"/> 	</aiming> 	<pickup regentime="120000" ammoonstreet="30"/> 	<controller>   <rumble duration="110" intensity="0.02"/> 	</controller> 	<flags>   <flag>GUN</flag>   <flag>CAN_AIM</flag>   <flag>CAN_FREE_AIM</flag>   <flag>ANIM_RELOAD</flag>   <flag>ANIM_CROUCH_FIRE</flag> 	</flags> 	<projectile>   <typetocreate type="ROCKET"/>   <offset    x="0.54" y="0.0" z="0.055"/>   <rotoffset x="0.0"  y="0.0" z="-1.571"/> 	</projectile> </data> <assets model="w_glock"> 	<anim group="gun@handgun" meleegroup1="firearm_core"/> 	<effects>   <muzzle fx="muz_pistol_small"/>   <shell fx="weap_ejected_pistol"/> 	</effects> </assets></weapon>



Have fun smile.gif

I used this, and after doing this my GTA won't boot, why?

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btw resignator, you should correct the aiming stuff, its not only for auto aim, plus the offsets are for how niko is holding the weapon

Thanks, I will update. I havent been able to browse here as often. I just bought a new house and have been busy renovating it smile.gif

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i have a friend which had been able to modify SMG to fire rockets, well the point is that if he press left mouse 1 time it fires one shot BUT the projectile fired divides into about 10 rockets so he makes bigger blast with 1 shot never getting out of ammo.. amazing IMHO.. does anyone knows which part of the XML do i have to modify to get the projectile divided? many thanks smile.gif

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i have a friend which had been able to modify SMG to fire rockets, well the point is that if he press left mouse 1 time it fires one shot BUT the projectile fired divides into about 10 rockets so he makes bigger blast with 1 shot never getting out of ammo.. amazing IMHO.. does anyone knows which part of the XML do i have to modify to get the projectile divided? many thanks smile.gif

most likely using two creations


i.e. creating a projectile, that shoots projectiles after a certain distance

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Anyone know how i can fix it so the chopper doesn't get randomly knocked off course when modded to fire rockets?


Currently using:



<weapon type="MINIGUN"> <data slot="HEAVY" firetype="PROJECTILE" damagetype="EXPLOSIVE" group="ROCKET" targetrange="10000.0" weaponrange="40000.0" clipsize="9999" timebetweenshots="36"> 	<damage base="1000" networkplayermod="2.0" networkpedmod="1.0"/> 	<physics force="50000.0"/> 	<reload time="3000" fasttime="3000" crouchtime="3000"/> 	<aiming accuracy="1.0">   <offset         x="0.0" y="1.0" z="0.0"/>   <crouchedoffset x="0.0" y="1.0" z="0.0"/> 	</aiming> 	<pickup regentime="0" ammoonstreet="500"/> 	<controller>   <rumble duration="60" intensity="0.3"/> 	</controller>                       <projectile>   <typetocreate type="ROCKET"/>   <offset    x="0.54" y="0.0" z="0.055"/>   <rotoffset x="0.0"  y="0.0" z="-1.571"/> 	</projectile> 	<flags>   <flag>GUN</flag>   <flag>CAN_FREE_AIM</flag>   <flag>HEAVY</flag> 	</flags> </data> <assets> 	<effects>   <muzzle fx="muz_machine"/> 	</effects> </assets></weapon>




Also tried it with Grenade's, which is awesome, although has a tendancy to randomly explode the chopper and kill you when firing sad.gif

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