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achievements not being credited

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I have completed these achievements yesterday they are:


"Pool Shark"

"Courier Service"

"Order Forfilled"

"Cleaned the Mean Streets"

"That's How We Roll"


I know I have completed these because a message at the bottom of the screen pops up (and btw I have not cheated in anyway in the game).


However, even though i am getting these pop-ups my gamerscore does not increase. I don't know why this is - i have checked in-game and also on the xbox.com website - the achievements do not appear there as if i have not done them at all which is disappointing.


My gamertag is "holymongol".


Anyone else have similar problems?



the only solution i have found to this problem is to reload an older saved game and complete the achievements again. And to confirm that you have done them visit the xbox.com website and click "manage profile" - it should show up, if not you will have to do this again the following day or so.

And it isn't specific achievements - it could be all of them!

Edited by holymongol
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I have completed these achievements yesterday they are:


"Pool Shark"

"Courier Service"

"Order Forfilled"

"Cleaned the Mean Streets"

"That's How We Roll"


I know I have completed these because a message at the bottom of the screen pops up (and btw I have not cheated in anyway in the game).


However, even though i am getting these pop-ups my gamerscore does not increase. I don't know why this is - i have checked in-game and also on the xbox.com website - the achievements do not appear there as if i have not done them at all which is disappointing.


My gamertag is "holymongol".


Anyone else have similar problems?

The same thing happened to me yesterday.


Lost Pool Shark and Finish him! mad.gif

First make sure you're using the latest Games for Windows client. And check if you're really logged into it.


It should work ... I've just achieved the "Let sleeping Rockstars lie" achievement and it's showing up on the G4W website.



Hmmm... it seems you're (partly) right. I just got another achievement in single player, but it's not showing up on G4W. Maybe the multiplayer ones only work ... ?

Edited by CameO73
I have completed these achievements yesterday they are:


"Pool Shark"

"Courier Service"

"Order Forfilled"

"Cleaned the Mean Streets"

"That's How We Roll"


I know I have completed these because a message at the bottom of the screen pops up (and btw I have not cheated in anyway in the game).


However, even though i am getting these pop-ups my gamerscore does not increase. I don't know why this is - i have checked in-game and also on the xbox.com website - the achievements do not appear there as if i have not done them at all which is disappointing.


My gamertag is "holymongol".


Anyone else have similar problems?

The same thing happened to me yesterday.


Lost Pool Shark and Finish him! mad.gif

How do u get the Finish Him achievement.What buttons u press for counteratack?

I've lost the same award 3 times already. The Walk Free achievement (Lose cops with 4 wanted level.) Plus lost a lot of achievements where i have to beat a certain mission, So i won't get those till i play the game from the beginning again.


And i finally got the "Finish Him" Achievement. I thought it was just beat up 10 ppl. But you gotta perform 10 counter attacks while fighting. If you are using the 360 controller, press A before the guy swings at you, then press B or Y to perform the counter attack

Edited by Quemical


I've lost the same award 3 times already. The Walk Free achievement (Lose cops with 4 wanted level.) Plus lost a lot of achievements where i have to beat a certain mission, So i won't get those till i play the game from the beginning again

Me too i pass the "Museum piece" achievement and i didn't get the achievement.But when you get the achievement quickly press HOME button and it will show you that you get the achievement.It work for me now when i get every single achivement.But i try outrunning the cops by trying Walk Free Achievement and when i outrun the cops i didn't get the acievement.Maybe it's because i select "Wanted Down" cheat but i think i didn't confused.gif

Pressing the Home button when getting an achievement don't work. I have had awards show in the windows live window but when i check the site it's still locked. So if it ain't on the site, you don't really have the award. So what i do now to know for sure it got recorded is minimize the game as soon as i get the achievement and check the site to see if it got recorded there. Because all 3 times i saw the walk free in my GFWL window but it dissapeared when restarting the game


Pressing the Home button when getting an achievement don't work. I have had awards show in the windows live window but when i check the site it's still locked. So if it ain't on the site, you don't really have the award. So what i do now to know for sure it got recorded is minimize the game as soon as i get the achievement and check the site to see if it got recorded there. Because all 3 times i saw the walk free in my GFWL window but it dissapeared when restarting the game

True.I looked now on Xbox.com and i get the Gobble,Gobble Achievement,One Hundred And Eighty,Chain reaction...I get about 5 achievements and on Xbox.com they are no showing up.




Fu*k you Xbox.com devil.gifdevil.gifdevil.gif

True. I looked now on Xbox.com and i get the Gobble,Gobble Achievement,One Hundred And Eighty,Chain reaction...I get about 5 achievements and on Xbox.com they are no showing up.





I lost gobble gobble once. Took me 20 mins of bowling to get it again. I'm now trying to figure out how to get chain reaction. I tried nades in a congested street but the explosions weren't fast enough

As mentioned by another post, check for updates on the windows live re-distributable, I lost the chopper achievement (brucie) checked for an update, and there was one dated 11-12-2008, installed that, reloaded an older save game, and got a call from brucie again, that also updated the achievement in live.



I'm pretty sure it's a G4W client issue. In every G4W game (well, Fallout 3 and GTA IV to be precise) I see exactly the same:

  • in game, the general overview shows for GTA IV: "0 of 50 achievements unlocked"
  • in game, the the detailed GTA IV achievement overview shows "9 of 50 achievements unlocked"
  • on the XBox.com site I see "8 of 50 achievements unlocked"
Since GTA IV only tells the client to unlock an achievement (and it does -- at least offline), I'm convinced it's a client error. This could be further tested by trying other G4W games (e.g. Fallout 3 or Flatout Ultimate Carnage), but I'm not really that interested in finding out. Let's just hope this gets sorted out ASAP.
Sunrise Driver

I've earned "One Man Army" and "Under the Radar". After that they appeared in my list. Later they disappeared. suicidal.gif Then last Saturday they appeared again but only in the list, not in the general score. And disappeared. Again. suicidal.gif It's a really glitchy system. I don't want to collect them in this case.

All or some lost achievements will probably appear in your list some day I think.

There are other people with similar problems. Not really sure where the problem lies after reading that. I do know I'm not trying anything until we get more news on this (from MS or R*). The suggestion in that other thread (remove local G4W profile) is not something I want to try out now ... especially since it can lead to some nasty savegame problems!

I have completed these achievements yesterday they are:


"Pool Shark"

"Courier Service"

"Order Forfilled"

"Cleaned the Mean Streets"

"That's How We Roll"


I know I have completed these because a message at the bottom of the screen pops up (and btw I have not cheated in anyway in the game).


However, even though i am getting these pop-ups my gamerscore does not increase. I don't know why this is - i have checked in-game and also on the xbox.com website - the achievements do not appear there as if i have not done them at all which is disappointing.


My gamertag is "holymongol".


Anyone else have similar problems?

My achievements didn't show up for me last night, but they are showing up now. I guess it takes awhile to show up.

Something is really not working with GTA IV and G4W. I just got an achievement in Flatout Ultimate Carnage (another G4W game) and it shows up immediately on xbox.com. The weirdest thing is:

  • on xbox.com it shows 4 games (including GTA IV), but without my latest GTA IV achievement
  • in G4W (in-game) it shows 3 games (no GTA IV), but the Gamerscore shows the correct total (...)
Maybe it's just the universe telling me to stop worrying about achievements and start enjoying games for what they are ...

There seems to be something wrong with the new Games for Windows Live client.


Like others in this thread, GTA IV doesn't always show up in achievements. I'm finding that it's only listed in the "My Games" section about one in every three times I start the game.


Worse still, I had approximately 40 of the 50 achievements in Fallout 3. I now have 17.


Then I went to start up Fallout for the first time since the installation of the new client. Suddenly it informed me that it couldn't connect to Windows Live because my access key was "not valid". Then it prompted me for my access key, so I dug out the dvd case, entered the key...and it worked just fine.


Except I'm still missing 23 or so achievements. I haven't kept good enough track to tell if I'm missing anything from GTA IV, but at this rate I almost certainly am.


I'm not sure what's wrong with the new client, but apparently it's pretty buggy...

I'm still not sure what the problem is, but I'm only missing 1 achievement from GTA IV. The one I got recently on another game is still there. And I have the same problem as you: most of the time it's not showing GTA IV in my games (about 4 out of 5 times I play a G4W game).

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