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The Hot Chick Topic v4.0

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I know the 3.0 was recently locked, but I've noticed members a little uptight lately, and the loss of such a lovely thread (when done right) could be a contributing factor.

So how a bout it? First off, I think we need some OFFICIAL f*ckING RULES. And this is where I'll set them straight. I'm quite sure the mods will agree with me on these as well. As for members following them... let's just hope so.

For those lazy assholes who can't read more than a few sentences, read AT LEAST rules 1, 4/5, and 6.



The Hot Chick Topic v4.0 posting rules!


By posting this this thread you agree to have read EVERY single rule listed. It's not hard people, I'm putting my faith in you to do this right.



That means none. What so ever. If you wonder if it counts, it does, don't post it. No nipples, no vaginas, no ass holes. Everything is fair game. Remember, it's the hot chick topic so I don't think I need to go through male parts.



There's plenty of pictures of hot chicks out there. Chances are if they're showing their titties in one image, there's another with clothes covering their privates. So don't open up MS Paint or some other image editing program and throw a censor bar over it. Just find a different picture.



While their is no nudity at all, images of underage girls are not allowed. If it's illegal to touch them, it's illegal to post them. This has never been a problem, but I feel it should be addressed, none the less.



That means you can NOT post an image with "www.insertpornstarnamehere.com" in the image, anywhere. You might as well be linking to the site itself.



Do not just go to google or go to your favorite porn site and grab image links, then come here and throw them in tags or post the links. Again, you might as well be linking to the site itself.

You can go to several image hosting sites such as:

http://isarapix.com/ (no nudity here, so it's not adult content. Anything you can post here can be uploaded there)



These are all places you can upload. There are plenty more.



While it should be alright for grown people to discuss their personal preferences in women, it just doesn't seem to go over well in these threads. If you do not find a women attractive, don't go more than saying you dislike the women. DO NOT INSULT THE POSTER. Everyone has, and is entitled to, their own taste in women.

No spamming as well. This isn't a chat thread, it's a picture thread. Try to keep your post as wordless as possible. And please, don't talk about how you will pleasure yourself to these images or what you would do to the women in the pictures, no one wants to know.



While this is an image thread, not everyone has the luxury of a high resolution monitor or a fast internet connection. It does say 56K warning, but a page full of 1500x15000 images can lag people with both of the above. As a general rule of thumb, anything over 800 pixels wide should be resized, or post a thumbnail or link. A little more is forgivable, but don't be a dick and post a 2000 pixel wide image.

Also, if you are quoting an image, please remove it's tags so it only shows the link. Nothing is worse than a gigantic quote train with the same image over and over.



I think that about covers it. If anyone has any rules they feel should be thrown on there, feel free to mention it and I'll toss it in.


Now... on with the hot chicks! I'll start with a few of my favorites...


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but pic, you broke 2 rules in your first post..


1. underage (jail bate one)


2. watermark (jail bate one)


but oh well is was hot as f*ck cool.gif

Whoopsies! Didn't see that in the thumb when I was uploading it.


@WidowMaker, read rule 6. GTFO.

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Jesus f*cking Christ, is it that hard? Posting pictures watermarked with porn site URLs, you might as well post the links themselves.


I'm not exactly sure why I'm not locking this giftwrapped 24hr hassle right away. Maybe because it's Christmas.


Just, please, clutch in your brains for a second before you press the 'post reply' button. Try.

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Jesus f*cking Christ, is it that hard? Posting pictures watermarked with porn site URLs, you might as well post the links themselves.


I'm not exactly sure why I'm not locking this giftwrapped 24hr hassle right away. Maybe because it's Christmas.


Just, please, clutch in your brains for a second before you press the 'post reply' button. Try.


Thank you for being in a christmas spirit jallar.


I can't believe I actually had a watermarked pic in my first post blush.gif

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If it's illegal to touch them, it's illegal to post them.


OMGLOL loophole! im 16 i can touch!!!


p.s. all hail picolini for doing this and jallar for not locking right away.


the last chick posted in the HCT v3

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Effy in Chains


Nicky Whelan.

Thanks for that name, I've been wondering what her name was for sometime. inlove.gif


angry.gif I'm very annoyed at Photobucket, there was no nudity in my picture, yet they still deleted it. That's the last time I use their prude website to host women. Which is the best one of those hosting websites which lets you host pictures of non-nude women without deleting them as if they included nudity when they clearly don't?

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angry.gif I'm very annoyed at Photobucket, there was no nudity in my picture, yet they still deleted it. That's the last time I use their prude website to host women. Which is the best one of those hosting websites which lets you host pictures of non-nude women without deleting them as if they included nudity when they clearly don't?

i use this and it never deletes my pics



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