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GTAF YouTube Addicts!

With so many people posting odd YouTube links frequently in Gen.Chat I thought it might be a good idea to consolidate our favorite waste of time into one pointless topic as opposed to several.

Nothing terribly complicated about it...

1. Find Something you like here.

2. Post the link.

3. Discuss/Bicker/Rant/LOL/piss/moan/slobber

4. Rinse, repeat.


Edited by meta187
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That was hilarious.

It's great that they picked out such a chipper looking dude to be Punchy, he's so gleeful and giddy about knocking people the f*ck out I can't help but love it.

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This is pretty old, but I still find it funny. That's probably because of the voice overs. Well, if anyone's up for seeing a San Andreas movie trailer...




Note: Not my work.

I laughed out loud at the end when he yelled, "RAY WATCH OUUUT!"



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For the Aussies, our goals against Japan in our first World Cup match this year. Upped by me. biggrin.gif




For the Newcastle Jets fans (probably just me), Nicky Carle's stunner against Adelaide in Round 10 of last season. Also the A-League goal of the year. The awesomeness of the goal just increases when you put it in context - it's one all, a few minutes to go, and Adelaide are denied a winner by an intentional handball in the box. The Jets defender is sent off, but somehow Adelaide miss their penalty. Then Carle collects the ball...



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