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How to play GTA IV using your generic controller

A guide


This extremely simple guide will teach you how to emulate an xbox360 controller, because IV fully supports only that. Now, you can use any controller you wish, granted, it has directinput support. (unsure about wheel and pedals).


1) Download the following archive.

2) Unpack the xinput9_1_0.dll and the xbox360cemu.ini from the archive into your gta4 dir. Optionally, unpack XInputTest.exe to play with the button assignments.

3) Edit the .ini according to your personal controller, or however you may please. The .ini is initially set up to work 100% correctly with Logitech RumblePad 2.

4) Make sure there is no -directinput in your commandline.txt


Note: in order to understand how to edit key mappings, read the included readme.txt.






Q: Is my controller working with this hook?

A: If it supports directinput, it probably does.


Q: My xxx and xxx are reversed, what should I do? How do I fix it?

A: Edit the xbox360emu.ini and use the XInputTest.exe to test your changes - no need to load GTA4 to test whethere you've set up the controller correctly.


Q: My question is not in this FAQ!!

A: Read the readme.txt and the comments in xbox360emu.ini. If that does not answer your question, only then try to get help in this topic.


Last updated: March 7th, 2009.



DLL coding by Racer_S.

Guide by CatZilla.

Edited by DexX
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Didn't work fo me as my computer would not let me overwrite xinput9_1_0.dll


There's probably an easy way around it but I haven't the technical mind.  My vista account has full admin access

Funny you should post that.. I just had the same issue.. I was getting very angry with Vista I can tell you.. lol


The solution is to go into the security properties then advanced.. You then need to change the owner to your user account.


Then close the properties panel. Reopen this again and add yourself as a user with full permissions.. You can then rename it..




Oh my f*cking god it works!!!!!


Got my ps3 wireless controller working with it.. The left analogue is fine and so are the buttons.. Have to see if the rest of them work in game now..

Amazing.. Though I wonder how the modified DLL's are allocating buttons..


Hopefully I'll be ok as I can reconfigure every button used by my ps3 controller as it's being defined using PPJoy..


Thanks so much for posting this!!!

Edited by SlingShotUK
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Top marks to CATZILLA if this works.


I couldn't believe it last night when the game point-blank refused to recognise any of the three analog controllers I tried; a Sidewinder stick, a standard Thrustmaster gamepad, and a Thrustmaster wheel 'n' pedals. Can't wait to try it now...



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Yeah mine works perfectly too. Keep this thread alive.

My only problem is some buttons aren't mapped although amazingly in classic controller mode most work identical to how they did on the ps3.


I think I'll just have to play with PPJoy and find the right mapping.. Someone posted a layout which matched the 360 controller so I'll try to find that and tweak..


This works a treat though.. Just get the mapping right in windows and this should be spot on..


Man, just had a quick run around and this graphic quality is seriously blowing me away. Liberty City in 1080p is glorious!!!

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yep, I changed permission on files etc. so I could replace all 4 .dll files in system32 folder with the DL'd one. But still no avail, I will try one more time.


EDIT: Is there any certain USB port I need my USB pad connected to, koz I got a sh*t load of USB ports on my comp. I used the ones ontop on my tower, not directly connected to the M/B. But I have used this port with outher games so it should work. Also when i copy the files over, do I need a restart windows?

Edited by shadow85
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Update from me, I was replacing files in the windows/system32 folder but I had to replace the ones in the windows/sysWOW64 folder wink.gif




I got my logitech dual action pad working now, button config will do me for driving....




However, I can't turn fully to the left or right as much as I do when I press the A or D keys, any ideas ?

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Damm still didnt work, I put all files into systemWOW64 and tried the PS3 controller, didnt work. The PS3 controller all 4 lights are continously flashing. Is there any extra PS3 drivers anything I need to install before copying these 4 files into the directory.???

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yes it works with the ps3 controller, but I have only done this in Xp, not vista.

I'm using my ps3 controller in Vista.


You need to go through the whole btsix, ppjoy and libusb stuff first though.. There are blogs you can google for to get the full instructions.. If you have any trouble let me know and I'll dig out the info.


Working a treat with the DLL hack apart from the d-pad which I think is just a matter of config..

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yes it works with the ps3 controller, but I have only done this in Xp, not vista.

I'm using my ps3 controller in Vista.


You need to go through the whole btsix, ppjoy and libusb stuff first though.. There are blogs you can google for to get the full instructions.. If you have any trouble let me know and I'll dig out the info.


Working a treat with the DLL hack apart from the d-pad which I think is just a matter of config..

did u do it in 32bit or 64 vista?

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My problem is my left analogue stick doesnt quite reach all the way to the left, I tried re-calibrating it with no luck, luckily I remembered a handy little tool to mess about with your axis on your controller from my BF2 days ..



Just in case anyone has similair problems, use DXTweak if the Clear Calibration Utility doesn't work for you.






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