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GTA4 - modding ability

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// s0beit.org production //



TITLE:   GTA4-Launcher

PURPOSE: Modifying your GTA4 files (tested on STEAM release ONLY!)

CREDITS:   s0beit (aka opium), Sinner, P47R!CK, sp0rk

PROPS:   www.s0beit.org :: www.myg0t.com :: www.gtaforums.com :: www.mtavcsux.net


HOWTO:   Open the launcher, if you have not already then use the new patching tool,

  use it to locate the "filelist.pak" which should be in /GTAIV/pc/data/

  of your Grand Theft Auto 4 installation, patching this file allows for modding ALL the files

  in your GTA4 installation.


  Credit for the filelist.pak patch goes to "aru" of gtaforums.com


  From then on, you do not need to patch this file again.

  Next, while the loader is running; start GTAIV.


  You will need to run the loader each time before running GTAIV to use modified files.




Run the "hook.exe", then run GTA4. That is all!



Version 1.0, Source code included:

[Mirror 1]: http://www.project-j.nl/gta4-launcher_release.rar

[Mirror 2]: http://irc.thisgamesux.net/gta4mod/gta4-launcher_release.rar


Version 2.0 Crash fix (No Source Code):

[Mirror 1]: http://irc.thisgamesux.net/gta4mod/bin_v2.rar


Version 3.0 Full revision, allows modding of all GTAIV files (credits to aru)

[Mirror 1]: http://irc.thisgamesux.net/gta4mod/bin_v3.rar


Version 4.0 addon, allows taking screenshots of the game without any other software needed. (Non-Vista compliant)

[Mirror 1]: http://irc.thisgamesux.net/gta4mod/bin_v4.rar





[Rocket Glock]: http://files.uploadffs.com/5c6b59_rocket_glock_1.PNG

[Screenshot taken with v4]: http://files.uploadffs.com/75498a_2008_12_8_35.jpg



[opium's modded weapon frenzy]:

Edited by opium_addict
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i edited the original post, the crash was my error.


i will post a video soon, but here is the EXE and DLL you need to run modded files



here is the release:



Instructions: Run before you start GTA4, then start GTA4.


you are done!


note to mods/admins:


(11:29:42) (opium) any copyright protection is still there

(11:29:48) (opium) except you can mod any files in

(11:29:51) (opium) "files.txt"

(11:29:57) (opium) the only securom part is in

(11:29:59) (opium) the launcher

Edited by opium_addict
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If you have Vista, you have to run it as administrator (and no, being logged in as administrator is NOT how you do that). Google for: UAC. I'm not saying that's the problem, but for people with Vista (i'm not saying you have vista) that's usually the problem. wink.gif

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Hello Mr opium_addict.


Nice work tounge.gif


Hum i searshed a bit too and humm.


Maybe we could juts patch the "jz" (Jump if Zero) @0x403494 with 0x90 (On 2 BYTE) or change it to a "jnz" no ?


.text:0040348D                 call    sub_402CD0.text:00403492                 test    al, al.text:00403494                 jz      short loc_40344D


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Well i don't know why you are having problems, but yes i figured out the gta DVD and steam exe seem to be identical.


If there is errors its probably something on your side (Vista UAC or anti-spyware etc)


both have MD5 hash:


Input MD5   : 9FA1C2A3F2932D46538BC14E715CFCCC



they are identical.

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It could be, try running GTA4 and my program in 32bit compatibility.


although it is true you may be able to compile my program (with tweaks?) to run under x64 arch i am not sure as ive never worked with x64 before,

nor am i familiar with it in any way.


32bit compatibility should work fine however.

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Tried it on vista 32 bit (laptop) and got the same error.. May I ask you what O/S you use?


Edit: Compiled it on my own system using vs2008. Still doesn't work..


Think I'll need to create a XP partition then...

Edited by Prince-Link
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gtaiv.exe is compiled with /dynamicbase and thus is relocatable. Vista (no thanks to its support of ASLR) automatically relocates it to a new base offset when loading it, thus crashing due to the OP's loader requiring an unrelocated image. To change the behavior of it:



There is a system-wide configuration parameter that determines the behaviour of Vista's image randomization.


This parameter can be set in the registry key

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages

which by default does not exist. This key has three possible settings:


If the value is set to 0, never randomize image bases in memory, always honor the base address specified in the PE header.


If set to -1, randomize all relocatable images regardless of whether they have the IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE flag or not.

If set to any other value, randomize only images that have relocation information and are explicitly marked as compatible with ASLR by setting the

IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE (0x40) flag in DllCharacteristics field the PE header. This is the default behaviour.


- http://www.fiveanddime.net/windows-vista-notes/index.html


Edited by aru
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gtaiv.exe is compiled with /dynamicbase and thus is relocatable. Vista (no thanks to its support of ASLR) automatically relocates it to a new base offset when loading it, thus crashing due to the OP's loader requiring an unrelocated image. To change the behavior of it:



There is a system-wide configuration parameter that determines the behaviour of Vista's image randomization.


This parameter can be set in the registry key

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages

which by default does not exist. This key has three possible settings:


If the value is set to 0, never randomize image bases in memory, always honor the base address specified in the PE header.


If set to -1, randomize all relocatable images regardless of whether they have the IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE flag or not.

If set to any other value, randomize only images that have relocation information and are explicitly marked as compatible with ASLR by setting the

IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE (0x40) flag in DllCharacteristics field the PE header. This is the default behaviour.


- http://www.fiveanddime.net/windows-vista-notes/index.html


What does this mean?

Should any Vista user create those entry's? Isn't there any way to change the code for vista user's?

I think there should be a way to change the code for Vista users (quick research on google [http://www.nynaeve.net/?p=100]).

But Im a noob in scripting stuff... Im just interested to understand your post^^


But its really nice to see those fast progress on modding GTA4. Can't wait to make my own models wink.gif




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Thanks Works for editing "WeaponInfo.xml" As a test I made my M4 into a super weapon, it was awesome.

I tried to edit "explosionFx.dat" to change the explosion damage of grenades but the change didn't take effect.

I haven't tried editing another file yet, but "handling.dat" was going to be my next attempt. I hope the explosion mod didn't work because the file is in a different directory and not because it is a .dat file instead of a .xml.. I really want to mess with some of those other files... ohh man the possibilities biggrin.gif


I don't really know how your code works ;-) I just know it does (mostly), so if you're able to address the explosionsfx.dat issue and any possible others I report I would be very grateful, thanks for the great patch!


*edit, just looking around the files, I wasn't able to find player health (or any player stats) or armor values, does anyone know what file to check?

Edited by KickyMcAssington
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*edit, just looking around the files, I wasn't able to find player health (or any player stats) or armor values, does anyone know what file to check?

I don't think these are set in external (data) files. They should be in a script (like scm if they retained the format).

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*edit, just looking around the files, I wasn't able to find player health (or any player stats) or armor values, does anyone know what file to check?

I don't think these are set in external (data) files. They should be in a script (like scm if they retained the format).

That makes sense, however, wouldn't the armor likely have a value somewhere in a data file as its an item you're able to pick up or buy in game? I don't really know it just seems logical.


Also I was re-reading the thread more carefully and I noticed opium_addict said this should work with everything in files.txt, and "explosionsfx.dat" is in there. I don't know if my mod was just badly done or if the change just didn't register for whatever reason but I'll do some more testing tomorrow (its 3am here) and get back to you guys.

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gtaiv.exe is compiled with /dynamicbase and thus is relocatable. Vista (no thanks to its support of ASLR) automatically relocates it to a new base offset when loading it, thus crashing due to the OP's loader requiring an unrelocated image. To change the behavior of it:



There is a system-wide configuration parameter that determines the behaviour of Vista's image randomization.


This parameter can be set in the registry key

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages

which by default does not exist. This key has three possible settings:


If the value is set to 0, never randomize image bases in memory, always honor the base address specified in the PE header.


If set to -1, randomize all relocatable images regardless of whether they have the IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE flag or not.

If set to any other value, randomize only images that have relocation information and are explicitly marked as compatible with ASLR by setting the

IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE (0x40) flag in DllCharacteristics field the PE header. This is the default behaviour.


- http://www.fiveanddime.net/windows-vista-notes/index.html


Hmmm, I added the registry key as a DWORD, and set it to 0 (actually it's zero by default when you add a new key), it doesn't seem to help (still crashes, same spot) . I'm on Vista Home 64bit.


*IF* registry modification turns out to be necessary, it might be best to incorporate that into the tool. I always feel like i'm a keystroke away from killing my system when i run regedit. It's not something amateurs should be poking about in.

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