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Design Your Own Mission

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Many people want to make their own missions for GTA San Andreas, but most of them don't have enough SCM-knowledge to actually do it. This modification is made for these people. It allows you to create a new mission ingame, without writing a single line of SCM-script. And you are even able to distribute them to other people.




Installation is very simple. Just copy the MPACK folder from the archive to your "San Andreas User Files" (in My Documents). To add downloaded missions, just copy the DYOMx.dat files into "San Andreas User Files". CLEO3 is needed for this modification to work correctly (download).






There are four main concepts, which will first be briefly discussed, so it you can understand the rest of the features better.

  • Objectives: The most important things in the missions you create with DYOM are the objectives. If you have achieved all the objectives of a mission, the mission is passed. For your missions, you can set a number of objectives, which the player of the mission must achieve in sequence. For each objective you can choose one of the four available kinds: A checkpoint that must be reached, a actor that must be killed, a car that must be entered or a pickup that must be picked up.
  • Special Objectives: this isn't something the player has to do, but this is used to change the settings of the mission or make something between the objectives. So, for example, there is a change in the weather, a change in wanted level, a change in time limit or a cutscene.
  • Select/Hide/Spawn: Besides the objectives you can also add other items: actors (either enemy, friend or neutral), cars, pickups and objects. Items don't have to be available during the whole mission. You can design them to appear after a certain objective has been achieved and hide them after a certain objective has been achieved.

    In designmode one of the objectives is "selected" which is indicated by a yellow marker, instead of the normal white marker over an objective. By default, the last added objective is selected, but you can select another one from the objective menu.

    When you add an objective, they will be inserted behind the currently selected objective. When you add items to the game, they will appear during the mission after the currently selected objective has been achieved. Afterwards, you can use the "SPAWN" and "HIDE" menu-options to determine when the item spawns and disappears. These options change them to the time when the currently selected objective is achieved.

  • Save and Distribute: When you are making a mission, it is wise to save it from time to time. You can save when you select the option "Save Mission" in the "Mission Menu". You can save up to 8 missions at a time. These missions are saved in "San Andreas User Files", with the name dyomx.dat. The x can be a number between 1 and 8, depends on which slot you used to save the mission. This is comparable to the savegames from the normal GTA San Andreas.

    Once you are finished, you can distribute the mission by uploading the dyomx.dat file to the DYOM website (http://dyom.gtagames.nl).

    If you want to play other people's mission, you have to download the mission (also a dyomx.dat file!) and put it in "San Andreas User Files". Then start DYOM, and select Mission Menu > Load Mission.

    If you just use the "save mission" function, and distribute that file (so dyom1.dat until dyom8.dat), everyone can change your mission. If you want to prevent that, you can select "publish mission" in the "Mission Menu". Then you will find a dyom0.dat in San Andreas User Files. When you distribute this file, other people aren't able to change the mission.





For more screens, you can go to the GTAGarage page or take a look in our subforum.















If you want to see more videos, you can take a look at youtube. Just search for "DYOM" on youtube (like this), and you will see lots of videos from other people who used DYOM.



Download and upload missions

We created a site, where you can upload your missions, and download missions from others. You can find the site here. Feel free to add as many missions as you want.

You can make a topic in our subforum to advertise for your mission and to get some comments.



Wall of fame!





GTAForum.nl Awards 2008! GTAForums.com Awards 2008! awardnl.png awardl.jpg



GTAForum.nl Awards 2009! GTAForums.com Awards 2009! Beste_modificatie_2009.png gtafaward.jpg

DYOM Contests




Theme Winner Mission Topic No theme tony-resta Rest In Peace Click Gunfights miclin Destruction for Beginners Click


Fan signatures

To show your status as Mission Designer, you can can use this userbar in your signature:




CODE dyom_userbar.gif





CODE dyomsig2vd1.png


Handy topics:


DYOM Designers Manual (WIP)

Bug Reports




Bugs and Crashes

We want DYOM to be crash free, and will always try to fix any problems. But we can only fix problems if we can reproduce the problem or if the description of the problem is good enough. This will enable us to get a clue about the location of the bug in our code and we don't have to search in all the 15.000+ lines of scm-code that we have written sofar for this mod.


On the reporting of crashes:

There are three mayor types of crashes:

  1. Crashes that occur as soon as you start SA/DYOM.
  2. Crashes that occur during designing a mission.
  3. Crashes that occur during playing a mission.
I'll try to describe shortly what is the best way to handle them:


Crashes that occur as soon as you start SA/DYOM

These are almost always related to incorrect CLEO3 installation.

- CLEO3 is not installled at all.

- CLEO3 is improperly installed.

- The .exe you have is not compatible with CLEO3 ( see here for a link to a compatible version).


Crashes that occur during designing a mission.

- Do you have other mods installed, that might conflict with DYOM?

- Try to disable CLEO scripts that are active.

- Report the problem in this thread, with as much detail about the moment the crash occurs. What was the state of your mission, and at exactly what moment did it crash? Be as detailed as possible, so instead of reporting that it crashes while adding an actor, it is even better to report that the crash occured right after you pressed <space> while selecting a RPG as the weapon for an actor.

- if possible include scmlog.txt in your report, if you have the scmlog CLEO plug-in installed. (recommended)


Crashes that occur during playing a mission

- Report the problem in this thread, provide a link to the mission-file that you played, and try to describe as accurate as possible the circumstances of the crash.

- if possible include scmlog.txt in your report, if you have the scmlog CLEO plugin installed. (recommended)




Dutchy3010 (Idea and Scripting)

PatrickW (Idea and Scripting)



Seemann (creating CLEO and sannybuilder)


More info can be found in the README file. There is also a wiki article about Design Your Own Mission.


Have fun with this mod, and don't forget to show your own creations in our subforum.

Edited by TJGM
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How can I get actors to enter a car?  Then he runs off then you catch up with him, a pursuit in other words.  Then you have to hunt him down

In this version, this is not supported. Maybe we will add it in the future.


EDIT: it is possible to take friendly actors into the car, because they will follow you. smile.gif

Edited by Dutchy3010
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What I meant was where can my finished mission be found?  The SA directory or the User Files directory? smile.gif

i have that question too



EDIT: whenever i load a mission, my game crashes confused.gif , and yes, i have Cleo instaled. . .

Edited by _-=Zombie=-_
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What I meant was where can my finished mission be found? The SA directory or the User Files directory? smile.gif

Your finished mission is a file called "DYOMx.dat" in User Files.


@ Zombie: I don't have a sollution for that crash, because you have to give me some more information. tounge.gif

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first of all..... cookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif for you!!!! i didnt like scripting and coz of that i wasnt able to make missions or it will take loads of time to me to make a simple mission...thanx to you now i can easily make missions!!!!!! colgate.gifcolgate.gifcolgate.gifcolgate.gif as indi said...its like a dream come true!!

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OMG I love you Dutchy ! This thing is awesome inlove.gif

Also I made mission by myself.

Briefing :

Welcome in SWAT , Carl Johnson. Your objective is to clean Los Santos by killing "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang. They have their base in film studio. They are very talented marksman , your 3 SWAT friends , Bulletproof SWAT truck , SWAT weapons should do the trick. After you kill "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang , take the money from their base , it's stolen from bank. Also remember - this is undercover mission ! So , FBI must don't know about , you must complete it under 8 minutes.

Instalation :

Install Design Your Own Mission mod , copy DYOM3.dat file to your Gta San Andreas User Files , start the game with Design Your Own Mission mod , press "Y" then "missions (or something like that" , Load Mission , Load mission number 3.

Download :



Edited by loczek47
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What I meant was where can my finished mission be found?  The SA directory or the User Files directory? smile.gif

Your finished mission is a file called "DYOMx.dat" in User Files.


@ Zombie: I don't have a sollution for that crash, because you have to give me some more information. tounge.gif

nevermind, i found the problem

i used to got an older version of cleo, but i downloaded cleo3 and now its ok tounge.gif


BTW can i make some sugestions?

u should be able to spawn fire in some places

put actors to do a specific action like walking or talking with others

be able to add your own line, for example insted of "go to the next checkpoint etc." u will be adding your own phrase

and actors do drive-by


get it ? tounge2.gif

Edited by _-=Zombie=-_
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OMG I love you Dutchy ! This thing is awesome inlove.gif

Also I made mission by myself.

Briefing :

Welcome in SWAT , Carl Johnson. Your objective is to clean Los Santos by killing "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang. They have their base in film studio. They are very talented marksman , your 3 SWAT friends , Bulletproof SWAT truck , SWAT weapons should do the trick. After you kill "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang , take the money from their base , it's stolen from bank. Also remember - this is undercover mission ! So , FBI must don't know about , you must complete it under 8 minutes.

Instalation :

Install Design Your Own Mission mod , copy DYOM3.dat file to your Gta San Andreas User Files , start the game with Design Your Own Mission mod , press "Y" then "missions (or something like that" , Load Mission , Load mission number 3.

Download :


Anybody interesed with my mission and my problem ? lol.gif

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OMG I love you Dutchy ! This thing is awesome  inlove.gif

Also I made mission by myself.

Briefing :

Welcome in SWAT , Carl Johnson. Your objective is to clean Los Santos by killing "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang. They have their base in film studio. They are very talented marksman , your 3 SWAT friends , Bulletproof SWAT truck , SWAT weapons should do the trick. After you kill "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang , take the money from their base , it's stolen from bank. Also remember - this is undercover mission ! So , FBI must don't know about , you must complete it under 8 minutes.

Instalation :

Install Design Your Own Mission mod , copy DYOM3.dat file to your Gta San Andreas User Files , start the game with Design Your Own Mission mod , press "Y" then "missions (or something like that" , Load Mission , Load mission number 3.

Download :


Anybody interesed with my mission and my problem ? lol.gif

I like your mission icon14.gif


I have created one of leatherface in fisher's lagoon, I'll send a link when I upload it.


Oh, and I have a problem, when I am searching an actor, the game crashes. How can I fix this?

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OMG I love you Dutchy ! This thing is awesome  inlove.gif

Also I made mission by myself.

Briefing :

Welcome in SWAT , Carl Johnson. Your objective is to clean Los Santos by killing "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang. They have their base in film studio. They are very talented marksman , your 3 SWAT friends , Bulletproof SWAT truck , SWAT weapons should do the trick. After you kill "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang , take the money from their base , it's stolen from bank. Also remember - this is undercover mission ! So , FBI must don't know about , you must complete it under 8 minutes.

Instalation :

Install Design Your Own Mission mod , copy DYOM3.dat file to your Gta San Andreas User Files , start the game with Design Your Own Mission mod , press "Y" then "missions (or something like that" , Load Mission , Load mission number 3.

Download :


Anybody interesed with my mission and my problem ? lol.gif

I like your mission icon14.gif


I have created one of leatherface in fisher's lagoon, I'll send a link when I upload it.


Oh, and I have a problem, when I am searching an actor, the game crashes. How can I fix this?

Thanks biggrin.gif

Can you give me link to site where you downloaded your cleo library ? I see you can load missions...I can't because version of my cleo sad.gif about the actor problem - maybe you got some mods that cause that problem.

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OMG I love you Dutchy ! This thing is awesome  inlove.gif

Also I made mission by myself.

Briefing :

Welcome in SWAT , Carl Johnson. Your objective is to clean Los Santos by killing "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang. They have their base in film studio. They are very talented marksman , your 3 SWAT friends , Bulletproof SWAT truck , SWAT weapons should do the trick. After you kill "The Wild Gunners Klan" gang , take the money from their base , it's stolen from bank. Also remember - this is undercover mission ! So , FBI must don't know about , you must complete it under 8 minutes.

Instalation :

Install Design Your Own Mission mod , copy DYOM3.dat file to your Gta San Andreas User Files , start the game with Design Your Own Mission mod , press "Y" then "missions (or something like that" , Load Mission , Load mission number 3.

Download :


Anybody interesed with my mission and my problem ? lol.gif

I like your mission icon14.gif


I have created one of leatherface in fisher's lagoon, I'll send a link when I upload it.


Oh, and I have a problem, when I am searching an actor, the game crashes. How can I fix this?

Thanks biggrin.gif

Can you give me link to site where you downloaded your cleo library ? I see you can load missions...I can't because version of my cleo sad.gif about the actor problem - maybe you got some mods that cause that problem.

ok, go to:




and look up in the left corner where it says "CLEO 3 Library (installer)"

click there to start the download, it's an autoinstaller of cleo 3.


oh, by the way I am already uploading my leatherface mission in mediafire biggrin.gif Link soon!


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ok here is my mission briefing:

you are Simon King, you had lot of friend like Chad, Rome,Gord but they played you by taking all of your money and you girls when you are go on vacation with your only girl you go with, then they dump you into the prison, you have to get out of the prison by escape at night, and go to your hideout, take up weapon and payback your friend, your girls will follow them and attack you either!

what about my mission, good or bad, if good tell me and i will post up, if bad, insult if you want smile.gif

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Dammit , still crashes. I think that can be version of gta san andreas .exe .... What exe you have got (crack , downgraded etc.)

I got a cracked exe, but well, I don't know why it crashes. Maybe your san andreas isn't 1.00???


EDIT: Mission uploaded!




Just follow the markers to find a car, a heli, pickups and leatherface.



Edited by scarriokpo
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cuvip, like loczek47, your mission sounds good icon14.gif . You should upload it to rapidshare.


EDIT: Dutchy, could you make, in next version, that the actors can make animations? that should be really good. And the only thing that this mod needs to be perfect too, it's that you can make cutscenes. But that would be too much... It's enough with the animations icon14.gif

Edited by scarriokpo
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Dammit , still crashes. I think that can be version of gta san andreas .exe .... What exe you have got (crack , downgraded etc.)

I got a cracked exe, but well, I don't know why it crashes. Maybe your san andreas isn't 1.00???


EDIT: Mission uploaded!




Just follow the markers to find a car, a heli, pickups and leatherface.



Just tested it , awesome mission ! icon14.gif

edit : Damn it so strange...your mission works for me...but my mission doesnt...it crash...does my mission works fine for you ?

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cuvip, like loczek47, your mission sounds good icon14.gif . You should upload it to rapidshare

thanks man but i can't post up now because there is no internet cable in my hood( may be my country doesn't as good as your country) and i have to go to internet shop to post up, can you guys wait? suicidal.gif

EDIT:god freakin damn it, why it always crash when i loading mission

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