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Well, with the money Rockstar is making from GTA, and MC: LA, they should be rolling in it!


Do you think they could include real cars in the next GTA maybe? I mean, yeah, it would cost a lot, but they probably have the money by now, and it'd be worth it!


Sorry if this has already been posted! dontgetit.gif








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It's not about money, it's about satirical humour and originality. I'd prefer to see fake names than real names.

Totally. Who wants real cars when you can have original ones that have been influenced by real life ones. Much better. It wouldn't be as fun. Also with real life brands it wouldn't be the same seeing a coca cola sign or a burger king fast food joint.

Edited by Darrel
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Well, with the money Rockstar is making from GTA, and MC: LA, they should be rolling in it!


Do you think they could include real cars in the next GTA maybe? I mean, yeah, it would cost a lot, but they probably have the money by now, and it'd be worth it!


Sorry if this has already been posted! dontgetit.gif




No point, modders will make them.

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I dont get what a huge difference it would make to be honest. Ive played GTA so long now that ive kinda gotten use to the fake names. Like if i see a Comet, Banshee or a Admiral go past me i know what car it is. Plus R* have always had digs at companys in the real world wheter it be food outlets, cars, brands etc, so i wouldnt like the game to get commercialised otherwise it would take away from the humor.

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also, if they had real cars, they'd have to include a lot more cars and a lot of very common cars would be absolutely necessary (Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Honda Civic, etc.) or else it wouldn't be believable. It's better as it is, and it gives the developers more leeway with modeling them so they don't need to make it absolutely accurate to anything in particular. It also fits better with the fictional city and businesses theme. If they had real cars they'd have to make everything else real too. Plus, most car companies wouldn't like to see their cars in a GTA game getting crashed and blown up and bloodied from hitting pedestrians.


I can't think of any free-roam GTA style game that had real licensed cars. There are many good reasons why it's never been done.

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most car companies wouldn't like to see their cars in a GTA game getting crashed and blown up and bloodied from hitting pedestrians.


This is why real cars shouldnt be included, because most car companys wouldn't agree to thier cars being in GTA, only a few would so it would be stupid to have a handful of real cars and the rest of them being the copycat versions. It would seem unbalanced.


Any car manufacturer that would agree would most likely want to splash their adverts all over the place aswell.

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  • 2 months later...
most car companies wouldn't like to see their cars in a GTA game getting crashed and blown up and bloodied from hitting pedestrians.


This is why real cars shouldnt be included, because most car companys wouldn't agree to thier cars being in GTA, only a few would so it would be stupid to have a handful of real cars and the rest of them being the copycat versions. It would seem unbalanced.


Any car manufacturer that would agree would most likely want to splash their adverts all over the place aswell.

definitely, plus everyones familiar wit the current car names/look

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I think they definatley should and real designer clothes. They have the license for the cars on MC so all they would have to do is pay for them to be on GTA which wouldent be a problem either

What they have with MC is a mere handful of sports and supercars from only a quarter of today's car manufacturers, doesn't quite make up for the usual roster of at least a hundred different vehicles that GTA requires.

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If the makers of Gran Turismo can't put vehicular damage into their game due to the demands of that game's dozens of car manufacturers, then how in the world are those same manufacturers going to license their vehicles for a game in which they get blown up, used to run over pedestrians and police officers, and used for drive-by shootings? The only open-world game that I know of that had licensed cars was The Getaway, and the makers of that game concealed many aspects of its gameplay from the car companies. Rockstar doesn't have that luxury, as everybody knows what kind of game GTA is. Besides, I always preferred having fake vehicles, as it gives Rockstar more creative freedom.

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If the makers of Gran Turismo can't put vehicular damage into their game due to the demands of that game's dozens of car manufacturers, then how in the world are those same manufacturers going to license their vehicles for a game in which they get blown up, used to run over pedestrians and police officers, and used for drive-by shootings? The only open-world game that I know of that had licensed cars was The Getaway, and the makers of that game concealed many aspects of its gameplay from the car companies. Rockstar doesn't have that luxury, as everybody knows what kind of game GTA is. Besides, I always preferred having fake vehicles, as it gives Rockstar more creative freedom.

I don't think so.


I think they should make cars more closely resemble real cars though.

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Like people have said Rockstar doesn't want real cars and car companies don't want rockstar.

Nail on the head there!

Exactly the same reason they dont use the real weapon names, The makers of the weapons dont want to see their weapons in games killing thousands of pedestrians

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I prefer the fake parody cars in GTA. It makes it feel more like a different world, and more arcadish like GTA always has been. If they had real cars they would have real world advertisements and product placement in the game, it would feel too much like EA games. I like that GTA is never too connected to the real world, and all advertisements seen in the game are parodies and often a sexual joke.





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Car companies wouldnt want to see there cars portrayed in Drive-By's being blown up with rocket launchers, prostitute's blood sprayed over the pretious badge on the steering wheel, or a policeman pulling the door off just to arest the player.

I like some of the names GTA's fake cars have: Faggio, Boxville, Banshee, Packer, Maverick, Coquette.

Coquette has a meaning to it tounge.gif


And I like seeing un-real ugly boxes meant to look like Lamborghini's or a mangled wreck that was once a old taxi.

GTA. But I dislike GTA's "Manufactor" concept. Although "sh*tzu" makes me chuckle slightly.


Real cars are for mods or silly racing games, not cool games.

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Car companies wouldnt want to see there cars portrayed in Drive-By's being blown up with rocket launchers, prostitute's blood sprayed over the pretious badge on the steering wheel, or a policeman pulling the door off just to arest the player.

I like some of the names GTA's fake cars have: Faggio, Boxville, Banshee, Packer, Maverick, Coquette.

Coquette has a meaning to it tounge.gif


And I like seeing un-real ugly boxes meant to look like Lamborghini's or a mangled wreck that was once a old taxi.

GTA. But I dislike GTA's "Manufactor" concept. Although "sh*tzu" makes me chuckle slightly.


Real cars are for mods or silly racing games, not cool games.

Are you also the guy in TGTAP? The guy who spammed the whole VC board?


Well, yeah.


OT: Meh. Too much license process to undergo. Better with the fake ones. icon14.gif

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That would be wasting of money and killing the Grand Theft Auto. None of the previous versions didn't have vehicles with real names. Now, if the new one comes with real logos, real car manufacturer names then it wouldn't be the Grand Theft Auto anymore, it would be wierd.

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Mainland Marauder
It's not about money, it's about satirical humour and originality. I'd prefer to see fake names than real names.

This, and



No point, modders will make them.


this. QFT.


I'm getting a little tired of all the product placement in games anyway. Let's keep the modders busy with something to do and Rockstar free to use the GTA world to take the piss out of things they might not be able to if they're getting handed money every which way for a bunch of companies to hawk their sh*t. Next thing we know they'll be showing commercials every 30 seconds in the game.

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  • 5 months later...
Well, with the money Rockstar is making from GTA, and MC: LA, they should be rolling in it!


Do you think they could include real cars in the next GTA maybe? I mean, yeah, it would cost a lot, but they probably have the money by now, and it'd be worth it!


Sorry if this has already been posted! dontgetit.gif




And thats why my friend, we have mods smile.gif

besids, I doubt that any car manufacturer would like to see his car being used to kill people or using it as cover in a shootout, bad PR mate, also, EVEN if the car manufacturers would agree it would cost millions of dollars to buy the licences (assuming that there wont be only one car brand -_-), also fake cars inspired by real ones look better and are much more fun smile.gif

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