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Multiplayer Calendar

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GTAForums Multiplayer Calendar



With all the multiplayer activity around, we guys in the SRS organized meets but found it difficult to co-ordinate and get people together. We thought of setting up a calendar for it, but decided that it would be more useful if it was used by everyone. So here's a calendar to help multiplayer events gain more publicity and hopefully a better attendance. This calender is now being run by the multiplayer area moderators.



Link: http://src.byethost22.com/mpcalendar/



RSS Feed: http://src.byethost22.com/mpcalendar/rss.php

The Feed displays all the events that occur within one month from the present time.



Browser Requirements:

JavaScript and cookies must be enabled, popup-blocker must be disabled.



How to use it:

Anyone can view the events and browse the calendar, but only registered users can add or edit events. Registration is forced to curb spam.


To register, you need to enter a username, password and email address. Whatever information you enter whilst signing up, will be visible only to you; other users cannot see it. After signing up, you can immediately log in and use your account - no email validation required.

WARNING: For added security, it is highly recommend that you choose unique a password that you have not used elsewhere.


Once registered and logged in, you can add your own events. The calendar is self-explanatory and is easy to use. You can edit your own events. If you'd like events to be editable by multiple users, you can mark them as public. Note that this will let anyone edit your event. Non-Public events can be edited only by you.


You can also add re-occurring events, such as weekly meet-ups. You don't have to add all the information there, there is a URL field which you can use to link to a post here or at your private forums, which contains all the details of the event. Please make it a point to fill in all the fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.



Why use it?

Hopefully this calendar will serve as a repository of all the happening multiplayer events at GTAForums. It'll make it easier for event organizers to reach out to more people and increase attendance at meets. It might also help with recruitment - anyone interested in joining your gang can join you in-game, interact with you, and get to know the gang better, and you can see if they are really good enough.



Please let me know of any problems/suggestions. Hope this calendar proves to be useful and helps people get to know the current events. smile.gif

Edited by GTArv
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  • 1 month later...

Great job! icon14.gif

I'll start to use this calendar as soon as I can...

Especially for the DTW Cup that will (hopefully) start in January.


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Ok, I posted the Super Cup dates in the calendar. And I linked the calendar page in my sig. Very useful tool. icon14.gif


EDIT: posted also the date for the sign up campaign for 3rd DTW Cup in January smile.gif

Edited by docrikowski
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  • 3 weeks later...

Cheers for the support , doc & tw!tch.



As you all can see, the two Christmas events have been pinned to help them get more attention. We've decided that we won't be doing it again, as it might be bias, and also, we might be getting several pin requests. The two events were only pinned as they had potential. Besides, they will be unpinned soon.


Everyone is encouraged to make use of the calendar - this will help a lot of people publicise their events simultaneously. Please make sure to check the calendar regularly, if you're looking for some events to participate in. We're currently working on an RSS feed, which should make it even easier for you to check the calendar. You can also hop on to #mpc on GTANet IRC (More details here) to chat in realtime.

Edited by GTArv
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Nice one, didnt see this before. Added our match againt apocalypse!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Clear you browser's cache and try again.


By the way, I removed your CoD events; after all, this is GTAForums. You've got a topic over here to plan out your event, please use that to organise and talk with potential participants. Do not advertise your website everywhere. Posting a link in your topic is fine, since it seems to be related to your event. The your sole aim of your posting shouldn't be advertising. Please keep your adverts within your signature.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Okay, should we just do away with this calendar? You decide.

No one seems to use it (Well expect for maybe someone who posted an infinitely re-occurring GTA Zombies Event). I thought that maybe with this calendar, people could manage time more easily and schedule events better. But its highly inactive and seems unwanted. Besides, events seem fine as it is. If you have any other ideas, please, do post here.

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