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GTA3.img file injecter!

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I have found this tool on the web that injects data into the gta3.img file.


The data is in IDE entry order but I'm having issues getting the right command line syntax for the bat file.


Edit- Just realized that some may not want to download the tool, so here is a sample.



start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\plinkoboard.dff"                    	start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\plinkocrap.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\alpinehorn.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\fibottom.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\ficabin.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\LCarea5build2.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\jogarageext.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\dam_road1.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\stormdrainLAE2_05.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\RiverBridge1_LAe.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\RiverBridge2_LAe.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\Furniture_LAe.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\lae2_ground02.dff"                        start /b C:\ImgEdCmd.exe "C:\GTA3.IMG" /a "C:\models\stormdrainLAE2_06.dff"And so on..... 10200+ listed below in order of the IDE file.



download link for bat.file and Imgedtool.

http://www.ukscifi.net/Q/ImgEdCmd.rar (http://www.ukscifi.net/Q/ImgEdCmd.rar)



Do not run bat without the data (Models), your CPU will go 100% for some time and blue-screen crash.


But when I run the bat, not every line gets injected, as it seems not scan each line, more so just run as one big line, where only some data gets injected. (259 dffs got on, out of 10.342)



Edit- This has been sorted, I found another way, this can be deleted

Edited by Mc-Kay
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