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Phantom killer! what the hell?

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Ok sometimes when I am doing chores I listen to Liberty Jam on my psp and connect the audio so my stereo.


well I just got to the Stauton Island and I have the new safehouse, when ever I want to listen to the station I just get in the car in the garage and tune to the station I like and put the PSP on hold mood.


today after about 5 minutes of listening I heard the music suddenly stop, followed by gunshots. Those shots were loud as hell coming over the stereo speakers. When I got to the psp to see what happened(which was across the living room), i was in front of the hospital!


WHO THE HELL Killed me??? In my own garage?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


it could have been a yardie

I really don't think they can reach you from there.

And even so, it would have taken the Yardies a fair amount of time to kill you since they have pistols and bats, and the gunshot from a pistol is not very loud.


Haha- Unsolved Mysteries: The Staunton Garage Crime.

Edited by mincemate003
  • 3 months later...
That is freaky,but i heard really loud gun shots when i was driving my diablo stalion and i died,this is on ps2.

If a gang has beef with you they can shut at your car while riding in it. If your car is really damage prior, a couple shots will blow you up.

  • 2 years later...

I don't think the Yardies could even find their way to the safehouse, even if they spawned nearby and therefore knew about Toni's presence... So yeah, problem solved, it's Ma's hitman, a.k.a. "Free Armor Salesman"

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