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Cheat Code Creation

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I'm working on implementing new cheat device codes a need a place to start documenting the process.



Cheat Code Conversions - NTSC/UC v1 NTSC/UC v2 PAL German French
AR-Max Game ID - 069C 08B0 06A3 06B0 06A4/0A0F
Structure - NTSC/UC v1 NTSC/UC v2 PAL Length Maximum
Global Variable Space - 006B1FF0 006B2770 006B20F0 4 bytes 0-10941
Marker Pool (radar blips) - 00701F00 00702A80 00702000 40 bytes 175 Markers
ZoneInfo (all zones) - 007B7800 007B8390 007B7900 32 bytes 380 Zones
GrayZone/Map Fog Array - 007BA780 007BB310 007BA880 byte 0-99
ZonePop - 007BA7F0 007BB380 007BA8F0 17 bytes 380 Zones
Car Generator Data - 007BC770 007BD300 007BC870 32 bytes 400 Records
Custom Plates - 007BF970 007C0500 007BFA70 16 bytes 15 Records
Pickup Pool - 00803170 00803D00 00803270 32 bytes 620 Pickups
Garage Zone *1 - 0080AE90 0080BA20 0080AF90 216 bytes 50 Garages
Garage Cars - 0080D8D0 0080E460 0080D9D0 64 bytes 20*4 Cars
Gang Weapons Data - 0081B280 0081BE00 0081B380 16 bytes Gangs 0-9
Shopping Data - 0085B2F0 0085BE70 0085B3F0 byte -
Start of Enex Data - 00C986B0 00C99230 00C987B0 60 bytes 400 Records
- - - - - - -
Pointers to Stuctures - NTSC/UC v1 NTSC/UC v2 PAL - -
Ped Acquaintances - 0066B3E8 0066BB68 0066B4E8 - -
IPL Data - 008C3110 008C3C90 008C3210 - -
Unique Jump Data - 008C2FD0 008C3B50 008C30D0 - -
- - - - - - -
Useful Addresses - NTSC/UC v1 NTSC/UC v2 PAL - -
Joker Address (button press) - 00700942 007014C2 00700A42 word -
Loose Stuff If Wasted - 00666C98 00667418 00666D98 byte -
Loose Stuff If Busted - 00666C9C 0066741C 00666D9C byte -
LS Riots Active - 0066B88C 0066C00C 0066B98C byte -
Free Bombs - 0066BF8C 0066C70C 0066C08C byte -
Free Re-sprays - 0066BF90 0066C710 0066C090 byte -
Enable Gang Wars - 0066C7A4 0066CF24 0066C8A4 byte -
Has Ever Cheated Flag - 0066CB08 0066D288 0066CC08 byte -
Prostitutes pay you - 0088D75A 0088E2DA 0088D85A byte -
All taxis have nitro - 0088D75B 0088E2DB 0088D85B byte -
- - - - - - -
Calculated Addresses Index NTSC/UC v1 NTSC/UC v2 PAL NTSC/UC v2 PC
Global Variables - 006B1FF0 006B2770 006B20F0 Global # Global #
Global Variable 0 0 006B1FF0 006B2770 006B20F0 0 0
Girl_Desired_Progress[0-5] 353 006B2574 006B2D04 006B2674 357 353
Girl_Progress[0-5] 359 006B258C 006B2D1C 006B268C 363 359
Girl_Desired_SexAppeal[0-5] 365 006B25A4 006B2D34 006B26A4 369 365
Girls_Gifts_bitmask 406 006B2648 006B2DD8 006B2748 410 406
Total_Available_Save_Pickups 885 006B2DC4 006B3554 006B2EC4 889 885
Basketballs Enabled Global 1903 006B3DAC 006B453C 006B3EAC 1907 1903
Basketball Glitch Global 1928 006B3E10 006B45A0 006B3F10 1932 1928
Stores Available [0-6] 2549 006B47C4 006B4F54 006B48C4 2553 2549
Special Outfits [0-7] 2555 006B47DC 006B4F70 006B48DC 2560 2555
Current_Month_Day 5344 006B7370 006B7B04 006B7470 5349 5345
- - - - - - -
Float Stats - 00802160 00802CF0 00802260 - -
Float Stat 0 [0-81] 0 00802160 00802CF0 00802260 - -
Max Health 24 008021C0 00802D50 008022C0 - -
Weapon Skills [0-10] 69 00802274 00802E04 00802374 - -
- - - - - - -
Integer Stats - 008020D0 00802C60 008021D0 - -
False Integer Stat 0 (120-337) 0 008020D0 00802C60 008021D0 - -
Float Stat 0 36 00802160 00802CF0 00802260 - -
First Integer Stat 120 008022B0 00802E40 008023B0 - -
Territories Under Control 337 00802614 008031A4 00802714 - -
Progress with Denise 252 008024C0 00803050 008025C0 - -
Times Cheated 137 008022F4 00802E84 008023F4 - -
Armor 164 00802360 00802EF0 00802460 - -
- - - - - - -
  1. NTSC/UC v2 is missing garage 32. Offsets for subsequent garages will need to be adjusted
Current Cheat Projects: (save block order)


Targeting each block or key structures.


Block 0: Miscellaneous


I'm not sure how this block is created. It may read or create key information at the time the save is created.


Looking for:

0x00E4 dword max wanted level (opcode 01F0)

0x0090 byte Boolean: has ever cheated flag

0x00E0 byte Boolean: riot mode flag (opcode 06C8)

0x0135 byte Boolean: All taxis have nitro (opcode 0572 flag)

0x0136 byte Boolean: Prostitutes pay you (opcode 0A3D flag)


Block 1: Script


Contains Global Variables (major version differences). All Global Variables are 4 bytes in length. Finding the right spot to edit is simple enough, but identifying which variable needs adjusting is still a challenge.


Base Address for Global Variabe $0: 006B1FF0

Assign all 4 bytes, so address code is 206B1FF0 + (Variable Number * 4)


Current Project: Reviving Dead or Ignored Girlfriends



Block 2: Players & Objects


Save block offsets for known cheats

0x001C float Health

0x0020 float Armor


Possible Cheats in this Block:


Change CJ's Clothes

Remove Brass Knuckles

Adjust Weapon Slots and Ammo Counts

Move objects blocking assess, adjust the properties, and/or change them into something else.



Block 3: Garages


Garage Cars - current cheats exist


I don't have any cars in the garages of my current data. I'm expecting something like the save record.



Garage Car Structure (GrgCar): 0x00  float[3]      Coordinates (x,y,z) 0x0c  byte[4]       (Unknown) 0x10  byte          Car Flags 0x11  byte          (Unknown) 0x12  word          Vehicle Model ID 0x14  word[15]      Installed Vehicle Mods (see veh_mods.ide) 0x32  byte[4]       Primary Color, Secondary Color, Tertiary Color, (Unknown) Quaternary Color? 0x36  byte          Radio Station 0x37  byte[2]       Vehicle Variation 0x39  byte          Bomb Type 0x3A  byte          Paintjob 0x3B  byte          Nitrous Count 0x3C  byte[3]       Vector Rotation 0x3F  byte          (unknown) Align



PC Memory information on Garage Cars



Johnson House Car number 1 is near the beginning of this structure.

1080D8E2 0000####


Should be possible to add or remove mods, increase the nitrous count, change the paintjob, or create a completely new vehicle without first putting something in the garage.


Garage Zone Structure


0080AE90 - starting address for XYZ of the first garage (MUL_LAN)


The data seems to match the save file but isn't quite in the same order. I'll have to investigate further but it looks like I might be able to change the size, location, type, or whatever else seems appropriate.


Test Code for this structure:


Unlock El Corona Garage

0080B316 00000068




Block 4: Wasted/Busted


0x0004 byte Boolean: Lose stuff after wasted (opcode 08DD)

0x0005 byte Boolean: Lose stuff after busted (opcode 08DE)



Block 5: Disabled Pathnode Cubes


Don't see a need to edit. Not well documented anyway.


Block 6: Pickups


Pickup offsets will vary depending on whether or not the new game was started after loading an existing save.


Pickup structure appears to begin at 00803170. Each record is 32 bytes in length. 620 total entries.



Pickup structure: 0    float           current asset value 8    dword           ammo (or max asset value) c    dword           timer10    word[3]         x,y,z, all multiplied by 816    word            asset rate18    word            model1a    word            unknown (handle?) 1c    byte            type1d    byte            unknown (flags?)20                    end 



Test Code


Glen Park Flowers to Jetpack

10806548 00000172





Block 7: (Unused)


Block 8: Restart Locations (where CJ spawns after an arrest or death)


Start of data is near 007C1590.


Perhaps change the Z location for Fort Carson to something very high so CJ can use it for base jumping. Need a high parachute or the keep weapon bonus from Katie.



Block 9: Markers - current cheat exits for swapping icons.


Data begins near 00701F08


205FAAC8 005FA690 - CATALINAPINK (seems to be changing the texture rather than the assignment)


Adding blips might be accomplished with the radar marker, probably more work than it's worth.



Block 10: Zones


rik-013 has been all over this block with his gang war modifications. I can't think of any other reason to edit this data.


Block 11: Gang Weapons



OFFSET  TYPE            DESCRIPTION0x0000  GangWeapons[10] GangWeapons structures -- each is 0x10 bytes in size; see details below0x00a0  (end)This might be useful for the gang wars cheats. The data should be saved, but tends to get adjusted by the mission scripts from time to time so the changes may not stick.GangWeapons[]            0x00  byte[4]         unused 0x04  dword           weaponID A 0x08  dword           weaponID B 0x0c  dword           weaponID C 0x10  (end)



Data appears to begin at: 0081B280



Block 12: Car Generators


Data begins at 007BCA90




Car Generator Data begins at 007BC770

Size of data is 12800 bytes (0x3200, 400 records * 32 bytes)

Custom Plate records follow at 007BF970

Specific vehicles may not be in the same position within this structure (new game on new card, restart from existing save, or ???)


Test Code


El Corona Blade to Sandking

107BCD50 000001EF




Structure adapted from 34 byte save records


Car generator structure: 0    word            model 2    byte[2]         colors 4    word[3]         x,y,z, all multiplied by 8 a    byte            heading/360*256 b    byte            alarm chance d    byte            locked chance e    byte            flags: bit 2=force spawn, bit 8=player owned10    word            monetary value14    dword           timer1a    word            cars to generate20                    end 




Block 13: (Unused)

Block 14: (Unused)


Block 15: Player data


Data appears to begin near 007096B4 but the structure doesn't match the save file


Infinite Cash

207096B4 05F5E0FF

207096B8 05F5E0FF


Test Codes


Fast Reload (rifles & rockets)

00709749 00000001




250 Max Armor (full armor)

0070974C 000000FA




Block 16: Stats


Max Health

208021C0 44B00000


Stats ID

24 Max Health


Block 17: Police trigger zones


Data begins at 0082CCA0


Records are 32 bytes long. 210 total records, 209 are used.


I'm not sure I see any point in messing with these.



Block 18: Models - don't know what this does.



Block 19: Ped Acquaintances


Currently under investigation for use with the Gang War Mod cheats and repairing the Madd Dogg Glitch. (pointer to structure)


Start of Data: 0093D5A0



Block 20: Tags


Not sure yet. Should be possible to spray or unspray tags, but I need to set up a save to check for a pattern.



Block 21: IPL


Controls the barriers and other objects. I can find the data but it's mixed in with the text IPL information not normally stored in the save. I've had one failed attempt at dropping the barriers, but may investigate further once I stop working with these static beginning saves. (pointer to structure)



Block 22: Shopping


I suspect I can add all clothing to the wardrobe, but I need to set up a pattern to search for. Done.



Block 23: Gang wars


Will look into this soon to support the Gang Wars mod. This block controls whether or not the gang wars are enabled, but flags tend to be stored independently of their data. Found it.


Block 24: Unique Stunt Jumps


This block tends to be rewritten to the save file in a different sequence so I have my doubts about being able to control specific jumps. However, it should be possible to mark all complete, incomplete, or adjust the found properties conditionally. It should be possible to change the values of the jumps or move them around. BTW, testing new jumps is a difficult process, but it looks like I can copy jumps I've tested on PC. (pointer to structure)


Jump Structures begin at 01208710



Block 25: ENEX Connections


This block is much different in active memory, but I think I managed to track down the information I need based on the current teleport codes. So far I am unable to reconnect the links to another connection but I did manage to unlock a door and the same flags can be changed to allow bikes or cars.


Data begins near 00C986A0 with records starting at 00C986B0


Test Code:


Unlock El Corona House

10C98938 00004004




Block 26: Radio Data


I'm not at at sure what this block does in the save file or in memory.


Block 27: Entrance markers


Fake Enex doors - the airport ticket sales are the only example I know of. The markers don't do anything.


End of Save Data

Edited by OrionSR
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wow, amazing work !!!



I could use help from anyone with more experience in cheat creation, and also testers for different versions or anyone willing to take this initial documentation and turn them into the full range of possible cheats.



you know ill be more than happy to be part of this project...again great work dude icon14.gificon14.gificon14.gif


here's LINKS on info's,faqs,guides and tools for code creation.


>>CMP Code Guides


>>CMP Faqs


>>CMP misc.




>>PCSX2-emulator tool


>>OMNICONVERT- converter tool


>>PS2DIS-disassembler tool


>>WIKI Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language


>>MIPS Assembly Language Programmer's Guide





Edited by ric-013
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Gantons Most Wanted

thats very impressive dude you need any AR MAX PAL testers i'll see what i can do but atm i'm a lil swamped but in a few weeks i should have alot more spare time due to college will be over for about 4 monthes for me. Do you think it would be possible to make some interior markers appear for places like SF Police Station of putting the right safehouse interiors to where they are supposed to go like for example that unused safehouse interior was supposed to be the interior for the Vinewood Mansion by Madd Doggs.

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Do you think it would be possible to make some interior markers appear for places like SF Police Station of putting the right safehouse interiors to where they are supposed to go like for example that unused safehouse interior was supposed to be the interior for the Vinewood Mansion by Madd Doggs.

Creating some custom enex connections might be possible, but right now I'm baffled by how this information is stored in active memory. It's a lot different from the save structure I'm so familiar with and includes most of the IPL information like coordinates that is missing from the save records. However, I have been unable to determine how the links between connections are maintained.


Stategies for the SFPD


The custom chain game saves have the SFPD interior attached to the Dillimore PD. This change is maintained throughout the save. If I can change the links then this is a stable and saved modification.


There are a handful of unused or duplicate enex connections. One of these could be linked to the SFPD and the coordinates adjusted for right out front where CJ spawns if busted if I can find one that won't conflict if the cheat is in active. For example, there are 2 doors in the same spot connecting the Palomino and Montgomery pizza joints to their interior. If one of these was reassigned to the SFPD interior but the coordinates are normal because the cheat is not used, then it might be difficult to tell which interior would be accessed when trying to get something to eat in the Badlands.


I'm not so sure if the LA Big House was really intended for Mulholland. The interior doesn't look like it belongs with the Mullholland house exterior - but that's just my impression. I've been leaving the Mulholland house alone and attaching the LA Big House interior to 24-7s, Burglary Houses, and other locations to create extra hideouts rather than changing the familiar ones. However, a save disk needs to be borrowed from a unique location like Queens (my preference), Hashbury, Prickle Pine, Madd Dogg's Crib (since it glitches anyway) or Catalina's (should be no trouble turning it on early). Moving the save disk is a permanent change, unless of course another cheat puts it back.


Similar: Change Playa de Seville barber to unused barber, an update added for PC and v2.


Anyway, the rule on the enexes is that all information is read from disk except the links between connections and the properties flags for the doors. If I can figure out how to reconnect two exterior connections together then they will create a permanent warp that can allow bikes, cars, or group members like homies, girlfriends, and probably mission characters as well.


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Gantons Most Wanted

thats pretty good but i get what your saying. But i like the Queens Safehouse its pretty decent if you were gonna change it though i'd either use the safehouse by Madd Doggs like i said or you could put it where the Paradiso safehouse is located because that would be a nice fit. But there are certain interiors i would like available like the Brothels because theres an unused interior door in el corona where there was going to be a sex shop enterance and the brothel would fit well there as its not a big building. Anyway with the interior codes if you need a tester for AR Max codes like i said i can give it a shot in a few weeks when i'm a bit more freed up.

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Modifying Car Generators and Custom Plates


The plan is to document how to reassign all the properties of the first car generator and use offset to calculate the position of the other vehicles. However, this area of memory appears to be different if the game is started from an exiting save. I'm not sure how to handle this discrepancy.


There's a similar situation with reassigning the custom plates. The handles used to identify the plates is often different from save to save. However, I think I found a way around this problem. The strategy is to read the handle from the global variable associated with the car generator and use that for the data placed in the handle value for the car.



Added: yeah, let's play with the enexes to see what happens. I suspect things don't quite match your description but we'll see how it goes. I don't want to take the Paradiso save disk away because it's used at several other locations. That's why I suggested unique interiors and save disks. And as much as I like the Queens Interior, I never felt it looked right. The LA Big House actually looks normal enough for a super-swanky hotel, sort of.


The other option is to connect the LA Big House through the wardrobes. Either enter the normal interior, enter the wardrobe for the big house, and used the Big House wardrobe for changing clothes, or connect a save house to the wardrobe of the LA Big House to use for saving and changing clothes.

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i don't use the plates much. there a nice touch either way but the car customisation would be interesting like putting the alien bodykits on other cars and them fitting correctly would be pretty good.

I don't have much experience with modding the cars, but I suspect there will be major conflicts if I assign the wrong part to the wrong car. A PC car modder would probably be able to supply more specific information.


I was taking about the car generators that are part of the save file. The car generators don't have any settings for mods, variation, or proofing. However, it should be possible to adapt the garage modifier codes to add whatever custom part you want to a car in the garage. Adding custom wheels and NOS to cars that don't usually take it is easy enough, but attaching a part to a model without the proper bone structure is bound to cause all kinds of trouble.

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The enex connection links still have me baffled, so I revisited the car generators.


Car Generator Records


Car Generator Data begins at 007BC770

Size of data is 12800 bytes (0x3200, 400 records * 32 bytes)

Custom Plate records follow at 007BF970

Generator handles indicate the offset from the beginning of the structure

Handles are stored in Global Variables for each vehicle defined by the mission scripts

Handles are used by scripts or to hide or unhide vehicles and to assign custom plates


Parked car generators from binary IPL streams are also written to the same area of memory, but the flags apparently allow the game to replace these vehicles with another. When a new game is created from a fresh start (without a memory card) then several binary IPL vehicles will be in place before the mission vehicles are added so they will have a different handle and address in memory than a new game started from an existing save.


New car generators can be written directly to car generator structure. If the appropriate flags are set then the game will write the vehicle to the save file. The vehicle will have the handle associated with the offset of the record (the 1st car has a handle of 0000) so custom plates can be assigned.


Create New Car Generator #399


FBI Truck across from the El Corona Save House - Player Owned, Forced Spawn



207BF950 FFFF0210

207BF954 BD7A3544

207BF958 0000006E

207BF95C 00001A00

207BF960 00002710

207BF964 00000000


207BF96C 00000100














Description of code:


It would probably be easier to write the data as dwords, word, or bytes, but I wanted to keep the code short so everything is all mashed together.


0x07BF950: Start of record. Calculating backwards from the end of the structure to avoid conflicts with existing saved generators.

0x07BF970 - 1 * 0x20. Will have handle 400 - 1 = 399 (0x018F).


FF FF 0210: Color 2, Color 1, Model ID. (I think, no colors available on test vehicle).

Record structure is Model ID (word), Color 1 (byte), Color 2 (byte)


BD7A 3544: Y address * 8, X address * 8

Record structure is X (word), Y (word); signed integers


00 00 006E: Alarm, Angle (degrees /360*256), Z address * 8

Record Structure is Z (word), Angle (byte), Alarm (byte)


0000 1A 00: unknown (FFFF for temp cars), Flags (0x10 +2 force spawn, +8 player owned), Lock percentage (0 to 100)

Record Structure is Lock (byte), Flags (byte), unknown (word)

* flag 0x10 is applied to cars added by mission coding and can probably be omitted. I added it during debugging.


0000 2710: unknown word (always? 0000), (unused?) monetary value

Record structure is Monetary Value (signed? word), unknown (word)


00000000: Timer. Compared against global timer to determine if enough time has passed for a respawn

Record structure is Timer (dword)


FFFF FFFF: Vehicles are Generated, Random Vehicle field (first time I've seen anything other than FFFF in this word)

Record Structure is Random (word), Cars to Generate (word)


00 00 01 00: 2 unknown bytes (probably alignment filler), probably a control flag, and another byte I've never seen used before.

Record Structure is unknown (byte), unknown control (byte), and alignment (2 bytes)



Other Code Projects for this structure may include unhiding, unlocking, and/or disabling the alarms all the vehicles using a stepping code.


Adjust properties of specific vehicles by reading the handle from the global variable to use for calculating the offset. I'm not sure how flexible the coding routines are. Can they do; starting address + read offset * defined record length?


Read handle from global variable and write to plate record.

Edited by OrionSR
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CG LS Mission Garage Modifications


Life’s a Beach Garage to PnS

Los Desperados Garage to Bomb Shop 4 (remote detonation bombs.)

Cesar’s Garage to Bomb Shop 3 (ignition trigger bombs;)


RAW (open door, and set type and flags)

2080AEC8 3F800000

2080AEDC 05880105

2080B078 3F800000

2080B08C 04080104

2080B228 3F800000

2080B23C 03080103











Life's a Beach and Los Deperados garage will close after the mission,

Door will not close when the cheat is active. Save the changes and reload.

^Need some better options for selective activation.


I'll fill in more details on the garage structures when I attempt a more ambitious modification.

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Gantons Most Wanted

thats pretty good would you be able to get the San Fierro Bomb Shop to function??? also would you be able to get the icons for them on the map i know where there located but there must be a way to have them put on the map. Could you turn Cesars LS garage into Wheel Arch Angels or a modshop that will be able to have all mods available for all the vehicles???

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i don't use the plates much. there a nice touch either way but the car customisation would be interesting like putting the alien bodykits on other cars and them fitting correctly would be pretty good.

I don't have much experience with modding the cars, but I suspect there will be major conflicts if I assign the wrong part to the wrong car. A PC car modder would probably be able to supply more specific information.


I was taking about the car generators that are part of the save file. The car generators don't have any settings for mods, variation, or proofing. However, it should be possible to adapt the garage modifier codes to add whatever custom part you want to a car in the garage. Adding custom wheels and NOS to cars that don't usually take it is easy enough, but attaching a part to a model without the proper bone structure is bound to cause all kinds of trouble.


skiller did such codes...



Skiller Mod Shop???? = Mods (FFFF = OFF) NN = Nitro activator (00 = OFF) PP = Custom paint (FF = OFF) BB = Bombs Arming (00 = OFF) Note: if your not using half the ???? in value use (FFFF= OFF) so if your only using 4 ??? in one line the other 4 would be FFFF so it would look like this 0444FFFF or what ever .. just FFFF any part u don't use .. (ALSO ONLY DO ONE MOD PER ???? SO WHEELS IN ONE, ROOF IN ONE, AND SO ON>>) Replace NN 01 - FF = nos 02 = 2x 05 = 5x0A =10x U have to put Nitrous 2x = 03F1 Nitrous 5x = 03F0Nitrous 10x = 03F2 into one of the ???? to make also work if u don't want nos then just set it to 00 and FFFF the VVVV area.. Custom Paint jobs . Replace PP with below FF off (Whites might affect a different car in another way) 00-FE = Custom Paint 00 =Paint job 1 (On Fire) 01 =Paint Job 2 (Wood look) 02 =paint job 3 (Flaming front end) 03 =Paint Job 4 (White) 04 =Paint Job 5 (Snake/Copper/Tree maybe lol) 05 =Paint Job 6 (White) 06 =Paint Job 7 (White) 07 =Paint Job 8 (White) Replace BB with Below ..Bombs (Press O to activate bomb)01 to 0A might Go to FF ???? = below u can put the digits anywhere in the ????s (FFFF= OFF)  



>>skiller mod shop codes<<


>>skiller mod shop digits<<


but like orionsr said somes of the mods will freeze game...but not always much of them can be done, i think he never ported them to pal.




also, here's the check sum bypass codes...it might be usefull


check sum bypass -raw ntsc-

D088F4BC 00001026

2088F4C4 24020001


check sum bypass -ARMAX ntsc-





BTW,iv done my savedumps, i will look into blocks 11,19,23 cuz they are related to gang war..right now ill start with block 19,and test your code for madd dog glitch.¸



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thats pretty good would you be able to get the San Fierro Bomb Shop to function??? also would you be able to get the icons for them on the map i know where there located but there must be a way to have them put on the map. Could you turn Cesars LS garage into Wheel Arch Angels or a modshop that will be able to have all mods available for all the vehicles???

"The" San Fierro Bomb Shop? Which garage is this? The mission garages in SF that can be reused at T-Bone's garage in Ocean Flats, and Woozie's garage in China Town. They make pretty good pay'n'sprays for using during 4 star adventures in restricted territory.


Radar Blips might be difficult. The marker pool is a fairly complex structure. I doubt I can write a blip directly to memory without causing problems. However, if I can figure out how to do complex offsets then it might be possible to add blips by marking them with the map marker and then reworking the added blip.


Custom Mods will probably be limited to the garage modifiers similar to the Skiller Codes posted by rik. The mod garage zones don't really do anything other than open the door for the appropriate cars. The modding part is completely controlled by scripts. However, PC players frequently modify carmods.dat to allow more vehicles into the shops. I'm not sure how practical it would be to edit a text file that's been read into memory.


On a similar note, I might check into editing cargrp.dat a little so the Phoenix, Euros, NRG, Hotknife, etc. will spawn in random traffic.



Replace NN

01 - FF = nos

02 = 2x

05 = 5x

0A =10x

U have to put

Nitrous 2x = 03F1

Nitrous 5x = 03F0

Nitrous 10x = 03F2

into one of the ???? to make also work

if u don't want nos then just set it to 00 and FFFF the VVVV area..


FYI, nn = 7F is for 127 nitros, the maximum that work. Also, there's a nitrous flag that can be used instead of the nitrous tank model in order to get the NOS working on the car.


And as far as custom codes go, I don't really have any plans to add lots of interesting features to existing cheat classes. I'm having fun working out the technical challenges of the cheat codes but don't really intend to use them for game play, nor do I plan to expand these examples into the full range of options available. For example, I documented how to add new car generators to the game save, but if you want more than just the FBI Truck then consider making your own code based on the example provided.




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hey orionsr.



I think I made some progress on figuring out the Ped Acquaintance data, but my test code causes the game to crash as soon the the spray can starts to paint the yellow Rockstar spash. I tried a conditional test but AR Max won't take it. Something about the master code but I don't understand it at all.


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000



i got this code to work using raw code, it loaded ok...then i enable/disable the riot cheat.i used mission mod to get to the madd dog glitch....sadly he still jump to is death cryani.gif let me know if you have any other settings you want me to test.ill do somes on my side too.


btw,its ric ...not rik sigh.gif

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the unused bomb shop is the garage you drive to in Yay Ka-Boom Boom when you get the car rigged with the bomb.

Oh, yeah... Gotcha. This is not a "real" garage. Everything is controlled by the mission scripts. Woozie's garage is actually right next to his betting shop; which is weird as the mission that references this garage has CJ finish the mission at a warehouse by the docks.


Random Idea I don't want to loose track of:


I read someplace about a cheat code that sets various stats to CJ's XYZ coordinates. This would be very useful to PS2 players wanting to find the location for new vehicles. However, I was wondering about the possibility of a moving car generator. Basically, have a code that can be selectively activated to run once that moves the location of a specific vehicle generator to CJ's current position + a slight offset so he isn't crushed. I'm not sure how practical this would be as a car spawner but it occurs to me that this might actually be the best method for placing new vehicles. Skip the process of reading and encoding locations and set the location properties of the generator in-game.

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hey orionsr.



I think I made some progress on figuring out the Ped Acquaintance data, but my test code causes the game to crash as soon the the spray can starts to paint the yellow Rockstar spash. I tried a conditional test but AR Max won't take it. Something about the master code but I don't understand it at all.


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000



i got this code to work using raw code, it loaded ok...then i enable/disable the riot cheat.i used mission mod to get to the madd dog glitch....sadly he still jump to is death cryani.gif let me know if you have any other settings you want me to test.ill do somes on my side too.


btw,its ric ...not rik sigh.gif

Crap. Okay...


Try again with offsets of 8BE860 and 8BE870


208BE860 00000020

208BE870 00000000


Perhaps check 8BE870 and 93D600 to see if the values are equal to 000FFFFF.


The address is different depending on how the game is started. If the Glen Park Flowers to Jetpack to cheat changes the Sniper Rifle on top of Four Dragons, or the plate swapping, Sandking or other codes that depend on specific items to be in certain locations aren't working then the Madd Dogg Fix won't help either. Sorry, I didn't think to check for this at the time.


Can you test the original code on a new game? Instead of checking Madd Dogg go visit a Vending Cart vendor. If he attacks CJ or other people then Madd Dogg will eventually jump to his death - it's the same thing.


Another check that appears to be fairly consistent is the handle assigned to Sweet's Car. Search either the save file or memory dump for GROVE4L. So far, 2A = Fresh Games (clean load with no memory card or SA saves), and 11 = Restart Game (new game from existing save, or problems loading current save). I suppose I'd better figure out how to read global variable $1956 which should contain the proper offset of the standard vehicles. Should I try to work up a list of standard vehicles and their global variables?

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I had an outstanding question with a moderator on GTAF's policy on posting links to Save States and memory dumps. The question was passed to people a little higher up but generated no response so for now we should be safe. However, for the time being I'll try to keep all discussion in separate posts so the mess can be cleaned up later if it becomes a problem.


I'm working under the definition of a Save State as a game save format used by PCSX2, a PS2 Emulator program for PC. The save states are basically memory dumps that are compressed with 7-Zip. The uncompressed file (I used WinRAR) can be used with a hex editor to look for specific addresses. I'm not sure why, but I have found it helpful to snip the first 4 bytes from the beginning of the file so that I can get the correct address of a byte by clicking on it.




A BIOS is required to run games with PCSX2. The BIOS is copyrighted by Sony so don't ask for a PS2 BIOS, or providing details on how to obtain a BIOS.


PCSX2 has the ability to run backup ISO files (legal under fair use). This information is included with the documentation, however, the program does not include the utilities to make a working backup ISO. Since this process borders the legal issue quite closely, it would be best to avoid discussion of creating ISOs. Insert the original disk in your DVD drive on the PC to run the game.

If you figure out how to make a working ISO I can provide a few details on modifying certain bytes to keep a save house open.


I'm still working on creating a few good SaveStates so we have a common reference for certain details. I'm not sure if I should upload the snipped files I'm using or if I should start again as I accidentally over wrote the original compressed save states.


Much of the problem is that the game runs very slowly on my computer. It takes several minutes to get out of range of the bike so the intro mission will end and blink the radar. Also, I'm having a very difficult time loading game saves ported from PS2. I've gotten corruption errors with no explanation, and anything I load, save games or save state, will crash the game in short order. It took several attempts before I finally got a dump from an End of the Line save with gang wars enabled, but I finally got something a second before it crashed.


Also, I can create save states for SA Special Edition. If there is any interest in translating the codes for the new version I'll try to work up a few test codes and you can take it from there.

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I was wondering about the possibility of a moving car generator. Basically, have a code that can be selectively activated to run once that moves the location of a specific vehicle generator to CJ's current position + a slight offset so he isn't crushed. I'm not sure how practical this would be as a car spawner but it occurs to me that this might actually be the best method for placing new vehicles. Skip the process of reading and encoding locations and set the location properties of the generator in-game.


skiller did some moving car generator...i tought it could help you placing new vehicles.


vehicule drop -=skiller=-Enabler Drop Vehicle:(NOTE: Must Be On for Vehicle Drop Codes) using this code set it will not count on your Cheats used . these are free drops the game can not tell  I'm working on making u able to drop more then 1 car .. all probably just have to Double joker the one line .. 200C2000 27BDFFE0200C2004 FFBF0000200C2008 A0430000200C200C 9421D760200C2010 24083132200C2014 14280003200C2018 240401A1200C201C 0C167920200C2020 00000000200C2024 DFBF0000200C2028 03E00008200C202C 27BD00202059D350 0C030800 Drop =(NOTE: Press [L1] then [L2] to Drop Vehicle) 200C2018 24040### Car Roller -=Credit: Skiller=- (CB7+ only) (Hold L1) Press Left Or right Left (move Down car list) Right (move Up Car list) Then press the below Combination to Spaw the car(Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down) to spawn View your money to see where u are in the list the value is in Dec so u will have to convert the car digits from hex to des to see what car u want . do not go Below 400 in your money that's 190 in hex Car list to fallowu start at the Vortex 21BE001FBFF 00700942 100C0000 00000000 E0060000 000C0000 E002FBDF 00700942 100C0000 00000001 30200001 0059f574 E002FB7F 00700942 100C0000 00000001 30300001 0059f574 5059f574 00000002 007096B8 00000000 5059f574 00000002 007096B4 00000000 Car Digits replace ### with Below  Landstalker 190 Buffalo 191 Burava 192 Linerunner 193 Perennial 194 Sentinel 195 Dumper 196 Firetruck 197 Trashmaster 198 Stretch 199 Manana 19A Infernus 19B Voodoo 19C Pony 19D Mule 19E Cheetah 19F Ambulance 1A0 Leviathan 1A1 Moonbeam 1A2 Esperanto 1A3 Taxi 1A4 Washington 1A5 Bobcat 1A6 Mr. Whoopee 1A7 BF Injection 1A8 Hunter 1A9 Premier 1AA Enforcer 1AB Securicar 1AC Banshee 1AD Predator 1AE Bus 1AF Rhino 1B0 Barracks OL 1B1 Hotknife 1B2 Artict 1 (Transport Container) 1B3 Previon 1B4 Coach 1B5 Cabbie 1B6 Stallion 1B7 Rumpo 1B8 RC Bandit 1B9 Romero 1BA Packer 1BB Monster 1BC Admiral 1BD Squalo 1BE Sea Sparrow 1BF Pizza Boy 1C0 Artict 2 (Transport Container) 1C2 Turismo 1C3 Speeder 1C4 Reefer 1C5 Tropic 1C6 Flatbed 1C7 Yankee 1C8 Caddy 1C9 Solair 1CA Topfun 1CB Skimmer 1CC PCJ-600 1CD Faggio 1CE Freeway 1CF RC Baron 1D0 RC Raider 1D1 Glendale 1D2 Oceanic 1D3 Sanchez 1D4 Sparrow 1D5 Patriot 1D6 Quad 1D7 Coastguard 1D8 Dinghy 1D9 Hermes 1DA Sabre 1DB Rustler 1DC ZR-350 1DD Walton 1DE Regina 1DF Comet 1E0 BMX 1E1 Burrito 1E2 Camper 1E3 Marquis 1E4 Baggage Handler 1E5 Dozer 1E6 Maverick 1E7 SAN Maverick 1E8 Rancher 1E9 FBI Rancher 1EA Virgo 1EB Greenwood 1EC Jetmax 1ED Hotring 1EE Sandking 1EF Blista Compact 1F0 Police Maverick 1F1 Boxville 1F2 Benson 1F3 Mesa 1F4 RC Goblin 1F5 Hotring Racer (A) 1F6 Hotring Racer (B) 1F7 Bloodring Banger 1F8 Rancher 1F9 Super GT 1FA Elegant 1FB Journey 1FC Bike 1FD Mountain Bike 1FE Beagle 1FF Cropduster 200 Stuntplane 201 Tanker 202 Roadtrain 203 Nebula 204 Majestic 205 Buccaneer 206 Shamal 207 Hydra 208 FCR-900 209 NRG-500 20A HPV-1000 20B Cement 20C Tow Truck 20D Fortune 20E Cadrona 20F FBI Truck 210 Willard 211 Forklift 212 Tractor 213 Combine 214 Feltzer 215 Remington 216 Slamvan 217 Blade 218 Vortex 21B Vincent 21C Bullet 21D Clover 21E Sadler 21F Firetruck (Ladder Model) 220 Hustler 221 Intruder 222 Primo 223 Cargobob 224 Tampa 225 Sunrise 226 Merit 227 Utility Van 228 Nevada 229 Yosemite 22A Windsor 22B Monster (A) 22C Monster (B) 22D Uranus 22E Jester 22F Sultan 230 Stratum 231 Elegy 232 Raindance 233 RC Tiger 234 Flash 235 Tahoma 236 Savanna 237 Bandito 238 Kart 23B Mover 23C Dune 23D Sweeper 23E Broadway 23F Tornado 240 AT-400 241 DFT-30 242 Huntley 243 Stafford 244 BF-400 245 News Van 246 Tug 247 Petrol Trailer (Transport Container) 248 Emperor 249 Wayfarer 24A Euros 24B Hotdog 24C Club 24D Freight Box (Transport Container) 24E Artict 3 (Transport Container) 24F Adromada 250 Dodo 251 RC Cam 252 Launch 253 Police (LSPD) 254 Police (SFPD) 255 Police (LVPD) 256 Ranger 257 Picador 258 Swat Van 259 Alpha 25A Phoenix 25B Glendale (Damaged Model) 25C Sadler (Damaged Model) 25D Bag Box A (Transport Container) 25E Bag Box B (Transport Container) 25F Tug Stair (Transport Container) 260 Boxville (Again?) 261 Farm Trailer 1 (Transport Container) 262 Utility Trailer 1 (Transport Container) 263 




Crap. Okay...


Try again with offsets of 8BE860 and 8BE870


208BE860 00000020

208BE870 00000000


Perhaps check 8BE870 and 93D600 to see if the values are equal to 000FFFFF.


The address is different depending on how the game is started. If the Glen Park Flowers to Jetpack to cheat changes the Sniper Rifle on top of Four Dragons, or the plate swapping, Sandking or other codes that depend on specific items to be in certain locations aren't working then the Madd Dogg Fix won't help either. Sorry, I didn't think to check for this at the time.



i will do it tomorrow...



Can you test the original code on a new game?


thats what i did...i tested it using the same save i used to make the savedump "in the beggining" but i used mission mod to get to madd dog mission.



Instead of checking Madd Dogg go visit a Vending Cart vendor. If he attacks CJ or other people then Madd Dogg will eventually jump to his death - it's the same thing.



interresting...how sure are you that the problem is in "CIVMALE",could it be in "PLAYER1" toward "CIVMALE" ?? (i did not look into the dumps for it yet...sorry if its a stupid question) also im confused about some ped group "PLAYER_NETWORK","SPECIAL" and "MISSION 1-8" do you know what they do?



I suppose I'd better figure out how to read global variable $1956 which should contain the proper offset of the standard vehicles. Should I try to work up a list of standard vehicles and their global variables?


hum...not sure.by standard vehicule you mean like Sweet's Car,girlfriend cars and other like that, then yes...if its about regular car in said parking lot,i dont think so....


about cars...i always wanted to put mods (mod garage ones...like rims,scoop,vents etc...) to the cars in the streets that would be crazy...do you think its possible on ps2 ???



Also, I can create save states for SA Special Edition. If there is any interest in translating the codes for the new version I'll try to work up a few test codes and you can take it from there.



i still want to port the territory glitch codes to greatest hits and special ed...the owner of thoses versions were always frustrated not being able to do the glitch.


also, i did the codes for block 11(gangs weapons)...it was as easy as readind the dump,ill test them and post them over the weekend.

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Progress Report


Not very good. I have been very frustrated with all attempts at more advance commands.


My only success was with a Joker L2+Up used to change a car generator model. This was done simply to test if the Joker commands were working at all. My L2+Dn Joker wouldn't work at all despite the fact that is was identical except for a different model and direction button. I can't find a good reference for the combo key presses so I can't verify the proper command.


I wasted a lot of time experimenting with codes that I strongly suspect are too advanced for my AR Max - CB7+, so no pointer commands I guess. What I'd like to do is unhide and unlock all or most of the hidden vehicles using some sort of multi-write step process. I tried a patch code but the game hung when used. Perhaps unhiding all 400 vehicles whether they exist or not wasn't such a good idea. It also looks like I won't be able to read a global to use as a pointer. Anyway, this is all leading towards far too many restrictions in software and compatibility.


All attempts at a Madd Dogg Fix have failed. I'm starting to suspect the information I think is being edited is a copy of the actual data stored someplace else - something more strongly associated with the ped types. It might help if I could make a memory dump after the bytes were adjusted just to make sure I've made the correct edits, but my targeting has been very precise with the other records so I doubt that's the problem. I can't figure out how to hotswap the discs on PCSX2 so I'm not sure how to enter the cheats where I can make a dump.


I am sure Madd Dogg is CIVMALE for several reasons:

  • He is not a CivFemale, Dealer, Medic, Firefighter, or Bum, the only other records altered by the cheat.
  • If I edit the CivMale bytes in the save file and load the save the glitch is gone.
  • 023C: load_special_actor 'MADDOGG' as 1 // models 290-299

    95@ = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL01, 2162.62, 1451.475, 23.1719)

    0245: set_actor 95@ walk_style_to "DRUNKMAN"

    Actor.Health(95@) = 1

Any, I'm giving up on this for now.


I've got another project going that is likely to need a global variable reference for PC, so I might be working on a table for all 3 versions at the same time. It doesn't look like this information will be particular useful on PS2 with my current command set since I can't figure out how use the handles as pointers.


I think I'll play around with the objects. My thought is to implement the Chain Game Boat Garage complete with Flaming Skull corner marker, shipwreck, and perhaps even the Pirate Booty Asset (damn thing doesn't accumulate properly). The main drawback to this plan is that it borrows the garage from Redsands West - I suspect any stored vehicles will be lost.


Getting the Anchor Icon on the map will be a bit more difficult. My thought was to use a process similar to the vehicle drop or teleport codes to lay blips under the map marker and tweaking the handle so it doesn't get unmarked on the next use. However, this is another process that depends on reading a pointer to use as an offset multiplier.


What else... oh yeah. Save States and v2 code conversions. Is this a high priority? I'll try to work up a v1 and v2 Beginning Save State but I'm not sure how much luck I'll gave with getting late game saves to run long enough to make a proper dump. Also, I don't really have a known End of the Line save for v2. In fact, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details for my v1 EoL save, it's been a long time since my first play through the game. I suppose I'd better make a few Beginning new game from existing save dumps for v1 and v2 as well since so many reference depend on this variation. I'm not sure how to find End of the Line saves with a restart, or v2 EoL save in either format. I think I'll just take what I can get for a memory reference.





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v2 of the game could be a high priority but sorting everything with v1 first would be the best idea then it will be easier to spot differences with the game.

Not much progress this evening as I had a change to go play some multi-player Rock Band, but I did manage to make a few notes on the version 2 data. BTW, as far as I can tell everything except the original release is version 2. Anyway, the priority of the day was trying to add "Special Edition" support for the gang war codes. I'll post that info below for reference.


I haven't been testing this information for version 2, but if anyone with version 2 joins the conversion and starts converting or testing codes then I'll probably change my priorities a little.


Enable Gang Wars and Territories Under Control Stat


v2 the Special Edition - RAW (constant write)

0066CF24 00000001

008031A4 00000001


Version 2 Conversion Data


007BA7F0 - v1 Beginning of ZonePop Structure

007BB380 - v2 Beginning of ZonePop Structure

Offset = + 0x0B90, 2960 bytes


Extra Notes while I've got it on screen:

007BA780 - v1 Beginning of GrayZone/MapFog Array (100 bytes, 00 = gray)

007BB310 - v2 Beginning of GrayZone Array


0066C7A4 - v1 Enable Gang Wars

0066CF24 - v2 Enable Gang Wars

Offset = +0x0780, 1920 bytes


00802614 - v1 Territories Under Control Stat; integer_stat 337

008031A4 - v2 Territories Under Control Stat; integer_stat 337

Offset = + 0x0B90, 2960 bytes


0081B280 - v1 Gang Weapons Data

0081BE00 - v2 Gang Weapons Data


00700942 - v1 Joker Address NTSC/UC

007014C2 - v2 Joker Address NTSC/UC


006B1FF0 - v1 Start of Global Variable Space

006B2770 - v2 Start of Global Variable Space

* v2 also uses different global variables


007BC770 - v1 Start of Car Generator Data

007BD300 - v2 Start of Car Generator Data


00701F00 - v1 Start of Marker Pool (radar blips)

00702A80 - v2 Start of Marker Pool (radar blips)


007B7800 - v1 Beginning of main ZoneInfo Structure

007B8390 - v2 Beginning of main ZoneInfo Structure


00803170 - v1 Start of Pickup Pool

00803D00 - v2 Start of Pickup Pool


0080AE90 - v1 Start of Garage Zone Structure

0080BA20 - v2 Start of Garage Zone Structure


0085B2F0 - v1 Start of Shopping Data

0085BE70 - v1 Start of Shopping Data


00C986B0 - v1 Start of Enex Data

00C99230 - v2 Start of Enex Data

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hey orionsr.



I think I made some progress on figuring out the Ped Acquaintance data, but my test code causes the game to crash as soon the the spray can starts to paint the yellow Rockstar spash. I tried a conditional test but AR Max won't take it. Something about the master code but I don't understand it at all.


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000



i got this code to work using raw code, it loaded ok...then i enable/disable the riot cheat.i used mission mod to get to the madd dog glitch....sadly he still jump to is death cryani.gif let me know if you have any other settings you want me to test.ill do somes on my side too.


btw,its ric ...not rik sigh.gif

Crap. Okay...


Try again with offsets of 8BE860 and 8BE870


208BE860 00000020

208BE870 00000000


Perhaps check 8BE870 and 93D600 to see if the values are equal to 000FFFFF.


The address is different depending on how the game is started. If the Glen Park Flowers to Jetpack to cheat changes the Sniper Rifle on top of Four Dragons, or the plate swapping, Sandking or other codes that depend on specific items to be in certain locations aren't working then the Madd Dogg Fix won't help either. Sorry, I didn't think to check for this at the time.


Can you test the original code on a new game? Instead of checking Madd Dogg go visit a Vending Cart vendor. If he attacks CJ or other people then Madd Dogg will eventually jump to his death - it's the same thing.


I am sure Madd Dogg is CIVMALE for several reasons:

He is not a CivFemale, Dealer, Medic, Firefighter, or Bum, the only other records altered by the cheat.

If I edit the CivMale bytes in the save file and load the save the glitch is gone.


QUOTE (mission script)

023C: load_special_actor 'MADDOGG' as 1 // models 290-299

95@ = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL01, 2162.62, 1451.475, 23.1719)

0245: set_actor 95@ walk_style_to "DRUNKMAN"

Actor.Health(95@) = 1



Any, I'm giving up on this for now.


well seems nothing work...iv tryed close to everything toward "CIVMALE" and madd dog still jump-off...even toward "SPECIAL" then i tryed "PLAYER1" respect everybody,no luck there either...????


now ill try to do test with gangs and see if i can change anything to make other gangs (rifa,danang,triads,aztecas)

allies...also i think we could use "unused gang 9 & gang 10" various codes settings to implant 2 new gangs in SA.



I wasted a lot of time experimenting with codes that I strongly suspect are too advanced for my AR Max - CB7+, so no pointer commands I guess. What I'd like to do is unhide and unlock all or most of the hidden vehicles using some sort of multi-write step process. I tried a patch code but the game hung when used. Perhaps unhiding all 400 vehicles whether they exist or not wasn't such a good idea. It also looks like I won't be able to read a global to use as a pointer. Anyway, this is all leading towards far too many restrictions in software and compatibility.


yeah,armax dont support pointer command...only some versions of codebreaker does.



My only success was with a Joker L2+Up used to change a car generator model. This was done simply to test if the Joker commands were working at all. My L2+Dn Joker wouldn't work at all despite the fact that is was identical except for a different model and direction button. I can't find a good reference for the combo key presses so I can't verify the proper command.



?? joker command should work ok on armax,


L2+DOWN= D00700942 0000FEBF OR E0??FEBF 00700942 (multiline joker...??= # of lines)


ill try to find a link to joker digits...



I haven't been testing this information for version 2, but if anyone with version 2 joins the conversion and starts converting or testing codes then I'll probably change my priorities a little.


Enable Gang Wars and Territories Under Control Stat


v2 the Special Edition - RAW (constant write)

0066CF24 00000001

008031A4 00000001


Version 2 Conversion Data


007BA7F0 - v1 Beginning of ZonePop Structure

007BB380 - v2 Beginning of ZonePop Structure

Offset = + 0x0B90, 2960 bytes


Extra Notes while I've got it on screen:

007BA780 - v1 Beginning of GrayZone/MapFog Array (100 bytes, 00 = gray)

007BB310 - v2 Beginning of GrayZone Array


0066C7A4 - v1 Enable Gang Wars

0066CF24 - v2 Enable Gang Wars

Offset = +0x0780, 1920 bytes


00802614 - v1 Territories Under Control Stat; integer_stat 337

008031A4 - v2 Territories Under Control Stat; integer_stat 337

Offset = + 0x0B90, 2960 bytes


0081B280 - v1 Gang Weapons Data

0081BE00 - v2 Gang Weapons Data


great,thanks alot...ill do coversion for gang-war codes soon.


here's block 11 (gangs weapons mod)


raw ntsc



2081B284 000000??

2081B288 000000??

2081B28C 000000??



2081B294 000000??

2081B298 000000??

2081B29C 000000??



2081B2A4 000000??

2081B2A8 000000??

2081B2AC 000000??



2081B2B4 000000??

2081B2B8 000000??

2081B2BC 000000??



2081B2C4 000000??

2081B2C8 000000??

2081B2CC 000000??



2081B2D4 000000??

2081B2D8 000000??

2081B2DC 000000??



2081B2E4 000000??

2081B2E8 000000??

2081B2EC 000000??



2081B2F4 000000??

2081B2F8 000000??

2081B2FC 000000??


Replace ?? with


(Slot0 : No Weapon)                   (Slot2: Handguns)00 - Fist                             16 - Pistol01 - Brass Knuckles                   17 - Silenced Pistol                                      18 - Desert Eagle(Slot1: Melee)                         02 - Golf Club                        (Slot3: Shotguns)03 - Nitestick                        19 - Shotgun04 - Knife                            1A - Sawn-Off Shotgun05 - Baseball Bat                     1B - SPAS-1206 - Shovel07 - Pool Cue                         (Slot4: Sub-Machineguns)08 - Katana                           1D - MP509 - Chainsaw                         1C - Micro Uzi             0A - Purple Dildo                     20 - TEC-90B - Dildo 20C - White Viberator0D - Viberator 20F - Cane                          (Slot5: Machineguns)                   (Slot10: Gifts)1E - AK47                              0E - Flowers1F - M4                                       (Slot9:Special1)                                       29 - Spray Can(Slot6: Rifles)                        2A - Fire Extinguisher21 - Country Rifle                     2B - Camera 22 - Sniper Rifle                                         (Slot11:Special2)(Slot7: Heavy Weapons)                 2C - NV Goggles23 - Rocket Launcher                   2D - IR Goggles24 - Heat Seaking RPG                  2E - Parachute25 - Flame Thrower                     26 - Minigun                        (Slot12:Detonators?)                                    28 - Detonator(for remote explosives)  (Slot8: Projectiles)10 - Grenade11 - Tear Gas12 - Molotov Cocktail27 - Remote Explosive 


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If I edit the CivMale bytes in the save file and load the save the glitch is gone.


QUOTE (mission script)

023C: load_special_actor 'MADDOGG' as 1 // models 290-299

95@ = Actor.Create(CivMale, #SPECIAL01, 2162.62, 1451.475, 23.1719)

0245: set_actor 95@ walk_style_to "DRUNKMAN"

Actor.Health(95@) = 1


one thing i havnt tryed is saving the code...i should have tryed.cuz if when you edit the save it works,that means the glitch occur at loading from savefile...


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000


so in theory this code will work but it needs to be saved and then reboot game..it make sense ill test it today,but im positive about this.



about block 11... i tested the codes using ballas,groove and vagos after doberman mission , they do work but something strange about it...see somes gangmember will keep the original setting ( fist,pistols,micro uzi ) while somes other will carry the mods.


do you know what this does ??


0x00 byte[4] unused (FF 00 00 00 or 000000FF is default)


FF 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 = ballas


here,ballas is equiped with fist,micro uzi and pistols....only the FF byte remain unknown.also i wonder i there is somekind of structre (melee,handgun,machine gun) like cj,he have to drop the pistol to get the desert eagle ?


so i think weapon settings also look elsewhere... most probably around here:



Gang Members weapons -= skiller=-(Change the weapon that your Gang hold201AC0A0 241100??



ill do further testings...


btw,here's the link to joker command site:


>>joker command<<


ill also put it in my 1st post into this topic.


Edited by ric-013
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do you know what this does ??


0x00 byte[4] unused (FF 00 00 00 or 000000FF is default)


FF 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 = ballas


No. I tried editing that byte but nothing happened.



one thing i havnt tryed is saving the code...i should have tryed.cuz if when you edit the save it works,that means the glitch occur at loading from savefile...


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000


so in theory this code will work but it needs to be saved and then reboot game..it make sense ill test it today,but im positive about this.

I'm not so optimistic. I tried saving and loading without success. Perhaps you'll have better luck as I'm not even sure my codes are running. I would suggest using a code that alters the setting and then making a small memory dump of the affected area just to make sure things are written properly, but I doubt that's the trouble.

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one thing i havnt tryed is saving the code...i should have tryed.cuz if when you edit the save it works,that means the glitch occur at loading from savefile...


CivMale Fix

2093D5F0 00000020

2093D600 00000000


so in theory this code will work but it needs to be saved and then reboot game..it make sense ill test it today,but im positive about this.

I'm not so optimistic. I tried saving and loading without success. Perhaps you'll have better luck as I'm not even sure my codes are running. I would suggest using a code that alters the setting and then making a small memory dump of the affected area just to make sure things are written properly, but I doubt that's the trouble.

ill joker the code,so it aint gonna be affected by the loading... ill activate the joker in-game and save.this is our best chance.but this will have to wait till tomorow,my GF just took control of the tv set to watch movies.

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Finally! It looks like the multi-write is limited to 255 writes. Anything more and it doesn't seem to work.


Unhide and Unlock Cars


Changes the first 255 which should normally include everything.

Changes will be saved in the game save.

Car generators have force spawn flag set (check the LS Tower Maverick and spawns at hideouts)

Car generators are player owned - CJ can enter when cops are near and not earn a star for jacking it.


Unhide and Unlock Cars - PS2v1


407BC788 00FF0008

FFFFFFFF 00000000

407BC77C 00FF0008

00001A00 00000000






Start of Car Generator Data = 007BC770


Unhide and Unlock Cars - PS2v2

PS2v2 RAW Untested

407BD318 00FF0008

FFFFFFFF 00000000

407BD30C 00FF0008

00001A00 00000000

Start of Car Generator Data = 007BD300



Enable all Save Disks - PS2v1

PS2v1 RAW ($885) AR-Max NTSC/UC

Joker L2+Up for Outdoor use

D0700942 0000FEEF

206B2DC4 00000012




Start of Global Variable Space = 006B1FF0


Enable all Save Disks - PS2v2

PS2v2 RAW, Global Variable $889

Untested, use outside

D07014C2 0000FEEF

206B3554 00000012

Start of Global Variable Space = 006B2770


Version 2 Joker Address Untested

If NTSC/UC Version 1 Joker Address is 00700942

Then NTSC/UC Version 2 Joker Address should be 007014C2

Edited by OrionSR
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I think I have got solution to Ped riot cheat. Block 19 data changes only 6-7 times throghout the game. I have made uploader that replace whole currupt BLOCK 19 with proper one and don't care about individual ped data. It worked properly with Tanker Commander and Madd Dogg. If you want to see that, here is a link : http://hmvartak.110mb.com/fix.htm

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