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Posting requirements - READ BEFORE POSTING

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To aid you in getting the best help for your problem in a timely fashion, we ask you follow these pointers when creating a new topic. Please:


Search before posting, as your problem may have been discussed previously. adamcs has produced an extremely helpful guide which explains the finer points of successful searching, accessible here.

Input useful topic titles. Titles such as "question", "help", "problem" and so on are useless as they provide no insight into the issue - every topic in this forum will no doubt be a question regarding a problem and seeking help! Offenders may be warned.

State which console you're playing on - PS3 or 360. If you're on PC, please provide:

  1. your CPU speed
  2. how much RAM you have
  3. your video card
  4. your sound card
  5. your version of Windows
Give a detailed description of your problem. Does it happen in a certain area of the map? On a certain mission? During a certain cutscene? When loading a saved game? Anything that you think might be useful probably is.

• Do not ask questions relating to modding in any way or form - we have an entire editing subforum to house any such inquiries.


Thank you.

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