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LCPD T-sh*ts & Sweaters

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Well, long time no posts, but I have just seen this picture at GTA4.net's account of their trip to NYC...


Apart from being at the event, does anyone know anywhere that is selling these T-shirts and tops? - R*warehouse isn't (yet)


I *need* one of these! - Any constructive help appreciated... sly.gif

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Ok, ok... in my haste and excitement I clearly didn't look over my post properly before I submitted it and I must have forgotton the 'r' in shirt, hence the automatic censoring! blush.gif


Anyway, I can't imagine that they made just a few of the shirts, there must be more somewhere. I was thinking of taking the design to a local T-shirt printer but a) they might get a bit funny about copyrights and b) I will have to order at least 100 before they even think of creating the silk-screen templates sneaky2.gif



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