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About PS3 Vs. 360 Sales

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Opinion #1

First of all, until first month of sales comes out for GTA4 you cant claim any console beat the other since, many people wait to buy there. Tons of people dont pre-order.


Opinion #2

Reason why GTA4 sells so well for PS3 right now is because its the only goddamn good game that it has. Look at what other games the PS3 has and youd realize why everyone with PS3 would be running to get GTA

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Opinion #2

Reason why GTA4 sells so well for PS3 right now is because its the only goddamn good game that it has. Look at what other games the PS3 has and youd realize why everyone with PS3 would be running to get GTA

lol QFT PS3 has no good games!


they just don't have good exclusive titles out right now.

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Its true though, they have no good exclusives.

And GTA is the game you buy no matter what console you own.

Im just saying GTA4 isnt fully available to everyone yet so all those claiming PS3 wins, good job assuming so early even though all sales havent even been accounted yet.

Like I said itll be a month before anything can be said cause stores be sold out 1st night take 1-2 weeks restock and sell those out and then another restock is when things will slow down and a winner will be named.

But either way

PS3 Exclusive Content = ?

Xbox 360 Exclusive Content = 2 Episodes

Who really wins...

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You're a fcking tool.


COD4 and Assassin's Creed are both great games. I'm not trying to be a PS3 fanboy, there's just pleanty of good games on the system. Granted, a lot of them are cross platform, and I'd sure love to have Bioshock, Mass Effect, and a couple others, but really ... this is a dumb reason to assume the PS3 is leading in sales.

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Has nothing to do with being fanboy.

1st opinion has no fanboy in it, your ignorant if you assume so.

And 2nd opinion can be called fanboy if your a jackass, but most people on the net nowadays are so its all good. Its truth not fanboy PS3 lacks in games, if all PS3 exclusives were on Xbox I wouldnt have played them cause honestly I cant name any other than Resistance and it just never looked good.


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You're a fcking tool.


COD4 and Assassin's Creed are both great games. I'm not trying to be a PS3 fanboy, there's just pleanty of good games on the system. Granted, a lot of them are cross platform, and I'd sure love to have Bioshock, Mass Effect, and a couple others, but really ... this is a dumb reason to assume the PS3 is leading in sales.

both those games are cross platform...



PS3 really doesn't seem to have many exclusives left (except MGS4, and Uncharted)


I think what the author of the original post was trying to say is that Xbox 360 has alot of games, so he can see where the consumers have been spending their money, PS3 owners haven't had alot of big titles in recent months, but GTA 4 is going to be HUGE, so the PS3 owners are getting excited about this game, and are buying it.

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