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Gang Alliances

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I see a lot of alliances, but I've noticed that some gangs might be allies with the enemies of their allies and vice versa, the alliance tracker is a great help but, some gangs still have ties, with a friends enemy, and this could lead to inter alliance gang wars. My allies include: The Broker Bloods, The Liberty City Casuals, and The Alderney Brawlers. and my enemies include The LCPD and The Yardies, so my allies shouldn't be allies with them, and so forth.

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i agree to an extent but this is more realistic as this often happens in the real world.

I disagree, in Chicago, and some other cities, gangs do form an alliance but they are aligned to a specific set of allies who are usually divided up between the People Nation, who uses Islamic symbols to identify particular alignment. However the five-pointed star is not the only symbols used by the People Nation, they also uses Crescent Moons, 5 pointed Crowns, Pyramids, Playboy Bunnies (usually worn by the vicelords), unlike The Folk Nation who uses the number 6 or the Star of David, a Jewish symbol, to identify themselves, as well as a pitch fork. Gangs who usually don't fall under any specific alliance are usually outlaws, renegades, or considered as barnone, independent etc.

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