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nc sharpshooter

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nc sharpshooter



Background: Were a N.Y. Street gang, originated from the projects. We started at the slums and now were in Liberty City, doing what we do best. Bringing in money at all cost. We kill, steal, slang coke, and large amounts of weed. We have a gangster mentality, but what makes us stand out compared to other street gangs. We are all about trust and respect, but respect isnt given its earned. Although money is our focus, we also take care of "rival" gangs and who ever else. As the boss I have nothing against the Mafia gangs but if they disrespect us well have a problem.


Cars: Of course we like to roll in style, but were hood so dont be suprized if you see us do a driveby in a beat up ride.



Guns: Whatever is nessary in the situation.


Allies: Were just now popping up in the liberty city gang discussion, Were looking for trustworthy crew that we can both assist each other, and make it to the top.


Enemies: 5-0


Appearance: Were not a suit wearing gang, how ever we stay fresh, and you will never catch us looking like crackheads.


Ranks: The Boss( Calls the shots, plain and simple)

Leader( Bosses most trusted guys, controls gangsters)

Bodyguard( Protect the boss, companys him to meetings)

Gangster(Reps the gang, handles the dirty work)


If your intrested in being part of the crew post this info or message me(Website coming soon)


What is your Gamertag?

What will you offer Cash.Money.Squad?

Will you be on GTA4 Often?

What is your perfeered positon?

( I know the apperance of this post is lame, but dont let if fool you we are a serious gang)

Edited by nc sharpshooter
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