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1000 gamerscore

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Zombified Jake
i try to get as many gamer-score out off all my games as possible. but i am going to just enjoy GTA, and i think the achievements will come in time. rolleyes.gif

Yep, I am gonna try and not look at the achievement list, and just play the game, though after time I might give them a go.

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Crimson Engage
i like games for games. adding the pressure to complete a game to get 1000 gs points kinda ruins it for me. i'll go at it at my own pace, and if i don't want to do a mission, to hell with the gamerscore biggrin.gif

Who said you had to rush? Just get the achievements over time...


BTW I plan on getting teh 1000 to add to my gamer score. smile.gif

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i like games for games. adding the pressure to complete a game to get 1000 gs points kinda ruins it for me. i'll go at it at my own pace, and if i don't want to do a mission, to hell with the gamerscore biggrin.gif

Who said you had to rush? Just get the achievements over time...


BTW I plan on getting teh 1000 to add to my gamer score. smile.gif

Exactly. With GTA IV, there will be so much playtime that the achievements will rack up over time. happy.gif

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What exactly does the Gamerscore do? I mean...does it have some sort of reward or prize for getting to it? I have a 360 but never actually paid attention to those points...didn't see how it was relevant to the game.

It does nothing, its just to "brag" that your gamerscore is higher than someone elses. dozingoff.gif

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One achievement that not many people will get is the "Let sleeping rockstars lie" where you have to kill a developer in a ranked deathmatch. You'd be very lucky to get it

1. They will be hard to find because there are very few of them and several million players getting the game

2. Many of them will be hard to kill

3. They won't be playing GTA forever, waiting for millions of gamers to kill them


Other than that, yes, i will try and get all achievements

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