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National Association of Gamers

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I have had a brilliant idea!!!


We should form an organization of gamers and fight back against Jack Thomson and his cohorts.


National Assocation of Gamers N.A.G. < Unintentional so you may wanna think of a different name. We will have a forum site such as this where we trade ideas and information to help us as a whole. We will send our letters and legal opinions to the AntiGamers. Together! Protect the unappreciated art form.



"You can't really do that stuff in a book. There's no medium that can do that in a way that a game can." - Dan Houser



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I think
Would make an awsome music video to represent us. Just listen to the lyrics. "They don't know what they started"

Don't advertise your crappy nu metal music video.

Nu-metal? Is it still 4/20 for you, cause I don't know what mind-tampering drug you've been smoking.

i feel the view on video games (gta in particular) is a bit warped, and the last thing we want to do i start a flame war with jack thompson and such...


i think the fact that in a film you watch a gruesome act or inhuman one take place, where as in games you perform them is a legit reason against youth's playing gta, i just think that games are used as the blame for far too many imperfections in children. and some of the accusations and scare tactics are hilariously incorrect.


also alot of study's that are starting to declare video games an addictive ''substance'', that it can damage your life and that even some of us in here won't realise the effects of it until a few years time. there right by the way.


guess what i'm saying is, if your gonna do this, then don't put some agro dumbass in charge of it. there's a presidental election around the corner and one of them is responsible for stricter polices against music with explicit content. she's the devil in my eyes and she could do alot of damage to the industry if it would get her in office, and the scary thing is... it could....


duh, duh, duuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!!!!!


p.s. it's a good idea, and i'll put my name on the petitions and such.

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