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The Conspiracy Theory

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So there has been a lot of theories regarding the differences of graphics between screenshots, is it the time of day (lighting) is it the quality of the TV its running on, are rockstar showing us some sharp screens and photoshopping others with the oil tool? Any of these factors could be affecting the quality of the screens.

Well I just thought of something... remember how you can take photos in real-time with your mobile phone in the game? What if Rockstar has been giving us a mixture of in-game screenshots (cropped HUD) and slightly pixely phone-camera quality pictures? To be honest, I looked at some pics like the one in middle park with the saxophone player which looked awsome, and now these 12 new screens released just today dont impress me nearly as much!


So anyone think theres more to this? ... wow.gif


Edit: I'm not complaining about the graphics at all by the way, just extrapolating my observations...

Edited by groovymonkey2003
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Well, the multi-player graphics have been lessened, that may be a reason.

Another being they might not release them in order of time. The 12 new screens could be of an earlier build.

Enough with the "early build" excuse. It's not that. Not 6 days from release.


Rockstar use a filter that kind of "smudges" far away objects, so that the draw distance will look better, and more can go on screen at once.

Look at videos. That is what you'll be seeing when you play. Screenshots just look bad because you focus too much on one frame.

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