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Where the hell.....

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do u guys get this idea that u can grab someone?

I realised i could grab people when i took my first hostage.


Without the ability to grab him i wouldn't of got the $100,000 ransom, as he would of run off.


So i had to start thinking what i could do to not make him run off, and then an idea came into my head "oh i know, i'll wrap my arms around him really tight so he can't escape from me"

Then i started jotting down ideas about how i could do this, so what i did was, when he was walking, i "grabbed" him, as the youth of today call it. This helped me to control him alot...


That and the gun i had pointed to his head anyway.


My mistake was that he saw me playing GTA when he was tied up.


Jack Thompson was an awesome hostage.

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You can't grab, you can't use human shields, you can't drag bodies or use trunks. End of discussion.

Actually in one of the new reviews it says with the new euphoria engine you will feel terrible when dragging someone across the ground. However, I don't know if they literally mean grabbing someone and dragging them or dragging them under the car after hitting them. I think it was the 360 world review.

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