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360 Headset

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Hey guys. I'm looking to invest in a good headset for the forthcoming release of GTA4. They'll be for my 360, so they have to have a mic. I've seen one or two by "Turtle Beach" and they look alright. But they have their cons. Preferrebly i'd like a headset that, at least emulates, surround sound.


Anyone know what headsets the "pros" use?


Thanks in advance! blush.gif

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They look freekin sweet, thanks. It looks like they're the ones for me! icon14.gif Now, anyone know where i could pick up a pair of these in ireland??! I've checked ebay and they only have one pair, but they're 2nd hand... eewww! barf8bd.gif

Edited by Daneire
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No you need nothing more, You simply plug the Credit Card sized amp into the wall, then plug the optical cable from the amp to here:

user posted image

Plug the Headset into the Amp, attach the Mic to the headset, plug the mic into your controller and your away!


I would however recommend getting a Datel Headset Adapter though, which can be found Here

user posted image


So you can still mute your mic wink.gif


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They look freekin sweet, thanks. It looks like they're the ones for me! icon14.gif Now, anyone know where i could pick up a pair of these in ireland??! I've checked ebay and they only have one pair, but they're 2nd hand... eewww! barf8bd.gif

Do these not ship to ireland Coolestuff.co.uk

Yep, just about to order them from this crowd for €105. Just noticed the above post though and i use HDMI to connect my 360 to my tv (not the component), so there wouldn't be that slot on the cable. does this mean that i need to buy an adaptor to get these headphones working??

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