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what's happening with Take Two and EA?

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Who cares, EA is a money hungry monopoly, and if they get T2, it's over for GTA.

Well... no. I find it unlikely that EA would do anything to change the way R* work... And no, I don't love EA - I did some testing for them, through a company I used to work for, and have a very good understanding of their processes - which gives me more reason to hate them than most.


And if the rumour that Sony will be "Taking Rockstar under their wing" has any truth behind it, EA will miss out completely.



Who cares, EA is a money hungry monopoly, and if they get T2, it's over for GTA.

Well... no. I find it unlikely that EA would do anything to change the way R* work... And no, I don't love EA - I did some testing for them, through a company I used to work for, and have a very good understanding of their processes - which gives me more reason to hate them than most.


And if the rumour that Sony will be "Taking Rockstar under their wing" has any truth behind it, EA will miss out completely.



If sony take over rockstar then that's microsoft buggared.

Anybody thought about the possibility that Sony AND Microsoft may be interested in Take Two? That would be very interesting, now wouldn't it?

What would be more interesting is if the two can somehow partner up and create a common online marketplace for this (and other collabo games but especially this) - GTA IV could be the game that bridged both worlds and allowed players on PS3 to go up against 360 dudes...you can fight out your fanboi frustrations online in the GTA world- what would be better than that?


At least then, all that crap that gets talked back and forth can be translated into digital mayhem. That would ROCK.

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