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Custom radio Stations for 360/PS3?

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When GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas were released on the original xbox they included what I've dubbed custom radio stations. Essentially, these were the MP3 files stored locally on the xbox' hard drive that were collected, in a non randomized fashion, and streamed through the GTA game world as a radio station.


Does anybody know whether this will be making a return?


Granted, the Xbox 360 has the ability to overwrite the audio of any game with locally stored music. However, this solution is inelegant as it completely removes the Rockstar created radio content from the game 100%, and the music plays whether one is in a car or not.


I always enjoyed jacking a car and discovering, quite by random, that Aphex Twin or something particularly obscure was playing. I also enjoyed the Rockstar created audio content as well. It was the best of both worlds. Ever since they released the information on the included radio stations, and nothing was said about this feature, I've feared they have cut it from GTA IV. Any word?


Even if included, one thing that has me puzzled is the implementation. Since the Xbox 360 and Ipods, at least, support play lists I wonder how rockstar would incorporate that feature into the custom station model. Would it ignore the lists and stream the full drive? Would it support each list as a station unto itself? If the latter was true then one could effectively recreate every station from the past GTA titles and include them in GTA IV. That just seem too good to be a realistic possibility.




Incidentally, this issue is important to me as it directly effects a potentially $300 purchase I was going to make today. I want an Ipod Touch, in part to play music through my Xbox for GTA IV. However, I just learned the Touch isn't supported by the Xbox. So, if this feature is in then I'll purchase a 5th gen Ipod to use with GTA. If the feature is absent, then I'll buy the Touch.



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