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Dan Houser Interview !NEW!

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I skimmed through it, searched it...nothing mentioning "PC" or "PC version"...not surprising...so I read no further.

I can't believe they haven't announced a PC version.


Or have they?



I can kind of see why though. PC games are a bit easy to share peer to peer illegally. confused.gif


I can see them releasing a PC version once it's not a brand new game anymore. Idk.

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F*ck reading all that... im waiting for a (possible) summary on Here

You do know read that is much better then waiting for a summery of it.

i know, I know. But I generally only read things like that if the summary tells me its worth doing. Otherwise, i simply cannot be arsed.

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cookie.gifcookie.gif GREAT INTERVIEW!!!!!! cookie.gifcookie.gif


This is why GTA games are ten times wiser, because the people who create them know what they are doing and they have a vision!!


Now i appreciate ten times more the people at R* and i have faith in them and in their game! History in the making baby!



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Again they leave out the question of a possible PC version, is this some sort of agreement like don't ask the PC question or there will not be an interview or something.


Console fanboys don't flame me for asking the question, the PC issue is an unanswered question that need an answer, I don't want the console version anyway.


The interviewer should be intrested in asking the question since it will draw huge attention the question itself.

Edited by SynTerro
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