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New Blender Review

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fuzzy dunlop

Theres a very short review of the game in the May issue of Blender (some random music magazine with Alicia Keys on the cover hah). And somehow I get the impression that they haven't even played the game, since they spend about half the time talking about Hot Coffee and then say that the best change to the game is the "new" ability to zoom, aim, and lock onto targets haha. Theres literally no description of the actual game besides them saying that driving drunk is a lot of fun, but its still good to know that more and more reviews might be on their way i guess....

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Theres a very short review of the game in the May issue of Blender (some random music magazine with Alicia Keys on the cover hah). And somehow I get the impression that they haven't even played the game, since they spend about half the time talking about Hot Coffee and then say that the best change to the game is the "new" ability to zoom, aim, and lock onto targets haha. Theres literally no description of the actual game besides them saying that driving drunk is a lot of fun, but its still good to know that more and more reviews might be on their way i guess....

Petty little tabloids will often try to take advantage of whatever is popular at the moment. They probably had someone google "Grand Theft Auto" and write up the equivalent of a fifth grader's book report (if that).

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Yeah, I don't ever pay attention to music magazines reviewing games. They just pop in those reviews as filler, and the person doing the review probably knows less about the game than a casual gamer in the first place.

I usually don't pay attention to most music magazines reviewing music either. tounge.gif

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Petty little tabloids will often try to take advantage of whatever is popular at the moment. They probably had someone google "Grand Theft Auto" and write up the equivalent of a fifth grader's book report (if that).

Yup. You nailed it.




I usually don't pay attention to most music magazines reviewing music either.


You nailed it too! Haha!

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fuzzy dunlop

"There are still cars to jack, pedestrians to run over and hookers to shoot, but the latest installment of the mighty Grand Theft Auto series apparently does not contain another "Hot Coffee." In case you've forgotten, Hot Coffee was the "hidden" minigame...But even without this hardcore component, GTA IV is still likely to get Joe Lieberman's knickers in a twist.


GTA IV stars Niko Bellic, a recent Eastern European immigrant to Liberty City (an impressively rendered stand-in for New York), who gets involved in the criminal underworld to save his shady cousin from the Mob. The game showcases grittier, more realistic graphics than its predecessors, but the basic structure is largely the same-it's more evolutionary than revolutionary. One welcome change is the ability to zoom, aim and lock on to targets, which makes shootouts much less frustrating.


The best of the many side missions is going to make MADD even madder: It involves drunkenly driving a friend home from a bar( as the camera swings around wildly), making this perhaps the first DUI simulator in a mainstream video game. Inevitable controversy aside, GTA remains the undisputed champion of open-ended gaming, providing us with all the cars, guns and ho's we could want and a massive playground in which to indulge our darkest fantasies."

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Also, the "reviewer" states that a welcome change was the ability to aim, lock-on to targets and zoom? Umm, what's new about that? Obviously we have a real GTA enthusiast working overtime to get us all the "new" facts. Sheesh.



EDIT: Woops! I just saw that you had the "new" part in quotes. My post is officially moot. Hehe

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