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Surround Sound

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As far as I know, any sound system will work with the 360.

They don't make the exact model I have anymore but this is similar:


Logitech Z-5500 Digital


Yes it costs as much as your console but you won't be disappointed. Shop around. Run an optical cable from the optical port on the Xbox 360 component or HDMI cable to the controller of these speakers and you'll have it good.


The one I got is the Z-5450 which has wireless rear speakers (they have power cables but you don't have to run cable around the room to connect to the system). If you can find it around I recommend it.

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Thanks for the Z5500 recommendation.

Does the PS3 have an optical out? (I've yet to get a console for GTA IV!)


Does optical out work if you use HDMI to connect to your monitor? (I've yet to get a monitor for GTA IV!)




I'm torn between dedicated game surround like this and finally buying a surround sound receiver and center and rear speakers. I'm not sure if my spouse will let me monopolize the TV and stereo for the next six months. alien.gif


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Thanks for the Z5500 recommendation.

Does the PS3 have an optical out? (I've yet to get a console for GTA IV!)


Does optical out work if you use HDMI to connect to your monitor? (I've yet to get a monitor for GTA IV!)




I'm torn between dedicated game surround like this and finally buying a surround sound receiver and center and rear speakers. I'm not sure if my spouse will let me monopolize the TV and stereo for the next six months. alien.gif

Yes the PS3 has an optical out. It's right next to the HDMI out.


Yes you can still use optical out when you have HDMI connected. You have to go into the PS3's sound settings and select optical.



I just bought a Samsung HT-X40 for my room. I'm only using it for my 360 and PS3. It was on sale at Sears for 179.99. The only thing that disappoints me is only one optical out and no coaxcial out. Now I'll just have to buy and optical switcher for my PS3 and 360.



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Can anyone recommend some (decently priced) surround systems that are easily compatible with the 360?

Get the Logitech 5.1 speakers. Compatible with any system. I got mine for $50 at Amazon and I am greatly satisfied. Good quality and doesnt take up to much space. I haven't had any problems with them and my bro hasn't had any problems with his so I suggest you buy one of them.

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Can anyone recommend some (decently priced) surround systems that are  easily compatible with the 360?

Get the Logitech 5.1 speakers. Compatible with any system. I got mine for $50 at Amazon and I am greatly satisfied. Good quality and doesnt take up to much space. I haven't had any problems with them and my bro hasn't had any problems with his so I suggest you buy one of them.

And then how can you connect them to the console? I mean I have a 5.1 system but since it doesnt have optical inputs I cant connect it to the 360 sad.gif. Is there a way to do it? dont think so

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Your only bet if you don't have a toslink optical input is to try use the original component + 2x audio RCA lead , plug the 2 audio RCAs into your surround sound kit and see what happens. Even then you'll only get PLII as about your best...for true 5.1, you gotta use the Optical with these consoles.


What lead are you currently using to connect with anyway?

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Your only bet if you don't have a toslink optical input is to try use the original component + 2x audio RCA lead , plug the 2 audio RCAs into your surround sound kit and see what happens. Even then you'll only get PLII as about your best...for true 5.1, you gotta use the Optical with these consoles.


What lead are you currently using to connect with anyway?

Thanks for the help!! I will buy that because even if it isnt true 5.1 sound(it will be Dolby Pro logic II right?) I will still get sound from all my speakers so its better than nothing tounge.gif. Thanks

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