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GTA Action Figures

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Why doesn't McFarlane or some other company approach Rockstar or T2 about doing some GTA inspired action figures?


We were teased during Manhunt with action figure mock-ups but they never came to be. I would <3 putting my plastic Niko in his plastic Cheetah and parking them in the plastic open back hideout play set.



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Why doesn't McFarlane or some other company approach Rockstar or T2 about doing some GTA inspired action figures?


We were teased during Manhunt with action figure mock-ups but they never came to be. I would <3 putting my plastic Niko in his plastic Cheetah and parking them in the plastic open back hideout play set.

brilliaint idea mate honestly.


Mcfarlane would be the best for this. i love their marine figures especially.. and the detail on the GTA 4 models would be so good..


hope they think about this

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