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Tesco to break GTA release date?

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"UK supermarket Tesco today sent out its shopping leaflet to Clubcard holders, and Grand Theft Auto IV caught our eye. It could have just been another reminder that it’s being released on April 29… but hold on! The words read ‘Grand Theft Auto IV** out 25th April’. "



"Being smarter than a goat, we checked the asterisks, and it nothing is detailed about the release date being a pre-order date or anything similar. ‘*Available on Blu-ray **Available on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Subject to availability. See in store for further details’ it reads. "



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just a typo obviously

Pretty much. If they were to release it at that time, they wouldn't flagrantly advertise it like that.

ye i phoned and the manager had to be asked, he said its the first he has heard of this early release but they are not letting it go untill the official date of april the 29th, that would of been really good though lol nice find

as stated it will only be a misprint, somone either seen the date and wrote it wrong or even seen a date for somthing else and thort it was for GTA, A number of things couldave happen for them to write the 25th i say destraction off a hot blond and brunette going for it might have made him hurry up and just push 5 instead of 9 lolz tounge2.gif

Edited by Warnut

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